Sunday, 26 October 2014

140. "We are a proud Democracy..."


“We are a proud democracy, a welcoming and peaceful nation and a country of open arms and open hearts. We are a nation of fairness, of justice and of the rule of law. We will not be intimidated into changing that…” (Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau)


NOTE: What a beautiful experiment, showing random individuals among the average Canadian Citizen (i.e. types who require the bus for transportation) It may well be, as Mr. Trudeau indicates, a fair example of ALL our citizens.   

So then I ask, "When IS suspicion warranted? - "under the circumstances" (remember that most major phrase I am determined to receive an answer to?)

Let's look at the following fictitious scenario:
A cross section of differing Canadian types are waiting for the bus, myself, as well as the same young Muslim in white as per the above experiment included.   

A 'Person' joins the loosely grouped line-up. He/she is wearing a dark tuque, a kerchief covering most its face, a visibly filled back-pack, and an automatic rifle over her/his shoulder.

Although I notice a subtle shifting away demeanour by the group, some suspicious looks, several exchanges of questioning shrugs, no-one utters a word. I am finding this VERY interesting. 
Is this a 'Lone Wolf' in sheeps clothing? Curious, I amble up to the 'Individual.'

ME: "Is that an automatic weapon you're carrying?"
ME: "Did you know it's illegal to carry a fire arm - in public - in Canada?"
PERSON: Shrugs.
ME: "Why are you hiding your face?"
PERSON: Shrugs.
ME: "May I ask you what's in your back-pack."
PERSON: "Stuff..."
ME: I look around the curious group. "Stuff," I repeat. Everybody shrugs.
BUS-STANDER: "Maybe he's going to a party?"
2nd BUS-STANDER: "YEAH, it's Halloween; remember!"

Since everyone is so incredibly fair, understanding, forgiving, with not one ounce of suspicion, being one-hundred percent 'Democratic,' they all just smile, SHRUG, and delve back in to their mobiles!
Especially at Halloween, in a perfect society, polite Canadians don't ask questions...

Wishing everyone a "Happy Halloween," I leave the 'liberal' Democrats, deciding NOT to take the bus. With my right hand I wave a V peace sign, thinking: "What an amazing country I live in. Such wonderful, unassuming, pure thinking citizens! In the circumstances, all salt of the earth, I guess. "

I briskly walk towards the main Court of our land to attend my Divisional Appeal Hearing in front of a single judge, hoping to receive an explanation to my main question:

The Master decided, after some 2 years of Discovery:
"All questions or undertakings ordered answered have been found to be relevant and outstanding." "The above is fair and reasonable disposition, in the circumstances of this case."

I ask? WHAT WERE THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THIS CASE? to make the questions 'RELEVANT!' When DOES the time arrive to ask pertinent questions? Do we just blindly obey?

SINCE: "We are a nation of fairness, of justice and of the rule of law." (J.Trudeau)

I shall fly - at great expense - across this gloriously fair and just Nation, to meet up with one of the pillars of our society - an untouchable judge. His/her judgment shall rule on "the circumstances of this case." 
- Were the rules indeed adhered to fairly? Was I treated justly? 
If NOT: 
- Will I be allowed to proceed, and, with ALL REQUIRED DOCUMENTS long ago prepared and at the ready, prepare my claim for pre-trial?  Then, in fact, have my day in court?

Now THAT would be a miracle - in 'the Circumstances' - far removed from the average, unassuming, pure-thinking citizen!  

139. ALL of us are mere MORTALS.


The following is interesting in that it takes us to compare several of our established religions.

By Vivienne Stacey

1. What are the common elements in the two prayers?
2. What are the differences?
3. Can a Christian pray the Al-Fatiha or a Muslim the Lords prayer?
1. What are the common elements in the two prayers?

Both have respect, worship; guidance; and ask for mercy. 
Sura 2 has temptation, and condemnation.
Both praise God, Hallowed be your name.
Both ask for help.
The Lords prayer asks for specific help: - or bread, for help when tempted, and to be rescued
from evil. The Al-Fatiha asks for general help.

2. What are the differences?
The Lords Prayer:

Our Father in Heaven!
Hallowed be your name,
Your kingdom come,
Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our debts
as we have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.
Al-Fatiha (Sura 1):

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent;
The Merciful.
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds,
the Beneficent, the Merciful,
Owner of the Day of Judgement.

Thee (alone) we worship;
Thee (alone) we ask for help.

(Quran 2:286)
...Our Lord! Condemn us not if we forget, or
miss our mark!....
Pardon us, absolve us, have mercy on us, 
Thou our protector.
And give us victory over disbelieving folk.
Show us the straight path.
The path of those whom Thou has favoured;
Not (the path) of those who earn Thine anger
Nor of those who go astray.

