While absolute madness, chaos and mayhem continue to reign around our precious planet, I had a feeling towards the end of last year, with some general signs coming in to my daily email from: AllOut, SumOfUs, LeadNow, FairVote, FriendsOfCBC, BCMediation, CNSRLP etc. (to name a few),
that maybe, just MAYBE, 2015 could become that turn-around year.
A turn-around year to stop the crooked and the crazed from any further infiltration by indelibly saturating us with their criminal activities and complete our path towards self-destruction.
Can the dogged insistence of a relative few in fact manage to turn this wayward cargo ship around,
put an end to blind greed and let sensibility and goodness get their fair opportunity? Or is this just naive and wishful thinking, with the powerful path towards annihilation already too far advanced?
The cliche 'Time Will Tell' holds steady watch, as it grinds its daily, ever unfolding expansion of our universe. We may disappear as a run-away species, but the cosmos shall reign indubitably forever.
So if Time can take us to the essence of this case, Justice Hackland please take your time to get to the bottom and unearth the true relevance of the matters at issue here. Separate the wheat from the chaff, and under the circumstances, with a fine-tooth comb SEE the circumstances for what they truly are.
What type of chess is this?
Saturday, 31 January 2015
Wednesday, 21 January 2015
158. Hearing UN-eventful.
In an initial email sent to both counsels, Justice Charles T. Hackland, assigned to the hearing, had indicated: "I have read all the appeal materials." He had added my allowance to listen in: "Would you please attempt to have the polyphone available for this motion."
Instructed to call the Court at 2:30 PM EST, and ask to be put through to Court Room #34, not #59, I was advised to dial back "in 10 minutes." After I did, I could hear what must have been a multi-directional mike being positioned. Its result was, with no questions dared asking, that I could hear both Counsels well enough (not great), but, although aware when the judge was speaking, I could not decipher a WORD of what he was saying. Once again, so much for the privileges extended an extra-jurisdictional Canadian Citizen > 'Client.'
Within the total 1hour and 5 minutes, each counsel took some 30 mins to argue their position. The bulk of the hearing, with case law samples rendered, tackled the issues of whether the appellant was given a last, final, and definitive opportunity to answer the undertakings YES, or NO! This was with the added understanding by the appellant he was under the impression only a judge could dismiss a claim, as well as his firm belief in the Rules, and how he felt he had adhered to them.
My Counsel made it clear that "getting the action reinstated is our number one priority."
This listener only became aware the hearing was over, when his counsel spoke in to the mike and informed him of such, indicating she would correspond with me later.
My assumptions Justice Hackland had reserved judgment was correct. One to two weeks are his indications for a decision, as my counsel informs.
So let's hope Justice Hackland had a rum-toddy or two with Santa Claus, and in accordance to his oath of office, and tough reputation, renders a fair and just decision > "in the circumstances."
In an initial email sent to both counsels, Justice Charles T. Hackland, assigned to the hearing, had indicated: "I have read all the appeal materials." He had added my allowance to listen in: "Would you please attempt to have the polyphone available for this motion."
Instructed to call the Court at 2:30 PM EST, and ask to be put through to Court Room #34, not #59, I was advised to dial back "in 10 minutes." After I did, I could hear what must have been a multi-directional mike being positioned. Its result was, with no questions dared asking, that I could hear both Counsels well enough (not great), but, although aware when the judge was speaking, I could not decipher a WORD of what he was saying. Once again, so much for the privileges extended an extra-jurisdictional Canadian Citizen > 'Client.'
Within the total 1hour and 5 minutes, each counsel took some 30 mins to argue their position. The bulk of the hearing, with case law samples rendered, tackled the issues of whether the appellant was given a last, final, and definitive opportunity to answer the undertakings YES, or NO! This was with the added understanding by the appellant he was under the impression only a judge could dismiss a claim, as well as his firm belief in the Rules, and how he felt he had adhered to them.
My Counsel made it clear that "getting the action reinstated is our number one priority."
This listener only became aware the hearing was over, when his counsel spoke in to the mike and informed him of such, indicating she would correspond with me later.
My assumptions Justice Hackland had reserved judgment was correct. One to two weeks are his indications for a decision, as my counsel informs.