1. What are the common elements in the two prayers?
2. What are the differences?
3. Can a Christian pray the Al - Fatiha or a Muslim the Lords prayer?

Both have respect, worship; guidance; and ask for mercy.
Sura 2 has temptation, and condemnation.
Both praise God, Hallowed be your name.
Both ask for help.
The Lords prayer asks for specific help: - or bread, for help when tempted, and to be rescued from evil. 
The Al - Fatiha asks for general help.

2 What are the differences?

The Lord’s Prayer is personal, and relational and talks of forgiving enemies.
The Al-Fatiha is distant, and talks of victory.
In The Lord’s Prayer, there is a request for forgiveness; this is very different.
The Al-Fatiha doesn’t talk of forgiveness, some other texts in the Quran invite people to forgive others but there is not a command to do so. It implies that God will only forgive those whom he favours.
Muslims were involved in warfare, physical and spiritual against the heathen in Mecca. When Mohammed entered Mecca, he did not fight the people because they surrendered and Mohammed pronounced an amnesty, Mohammed did not punish his enemies and Muslims are proud of this.

Sura 2:286 Victory over disbelieving folk. Yusuf Ali says that disbelieving folk are those who stand against the faith. The Arabic means those who haven’t a sound faith.
From a Muslim perspective, Jesus doesn’t follow Mohammed’s teaching so Christians are disbelievers. Christians follow the Old Testament and New Testament prophets, but are still unbelievers.

The Lords’ Prayer , talks of specific help: for physical (food), for Spiritual (from evil).
Al - Fatiha talks of general help.
The Lord’s Prayer has more of a Spiritual interpretation. But many Psalms, which now are taken in their spiritual sense, were at the time of writing taken literally. Literally asking for deliverance over existing physical enemies.
The Al - Fatiha has more of a literal interpretation. The Al - Fatiha asks for victory over existing physical enemies.
In The Al - Fatiha, God is the owner of the day of judgement.
In The Lords Prayer, God is ruler on earth and in heaven. In the end we know that judgement will come because God is the owner of judgement day.

Can a Christian pray the Al - Fatiha or a Muslim the Lords prayer?

There are parts of The Lords Prayer that a Muslim could pray, but does it mean the same to them?
Can they pray Our Father who is in Heaven?
God is not their father. They do not have a personal relationship with God that Christians have. It would make no sense to pray this. God is too distant, the creator and terrifyingly awesome.
Christians pray “Hallowed be thy name" just as Muslims pray "Praise be to Allah."


Bloggers Note:

I do not mean the 'etcetera' in any DEMEANING manner! 
REMEMBER, the above text is QUOTED (not mine)

I merely add the above for consideration, to show our differences, yet similarities. 
I also stress that I am an INDIVIDUAL HUMAN BEING, with my own beliefs. And so long those beliefs are my own, and I do not force them on, or trouble anyone else with them, and as long as I adhere to live within the laws of my chosen domiciled land - THIS land, called CANADA, I ask you to leave me be in PEACE. This is the part of Democracy we were so close to attaining! 

BUT, here too, we are now showing strain and regression. 
This is truly sad, and seriously disconcerting.  

So PLEASE folk, beyond the rhetoric and turmoil of any formed religious expression, please allow me to concentrate on my general objective in trying to UPGRADE the Canadian LEGAL system, in the hope that it will serve ALL CITIZENS more justly, whatever their denomination.

And, as a basic SERVICE to ALL its citizens - NO MORE + NO LESS - while servicing its deserving citizens, respecting their differences. VIVE LA DIFFERENCE!  It ads breadth and depth to the human journey. CARPE DIEM! 
Is it yet attainable? 
Only Time, that illusive 'dimension', will tell. 

_(PS: I have had serious problems with the FONT sizes on this Posting. Is it my Computer?
The software, or something else?...) It will have to do...


Saturday, 25 October 2014

138. FEAR now defines The HOUSE of MAN!


While paying lip service to the 'OLD' Democracy - whatever we thought it stood for - the 'NEW' Democracy is gaining a foothold.  The ability to arrest people for their views. To take their Passports away; to announce that when 2 deranged young citizens who had been on the Nations Radar for months had defined the 'FACT' that muslim terrorists had landed to take over the state, is a slanting of truth that can only suggest we have truly arrived in the Police State. Move over Vladimir...