So let's hope Justice Hackland had a rum-toddy or two with Santa Claus, and in accordance to his oath of office, and tough reputation, renders a fair and just decision > "in the circumstances."
Monday, 19 January 2015
157. Appeal Hearing Change of Hour
Quick update!
The HOUR of our hearing tomorrow has been changed from 10 AM to 2:30PM (EST)
The only information about the judge is a name, and the word - 'TOUGH.'
tough |təf|adjective1 (of a substance or object) strong enough to withstand adverse conditions or rough or careless handling: tough backpacks for climbers.• (of a person or animal) able to endure hardship or pain; physically robust: even at this ripe old age, he's still as tough as old boots.• able to protect one's own interests or maintain one's own opinions without being intimidated by opposition; confident and determined: she's both sensitive and tough.• demonstrating a strict and uncompromising attitude or approach:police have been getting tough with drivers |tough new laws on tobacco advertising.• (of a person) strong and prone to violence: tough young teenagers.• (of an area) notorious for violenceand crime.• (of food, esp. meat) difficult to cutor chew.2 involving considerable difficulty or hardship; requiring great determination or effort: the training has been quite tough | he had a tough time getting into a good college.• used to express sympathy with someone in an unpleasant or difficult situation: Poor kid. It's tough onher.• [ often as exclamation ] used to express a lack of sympathy with someone: I feel the way I feel, and if you don't like it, tough.nouna tough person, esp. a gangster or criminal: young toughs sporting their state-of-the-art firearms.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Having digested the various extensions of the above, matters tomorrow can clearly go either way:
1) If the tough judge is annoyed about an SRL who has been questioning procedures and officers of the system, things may look bleak; the judge may be intolerant and 'tough.'
2) However, if the judge has a principled conscience and is tough on manipulation, and the taken advantage of accessible and allowable circumstances, and at the same time can appreciate someone who respects the Rules of Civil Procedure by showing perseverance through adversity, in order to get to the essence and 'relevance of the subject matter at issue,'
the judge may ultimately be prepared to allow the cancelation of the dismissal, and allow the case to at long last get to the bottom of the issues and the TRUTH and FACTS of the history of this the matters!
We shall know this soon enough.
Quick update!
The HOUR of our hearing tomorrow has been changed from 10 AM to 2:30PM (EST)
The only information about the judge is a name, and the word - 'TOUGH.'
tough |təf|adjective1 (of a substance or object) strong enough to withstand adverse conditions or rough or careless handling: tough backpacks for climbers.• (of a person or animal) able to endure hardship or pain; physically robust: even at this ripe old age, he's still as tough as old boots.• able to protect one's own interests or maintain one's own opinions without being intimidated by opposition; confident and determined: she's both sensitive and tough.• demonstrating a strict and uncompromising attitude or approach:police have been getting tough with drivers |tough new laws on tobacco advertising.• (of a person) strong and prone to violence: tough young teenagers.• (of an area) notorious for violenceand crime.• (of food, esp. meat) difficult to cutor chew.2 involving considerable difficulty or hardship; requiring great determination or effort: the training has been quite tough | he had a tough time getting into a good college.• used to express sympathy with someone in an unpleasant or difficult situation: Poor kid. It's tough onher.• [ often as exclamation ] used to express a lack of sympathy with someone: I feel the way I feel, and if you don't like it, tough.nouna tough person, esp. a gangster or criminal: young toughs sporting their state-of-the-art firearms.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Having digested the various extensions of the above, matters tomorrow can clearly go either way:
1) If the tough judge is annoyed about an SRL who has been questioning procedures and officers of the system, things may look bleak; the judge may be intolerant and 'tough.'
2) However, if the judge has a principled conscience and is tough on manipulation, and the taken advantage of accessible and allowable circumstances, and at the same time can appreciate someone who respects the Rules of Civil Procedure by showing perseverance through adversity, in order to get to the essence and 'relevance of the subject matter at issue,'
the judge may ultimately be prepared to allow the cancelation of the dismissal, and allow the case to at long last get to the bottom of the issues and the TRUTH and FACTS of the history of this the matters!
We shall know this soon enough.