Is it too late to call a spade a spade? To sensibly interpret the balance of equilibrium? To clarify the Ying and Yang of TRUTH? How DID the homeless, troubled youth manage to obtain his gun? WHY did 'they,' our government (who had had him on their radar for months), allow him to KILL the innocent soldier in full view - outside - in front of several bystanders, then ALLOW him to PENETRATE the Parliament building? Where were the security men hanging out?

To me, the simple answer remains the same: All is manipulated by the string-holders! The ones in power. Power can of course be defined in a myriad ways. Nevertheless, the essence is always the same. For example: a V8 has more 'power' than a V6 (I don't mean the drink, although I should-a-had a few more of them). Although one can argue that an old V8, running on dirty oil and old pistons may not do as well as a youthful, well maintained V6.

Raised by his Mother with a mostly absent Dad, the Mother scolds her son's bad behaviour for smoking and drinking, threatening his father's might with a certain amount of lashings. Upon return from his sales trip, a smoking, drunken father enters the house to be informed of the son's bad behaviour during his absence. Receiving his due punishment, the young man grows up with hypocrisy manifested all around him. With no solid basic foundation to guide him, and no job in sight, he becomes attracted and falls prey to the beckoning lure of a foreign 'Justice.'

Fear is the most almighty of emotions. Fear of loss of job; fear of Cancer; fear of mental illness; E-bola; the fear of all-mighty God! The 'beast' can at any moment enter the cave! So, ask no questions; look away from evil; do as you are told. With our numbers growing exponentially, mostly in the rapidly becoming technically savvy 'under-developed' world, we are seeing the understandable DEMAND to have the amenity luxuries enjoyed in a still abundant West.  

So to come full circle to my battle with our legal system, as a picayune, old fuddy-dud, used to having things 'make sense,' the order to now have to ARGUE my case in Court, to accept I will be judged by a single judge (not 3 or 5), to swallow the fact that Counterclaims can take priority over a Claim, the fact Judges can err, since they have no comeuppance (they are the lord and master over their domain), the reality conflict of interest and collusion are daily truths; the over-all realization we,
the masses are being manipulated by the few who are in charge - all of this should NOT be a surprise.  

Feudalism is alive and well! Whether it is in a Police state, or not. Democracy never was, and never will be. It is an UN-Natural system. The powerful will never allow it!

Have a nice day  ... :)

Thursday, 23 October 2014



Ebola, ISIS, Global Warming, random killings in the Mid East (tens of thousands innocent dead; millions displaced; mayhem reigns supreme).
Random killings in Ottawa (2 dead) > "We need to protect our rights and liberties in a democracy"(PM Stephen Harper).
Then, of course, there are the burgers without antibiotics, or the $99.99.99 specials that are limited while supplies last - our assistants are standing by...!

The rhetoric of hypocrisy is running rampant and is now rooted at our very core. NOTHING means ANYTHING anymore. We are living a fool-proof LIE! And this hype of make-belief is boiling over. It's only the beginning folks. We ain't seen nothing YET Human volcanoes are bursting across the globe. So batten down the hatches, since there will soon be a hurricane in YOUR neighbourhood. Move over baby. Get ready.

As per the above VIEW tally we are now @ the 10, 000 count. Does it mean anything? Is it accurate? Does it even matter? Since I have received only a few responses,* the count may be pure fallacy. But if it IS erroneous, the count at least renders me that 'semblance of relevance.'

As mentioned before, justice is not natural. It does not exist in Nature. Mind you, research with  Monkeys is showing where an unfair handout for the same achievement is met with anger! So, a characteristic in primates may have established the demand for a certain innate fairness.
This may have ultimately led our Human efforts towards the concept of 'civilization.'

All I will say is, we have precious little time left to stop our hypocritical shenanigans and put our beliefs to practice. Be honest for a change. For now, I'm committed to venture on to best interpret my argument for December 3.

I wonder who the appointed judge will be? Does a Judge, each time she/he enters the Court Room swear an oath to his/her Office? "I am one of the Pillars of my society, a society called 'Democracy.' I will be fair; I will be impartial: I will be just; I will be ....HMMM? But I am human too; didn't sleep that well last night. I note, another SRL wannabe informant flew all the way from the BC Wet-coast  HMMM... looking for 'justice'...HMMM...Let's have another look at those Rules, of Civil Procedure!

* The few I did receive were MUCH appreciated; I gained good information from them.

Sunday, 19 October 2014

136. Rhetoric of Language versus the Argument of Relevance.

VIEWS@ 9964

In anticipation of creating my argument for the Appeal Hearing, like playing chess, I am challenged to understand the type of rhetoric to use. As Mr. Novice SRL Citizen, I am up against the Masters.

Chess, with its defined up-front nature, is confined by strict Rules. The immediacy of the open-board visual playing field does not allow for any slight of hand. Every action is finite; click; move.

Courts of Justice seem more prone to the game of 'cards.'  Now you see it, then you don't. A slight of hand, a cleverly inserted diversion, a concoction of puzzling verbal diatribe, a technicality, each leaves room for perpetual adjustment; hence the need for open 'argument'. The theatre of the Court!

The following is a quote sample of what will be one of my Appeal Exhibits. It is part of the transcript from the September 20, 2013, 'Special Appointment' with Ottawa's Master Macleod.
 Page 22 (COURT= Master Macleod)

THE COURT: "But what I'm being asked to do is strike out your claim and allow the counterclaim to continue.
STEEN: Well, you will do whatever you feel the need to do, Master.
THE COURT: Well, here's the difficulty, as I understand it, what you're telling me is, you just refused to follow Master Roger's order.
STEEN: No. I did not.
COURT: ...and that you disagree with it.
STEEN: *1) I explained it very clearly in my rebuttal, why ultimately at the final May 8th conference, again, with a whole new motion - which didn't start out as a Motion - which was something, I'm not even understanding what it is. It's a requisition for a long motion, something... It's not easy sir, to be out here in this different jurisdiction and to - handle these affairs by mail and I have been continually suggested that I hire counsel, and when I did, we were further in - I and I can - yeah, I was further in the mud than before.
COURT: Well, that's the other problem, isn't it? *2) Your counsel agreed to this order, did he not?
STEEN: I know, he didn't help me one bit.
COURT:  Right. So having consented to the order that's the same as you consenting to it.  You can't then suddenly say well, I'm now changing my mind. It is a court order. You didn't appeal it. I know you are saying now that you want me to review what Master Roger ordered, *3) but I don't have the jurisdiction to do that."

(NOTE: I did, again, try to file a Motion, questioning the Order; NONE of any of my Motions were ever acknowledged! And WHY is every official's excuse: "I don't have jurisdiction to tackle this?" If Masters don't have jurisdiction over Rule 21, how is it that ultimately the case was dismissed - by a Master? Or was discovery sufficiently dragged out to exasperate me in the end, and thus allow for dismissal based on my refusal to continue to comply in perpetuity, claim relevance be damned.) 

To any Party on a Question of Law
21.01 (1) (2) A party may move before a judge, 
To Defendant
(3) A defendant may move before a judge to have an action stayed or dismissed on the ground that,
(a) the court has no jurisdiction over the subject matter of the action;
Capacity (b); Another Proceeding (c)
Action Frivolous, Vexatious or Abuse of Process
(d) the action is frivolous or vexatious or is otherwise an abuse of the process of the court, and a judge may make an order or grant judgment accordingly.