Thursday, 15 January 2015
VIEWS@ 10848
At 10 AM, EST (my 7 o'clock PST) the Divisional Court of Ottawa will hear my Appeal in Courtroom #59. Steen versus N-VisionIT Inc.
Sensing most readers are connected with the legal profession, some of you, like both Defense CEO's, may well reside in Ottawa. Understanding that Courts are generally open to the public, you may decide to attend. Unless of course there is a flood, or other Act of God, as once led to the postponement of one of our Case Conferences.
I look forward to encountering a judge who will appreciate the five years that have so far gone in to this case; a judge aware of the many obstacles an out of jurisdictional claimant can run in to; a judge who is fair, understanding, and proportionally openminded > in the circumstances.
This Hearing, regardless its outcome, will close another chapter; not the book, just the chapter.
At 10 AM, EST (my 7 o'clock PST) the Divisional Court of Ottawa will hear my Appeal in Courtroom #59. Steen versus N-VisionIT Inc.
Sensing most readers are connected with the legal profession, some of you, like both Defense CEO's, may well reside in Ottawa. Understanding that Courts are generally open to the public, you may decide to attend. Unless of course there is a flood, or other Act of God, as once led to the postponement of one of our Case Conferences.
I look forward to encountering a judge who will appreciate the five years that have so far gone in to this case; a judge aware of the many obstacles an out of jurisdictional claimant can run in to; a judge who is fair, understanding, and proportionally openminded > in the circumstances.
This Hearing, regardless its outcome, will close another chapter; not the book, just the chapter.
Monday, 12 January 2015
155. Is Harper a softer Putin?
"We are the best country in the world!" (Stephen Harper)
"You are either for us, or against us." (George Bush)
And Vladimir Putin worked for the KJB...
And then there's the "War against Terrorists."
Every system is governed by those who manage to convince their peoples they are the ones who keep them safe and satisfied. Whether it is run as an oligarchy, dictatorship, communist, kingdom, or purported democracy, the cliche phrase is that the people are governed by those they 'deserve.'
The irony is that all is either black, or white. What is failed to be realized is the immense hypocrisy that reigns supreme. Happy, well-fed, accepted and integrated people do not kill; the Ottawa and Quebec 2 individuals were mentally un-well when they did; they were not terrorists.
Most 'Terrorists' are deeply dissatisfied individuals who believe their systems have failed them. So, with nothing to loose, they join those who fight back. Irony is, many come from the developed world.
The developed world that discriminated against, and looked down on them, as lesser humans.
"We are the best country in the world! We will do what is necessary...." What is running rampant here is HYPOCRISY! We live in a Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde world. We say we are one thing, but we act another. We write Rules to adhere to, and then we break them.
We march by the thousands for freedom of speech and democracy. 'THEY' will not take that away from us! We are not scared of 'THEM."
What, in the name of Allah, Jesus, Buddha, God, after all am I doing here, expressing my freedom of speech? Am I going to be a terrorist?
DEF: 'terrorism' > the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.
DEF: "violence' > behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.
• strength of emotion or an unpleasant or destructive natural force: the violence of her own feelings.• Law the unlawful exercise of physical force or intimidation by the exhibitionof such force.
What's interesting is that 'freedom of speech' allows us a certain amount of 'violence' in the embodiment of being 'threatening.'
Politicians can express themselves violently. And under the guise of 'free speech,' this is allowed.
In much of the world conflicts expressed violently go un-hindered. If it doesn't effect us, it doesn't concern us. Now there's Paris: Je suis 'Charlie.' Suddenly, overnight, we stand united.
Again, what is missed out on here is the enormous hypocrisy of it all.
The 'FREE' have world feels it can insult the poorer NON-have world, by mocking their beliefs and systems. "WE" are allowed to express by "strength of emotion or an unpleasant or destructive natural force," our philosophical stance of 'FREE SPEECH! All the while we are taunting and demeaning the have-nots.
Then, when the lesser world snaps, and explodes in to physical violence, because they can no longer absorb anymore abuse, we all unite under one brotherhood, deciding 'THEY' are now the terrorists.
Reflecting upon my efforts here, I add: 'NON, je ne suis pas Charlie'. I see absolutely nothing funny in ridiculing and dumping on the more vulnerable. It's cheap and degrading!