(NOTE: If indeed as Master Roger stated in his December 06, 2012 order that he had no Jurisdiction on Rule 21, advising Defense to find Counsel if they wanted to bring that Rule in to play.
Remember as well, Defense offering a 'frivolous' $30,000 to settle out of court. And WHO was abusing the process of the court with their continuous motions, dragging out discovery? 
P. 27
STEEN: ....."Why am I forced to answer questions that have nothing to do with the claim at hand.  (....) if they do have something that is relevant, then, show me.
COURT: But Mr.Steen, *4) they've been found by Master Roger to be relevant or these being found or he has found that you consented to answer them and so, he ordered...
STEEN: Uh-huh.
 COURT: ... You to answer them.
STEEN: I never said (inaudible) ...
COURT: Well you did through Mr.Griffiths, and so, he has ordered you to answer them.
(NOTE: My then Counsel promised me to shut down the "puffery of these defendants," and prepare us for trial. This Counsel who fell apart, without consulting me -his client- went entirely against his earlier promises.)
COURT (cont): And you didn't appeal the order and so, it is an order and the findings are the findings.
I'm not sitting in appeal of Master Roger. I'm not going to overturn his order.
STEEN: "... What would guarantee me by answering them regardless if I find them relevant or not and I will until my grave question this, but, if you were to give me 30 days to answer them, how can I have a guarantee that, after answering them there will not be anymore questions asked.
COURT:  You can't have a guarantee (...) because it depends what the answers are and they have a right (...) to ask further questions.
STEEN:  In that case could you or Master Roger please explain to me on paper, in what way the questions I am forced to answer are relevant to the claim in issue, because all I know is sir, I know the the rules of civil procedure and they are very clear. They were changed in 2010, they were updated where the 'semblance of of relevance' was changed to the 'questions must be relevant to the case at issue.'
COURT: *5I've read what you said about that, and I've read - and I know all about that because amongst other things, I was at the Rule committee when they passed the Rules, so.
But I will tell you that, we're not debating that ...
COURT: (cont) today, that is what Master Roger was supposed to take in to account when he made his order.  (...) and so, if you read the rules they say that, when the Court makes an order....
(...) *6) it shall take to account proportionality and the other purposes of the Rules. And one of the things that the court can do is to intervene to prevent ongoing, unnecessary discovery, but...
COURT: ... that's not what we're dealing with today.
STEEN: Well, that's what I thought we were dealing with.
COURT: Well, we're not. We're dealing with the fact that you were ordered to answer these things, so the determination that they were necessary has already been made by the court, you've just...
STEEN:  Without...
COURT: ...decided...
STEEN: ...without...
COURT: disagree.
STEEN:... explaining it?
COURT: *7) Well, it's not the role of the Court to give you advice, so ....
NOTE: Steen discusses the Role of Case Management, as he understands it.
COURT:  ... We're wandering far afield from the - from the issue. The issue is, you were ordered to do something and you haven't done it and therefore, they're asking for a remedy. The most extreme remedy...
COURT: ... is to dismiss your action. There are other remedies. I can order costs. I can give you more time to do it. I can - do other things, but ...
STEEN: But, if you ordered to give me more time to do it, since we have spoken today,*8) this scenario can continue, you know, forever, unless - unless somebody puts a stop to some - to something - at some point. As you said, you can dismiss the case today because I didn't comply. You can allow me another 30 days or whatever, you know, you would allow to answer these questions. Then, when I answer the questions, regardless of my feelings because I was so ordered by Master Roger, then there again could be a motion wanting more questions, so do - are you not in a position as a Master to say that, if Mr.Steen answers these next set of questions there shall be no more motions.
COURT:  Yeah. No. I would not make that kind of an order because I don't know what your answers would be. So when - when your answers are answered, then. if they ask for more questions *9) and you think that is unreasonable, then and only then would I be in a position to determine whether I agree with you or not.
STEEN: Okay. So may I ask you this then? If you are going to allow me another 30 days to answer these questions, would you then also allow me to ask further questions?
COURT: That issue is not in front of me today. You have not brought a motion about your questions and so, I don't have any opinion on that at all.
STEEN: So okay. So, again, the focus is on me?
COURT: Yes. It's completely on you because the - the - one of the problems with the relief they're asking asking for, is they're asking me to dismiss your claim, but not the counter counter-claim, so you're still in the action even, if I dismiss it.
STEEN: Even though we've been (...) dealing most of the time with the counterclaim and so - from a practical perspective, what would happen, if you were to dismiss my claim, the counter-claim which
has already taken up more than half of the energies to date, would just trundle on, on the side and it - it would just unfold or would it be re-reprented?
COURT: *10) It would continue, presumably, unless they discontinue it, it would continue and then, they would set it down for trial when they think they're ready. 
STEEN: Okay, so the counterclaim would continue on as it has been ....(etc)
COURT: Yeah. You've already had some of those things *11) because you're treating them, as if they're two different things.  At the moment, it'a an action with a claim and a counter-claim
COURT (cont): and so, whatever has happened has happened, but yes, the relief they're requesting deals only with the claim, strikes out your claim. It does not - it does not dismiss the counterclaim. (etc)
STEEN: Okay. Well, I - I really have nothing more to add, sir, It's up to you now.

Master Macleod turns to BLG's Kirk Boyd asking for any further input. Mr. Boyd mentions the claim being for some $700,000. (Note: this figure, together with Defense's earliest posturing dollar amounts, have long left the reality of issues, when the Plaintiff offered to settle for some $85,000 in 2010) 
Mr. Boyd spends a page and a half bemoaning his clients "substantial business losses," which are not trivial; none of its issues have been answered. He re-iterates to the Master, giving Mr. Steen more time would be a waste; it would certainly be prejudicial to his client. There's discussion about whether - if the matter is to proceed - whether the present answers (Steen's) are satisfactory etc. They would need to come back on that... Costs are discussed. I listen, quite amazed, at the tonality of their voices (remember I'm on the phone from BC). The sound is a buddy/buddy type, tete a tete to me.

*1) I explained it very clearly in my rebuttal...

I tried to file a number of Motions, questioning the continued allowances for Defense Motions asking ongoing irrelevant questions. Save for one, NONE of mine were ever acknowledged, or presented, whereas Defences Motions continued to be allowed. The one Motion acknowledged was "Added to defines Counsels papers." There were clear trespasses occurring here? WHAT HAPPENED HERE?
Who does one turn to?

*2) Your counsel agreed to this order did he not?

My Counsel performed a Jekyll and Hyde act. He did the opposite of what he had promised me! In secret, without consulting with me. And this man is a law professor - disgraceful!

*3) but I don't have the jurisdiction to do that.

I seriously question the continuous usage of this escape phrase. Someday, someone will explain it to me. It's like saying when you're cornered, for whatever reason, 'sorry it's beyond my capacity as a lay judge.' And YET! A master is ultimately able to dismiss a claim! What is going on here, I ask?

*4) they've been found by Master Roger to be relevant or these being found or he has found that you consented to answer them and so, he ordered..

This, to me, is a fascinating sentence concoction. "...he has found that you consented to answer them..."In a next post I will tackle the hidden meanings of manipulation.

*5I've read what you said about that, and I've read - and I know all about that because amongst other things, I was at the Rule committee when they passed the Rules, so.
But we are not debating that... (today) 

So there it is. Master Macleod knows all about the 2010 'tightening' of the Discovery Rules. He was at the hearings! He knows about 'Relevance to the issues at hand.' But since Master Roger found the questions 'Relevant' he is not about to question his colleague! Furthermore, we are NOT DEBATING THAT TODAY!  We NEVER seem to be debating ANYTHING this PLAINTIFF is trying to serve up!

*6) it shall take to account proportionality and the other purposes of the Rules. And one of the things that the court can do is to intervene to prevent ongoing, unnecessary discovery, but...

We're not talking about that today! And it is clear to the Plaintiff, we never will! Since Defence is in control of the wheel house.
What with ongoing Defence Motion filings, Discovery mainly focused on the Counterclaim (the first Blog I ran). Matters were allowed to continue indefinitely, getting further away from the claim's issues at hand.
I began to become suspicious. Realizing Defence had NO interest in going to court, I became suspicious of what they were up to. By my consenting to answer questions entirely outside the realm of relevance, were they possibly out to trick me? Were they riling me on purpose? Looking for me to loose it and state mentally disturbing things, so they could prove my instability?  

After some 3 years of discovery one would assume a diligent officer, in this case one of the Masters, with adherence to the Rules of Discovery and his obligatory duty to his oath of office, would have seriously questioned the Validity of Defence's continued filing of Motions and allowances for ongoing, case-irrelevant questions.

The December 06, 2012, 3 hour (150 page Exhibit transcript) conference clearly shows Master Pierre Roger showing his in-experience with websites. He never questions Defence, accepting pointblank their ridiculous questions. He NEVER ONCE  asks how a question has bearing to the issues of the non-compliant contractual claim.

* 7) Well, it's not the role of the Court to give you advice, so 

I was asking for an EXPLANATION NOT ADVICE!
That said, the Court OFTEN gives advice! I have ample proof of it!

*8) this scenario can continue, you know, forever, unless - unless somebody puts a stop to some - to something - at some point.

Clearly the "scenario" IS continuing forever, and the ONLY way to put a STOP to it, is to DISMISS IT!

*9) and you think that is unreasonable, then and only then would I be in a position to determine whether I agree with you or not.

 As a Pillar of our society, this professional has clearly seen it all. He has NO interest to question previous orders, or the behaviour of the junior Master. That's NOT what we're doing here! Masters and Judges are pretty well untouchable. To question their motives, their reasonings, is pretty well a death knell.
When you can prove a Judge erred on PURPOSE, as in the case of the BC Judge, short of suing the department of the Attorney General, what can you do?

*10) It would continue, presumably, unless they discontinue it, it would continue and then, they would set it down for trial when they think they're ready. 

There you have it folks! In BLACK + WHITE! The Master states that DEFENCE IS IN CHARGE OF PROCEEDINGS! Whatever they decide to do, shall be done!

*11) ... because you're treating them, as if they're two different things. 

Yes, I sincerely apologize for that. I learned the hard way, by not understanding for a long time, that one may file a claim, but then if there is a COUNTER-claim, it may well be that IT, can take priority!
It's like the Rules..." I order THIS, but if you prefer, you might wish to do THAT!

The court will decide which way matters will be interpreted along the way. So buckle up!
HERE AGAIN IS WHERE IT ALL WENT HAYWIRE! If only I would have known that Ontario default Rule when in BC Court with Madame Justice Justine Saunders! Lack of Jurisdiction indeed!

The Default Rule for filing in BC - Rule 1 (2) (a)) is to file in the Jurisdiction of the Defense!
 BUT, there is the very explicit or Rule 1 (2) (b) ....
If you can prove a number of factors, and I could, that proved the Jurisdiction legitimate...
Rule 1 — Making a Claim

Completing a notice of claim

(1)  To make a claim, a person must complete a notice of claim (Form 1) following the instructions on the form.

Filing a notice of claim

(2)  A claimant must file a notice of claim and pay the required fee at the Small Claims Registry nearest to where
(a) the defendant lives or carries on business, or
(b) the transaction or event that resulted in the claim took place.

- The Default Rule for filing in Ontario  (Rule 6.01 (1) (a) (i)

Place of Commencement and Trial
6.01  (1)  An action shall be commenced,
(a) in the territorial division,
(i) in which the cause of action arose, or
(ii) in which the defendant or, if there are several defendants, in which any one of them resides or carries on business; or

As you can see readers, the LAW is as fickle as is allowable by the Pillars who are in charge of our democratic hypocrisy.

Friday, 17 October 2014

135. FEUDALCRACY anyone?

VIEWS@ 9948

"We Need to Bring the SRL Phenomenon into Legal Education – But First, We Have to Bring Working with Clients into the Law School Curriculum

by nsrlp "

So states the heading of the latest email Posting by the nsrlp. I happily subscribe to the ardent and noble fervour with which the nsrlp suggests proceeding to introduce fundamental changes to the legal system, i.e. at the grass root level - the law students themselves! Are you listening profs?

My personal endeavour is focused towards the fundamentals of the system. My experience with those in the 'biz' of law, leads me to compare the 'BOOK' (i.e. its Rules and Regulations) to what is actually being allowed in practice.  

The 'WHY' is easier understood, when you study the nitty gritty details of the rhetoric that envelops the text. The either/ or Rules instills confusion. It promotes debate and looses context through 'argument.' 

Argument may befit a marital conflict, as to which parent is the more nurturing, hands-on partner; it has NO PLACE during the litigation of a contract, especially one that sets out clearly defined objectives, with dates attached and the para statement that both parties, upon signing, are "herewith legally bound." 

SIX YEARS in to the nightmare of what should have been a simple Court case's outcome, is the type of utter MADNESS and DISGRACE of misappropriation that MUST BE STOPPED AT ANY COST! This is clearly NOT the students' responsibility; these required changes lie at the heart of the system, with its creators! We, the people, must demand they be improved, IMMEDIATELY! 

With the increase of Case Law, the unaccountability of our top officials, and case manipulation by expensive Counsel, the legal system is becoming a self-serving farce of justice! As one USA lawyer I spoke with stated: "The courts are not about Justice, Jan."  
If then the concept of Democracy is a proven Myth, since it appears this 'Demo' has gone 'Crazy,' let us revisit the Concept and change the word by re-naming it - Feudalcracy.  

We will at least know who we are serving! 

Sunday, 12 October 2014

134. Happy Thanks-Giving to CORRUPTiON


Based on watching CBC news, discussing global affairs, I feel a need to respond.

"We know what we can do!" Someone says. "The future of Canada is in great hands," a Commercial affirms!" Then again, "The perpetrators may be the Police!" another headline goes.

Then there's the recent debate about the state of our 'Legal System,' discussing a 'Society of Equals' with our Judges, in a search for a genuine dialogue between disparates? It has been going on for millennia, and I say: "Sorry, just smelling the coffee won't be enough."    

With globally festering, unattended wounds, our species is imploding at an alarming rate! Like lemmings, we are running amok. From that perspective, all is rhetorical gobbledegook!"

Let's face it, 'CORRUPTION' is just another way of saying 'Survival of the Fittest!' Like protects like. It has been, and always shall be, the only true reality. Democracy, though noble with its intentions, is an outmoded myth. Like the disappearance of the Myan culture and various Chinese Dynasties, the fall of a decadent Rome, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, we too will come to pass.

Let the Oceans rise and consume our run-away species. We are clearly proving NOT to deserve to be here. Rapt in Awe, it is every man for himself, and the devil take the hindmost. How more cliche can it be?

So folks! "Buy now, while supplies last; operators are standing by to take your money!"

PS: The above is coming from a generally highly positive person! Only a miracle can save us.
DUH :> !

Sunday, 5 October 2014

133. The end of the Chronic Imbalance.


Whether it's the Ku Klux Klan, the Club of Rome, or the Order of the Skull and Bones, it is a natural behaviour for survival of those who choose to maintain their hierarchy by protecting their territory. Sharks and hyenas do it; even tiny Hummingbirds do it!

However, unless we are satisfied to bow down and subjugate to the powers of the few who control our society; unless we are prepared to accept domination; unless we are willing to forego the concept of democracy, we will need to stand strong, in order to defend our citizens' rights.

What is interesting here is that the moment you involve 'others,' you are at the whim of the individual's behavioural patterns. The moment you begin thinking of the concept 'US', there's friction and need for further explanation. You are going beyond the 'SELF' here.

Every movement needs leaders. Busy surviving, the Masses will support you, as long as they do not have to DO anything - extra!
They need to hear the confirmative message from their leader: "I stand to do THIS and THAT!"
"YEAH!" > Then everyone screams >  "Get it on!" "You've got MY vote!" "Do it!"

Every morning over my cuppas (2) organic Java's, I sign petitions, may change the text of a generic message. But SORRY gang, I can't contribute $$, or go in to Facebook, or mass email my friends etc, and give you half my day's hours. Ten minutes, towards a single cause .... there's an hour of my day right there!

So, in order to tell those clever folk who have been taking advantage of us that we have had enough of their solitary reign, their self-serving transgressions? - we need to be polite, gentle, and respectfully convey to them why we feel the time has come to transform the overall 'concept of democracy.'  To indicate that, to date, we do not concur that 'Democracy' has been run in a optimally democratic fashion. That it has been a little skewed, so to speak.

Below, I appreciatively copy an individual's take on being an SRL in our wanting Democracy.
Together we stand! Divided we fail.

"Re: Condescending judges get an earful, Opinion Sept. 22

Judges play an important role in making participants in our justice system feel they are welcome and that their issues are being fairly heard. My experience as a self-represented litigant was mostly positive, since the judge in my case was generally very respectful and helpful. Nevertheless, in a process that was at bottom an extension of my own personal conversation with my ex-wife, it was hard not feel like I was an unwelcome guest.
Justice in a democracy must be accessible to all citizens. Convoluted processes and disrespectful interactions with the managers and gatekeepers of the system are intolerable. Exclusionary professional regulations serve to protect “guild” interests and inevitably make us ubiquitous “non-lawyers” unwelcome. It is important that judges recognize every citizen’s right to be there and to be fairly heard and to be justly treated are important in breaking down barriers to full citizen access this important, but ancient club.
I am a signatory to the Open Letter to the Canadian Judiciary. Our goal is to start a process of education and change. We hope to educate those judges who have not had an opportunity to reflect on the enormous rise in the numbers of self-represented litigants whom they face every day in Canada’s courts. We hope to press for change to a system that has built up walls of self-protection and self-preservation; walls that shut out all but the professional practitioners of law.
I am optimistic that the system can be more accessible and that a renewed legal profession and justice system would better serve its citizens and be more rewarding for those who work within it. At the moment, it is daunting, convoluted and costly. Let’s fix it!
Andrew R. McGinn, Ayr "

This Blogger's NOTE: 

Judges, as dedicated 'Pillars of our Society,' are like Christ himself. Regardless, they are our democratically chosen representatives, there to interpret the very epitome of our democracy.    
The pressure on these individuals to maintain their oaths and dedication to service seems insurmountable. In my lifetime, I have discovered people are just that way - vulnerable.  

Thursday, 2 October 2014

132. Life defined by the rhetoric of ARGUMENT.


Last week, at 75, I became a grandfather. Thinking I had avoided this reality, I was mistaken. The quick-pick prints of my granddaughter adorn my walls now. They come in almost daily, delivered by their proud Daddy-son-offspring. Bring her on son! We'll figure it out! She's glorious!

No longer in the midst of life, as an elder, you have time to reminisce. Although you still pay taxes,  there is time to interpret yourself more objectively within the systems. Close to being discarded, you learn to accept your ever increasing 'passive' role.

Are we indeed MacLuhan's global village now? Yip. We are spinning by the nano-second ongoingly faster. We are having clear indications that in the house of humans, no-one is in charge! All aboard?

Will we indeed prove to be a failed species, as a 'old' friend of mine argues! OR, are we more the 'run-away' species, as I maintain, since in my view, when nature allows a niche to be filled, it is FAR from FAILED, it is 'natural.'

Our species masses are now preoccupied with tech-gadgetry and non-invasive gobbledygook rhetoric; B Gates and S Jobs saw to that; they are our present day L Da Vinci. Although this slows the species to a crawl, those who feed us continue to do what is necessary to fill their pockets. The haves versus the needy! And WE, the masses are the needy! Good for them, but beware 'us', the vulnerable!

So, when it comes to defend yourself, as an individual, you are going to need a bloody good argument with good PR and a large amount of people watching! An argument that can not be ignored, and ultimately has to be acknowledged! It's all about the rules now.

Aye, there's the rub! To prepare the all persuasive argument, to prove beyond a shadow of doubt that the system erred, and erred knowingly and transparently!

Aye Ladies and Gentles, THAT'S the objective of the argument!