Clearly I do not condone violence, but I can understand it. I see within my own environment, i.e. this marvellous country, a huge dichotomy between principles. I have experienced many in charge of our systems to be talking from both sides of their mouth!
Until we are able to dispense with hypocrisy, matters will only get worse.
"We are the best country in the world!" (Stephen Harper)
"You are either for us, or against us." (George Bush)
And Vladimir Putin worked for the KJB...
And then there's the "War against Terrorists."
Every system is governed by those who manage to convince their peoples they are the ones who keep them safe and satisfied. Whether it is run as an oligarchy, dictatorship, communist, kingdom, or purported democracy, the cliche phrase is that the people are governed by those they 'deserve.'
The irony is that all is either black, or white. What is failed to be realized is the immense hypocrisy that reigns supreme. Happy, well-fed, accepted and integrated people do not kill; the Ottawa and Quebec 2 individuals were mentally un-well when they did; they were not terrorists.
Most 'Terrorists' are deeply dissatisfied individuals who believe their systems have failed them. So, with nothing to loose, they join those who fight back. Irony is, many come from the developed world.
The developed world that discriminated against, and looked down on them, as lesser humans.
"We are the best country in the world! We will do what is necessary...." What is running rampant here is HYPOCRISY! We live in a Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde world. We say we are one thing, but we act another. We write Rules to adhere to, and then we break them.
We march by the thousands for freedom of speech and democracy. 'THEY' will not take that away from us! We are not scared of 'THEM."
What, in the name of Allah, Jesus, Buddha, God, after all am I doing here, expressing my freedom of speech? Am I going to be a terrorist?
DEF: 'terrorism' > the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.
DEF: "violence' > behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.
• strength of emotion or an unpleasant or destructive natural force: the violence of her own feelings.• Law the unlawful exercise of physical force or intimidation by the exhibitionof such force.
What's interesting is that 'freedom of speech' allows us a certain amount of 'violence' in the embodiment of being 'threatening.'
Politicians can express themselves violently. And under the guise of 'free speech,' this is allowed.
In much of the world conflicts expressed violently go un-hindered. If it doesn't effect us, it doesn't concern us. Now there's Paris: Je suis 'Charlie.' Suddenly, overnight, we stand united.
Again, what is missed out on here is the enormous hypocrisy of it all.
The 'FREE' have world feels it can insult the poorer NON-have world, by mocking their beliefs and systems. "WE" are allowed to express by "strength of emotion or an unpleasant or destructive natural force," our philosophical stance of 'FREE SPEECH! All the while we are taunting and demeaning the have-nots.
Then, when the lesser world snaps, and explodes in to physical violence, because they can no longer absorb anymore abuse, we all unite under one brotherhood, deciding 'THEY' are now the terrorists.
Reflecting upon my efforts here, I add: 'NON, je ne suis pas Charlie'. I see absolutely nothing funny in ridiculing and dumping on the more vulnerable. It's cheap and degrading!
Clearly I do not condone violence, but I can understand it. I see within my own environment, i.e. this marvellous country, a huge dichotomy between principles. I have experienced many in charge of our systems to be talking from both sides of their mouth!
Until we are able to dispense with hypocrisy, matters will only get worse.
Friday, 9 January 2015
154. A typical 'Handyman's' Resume...:(>>
NOTE: "in the circumstances" of my contract related claim, during extended discoveries, I was court ordered to produce my 'CV' (Curriculum Vitae: latin for 'Life Story,' i.e. resume). As such, under these circumstances I felt I did not want to leave a stone unturned; so just in case, I decided to start at my birth. More or less, most stages of my natural development are there, for argument and judgment.
- This information can be important under certain 'circumstances.' It can prove, by argument, in a court of law, that the individual claimant perpetrator, was unfit to be pursuing certain objectives, and incapable of carrying out certain actions and responsibilities.
The following was supplied Defense on February 15, 2013, as ordered outstanding by a Master.
NOTE: "in the circumstances" of my contract related claim, during extended discoveries, I was court ordered to produce my 'CV' (Curriculum Vitae: latin for 'Life Story,' i.e. resume). As such, under these circumstances I felt I did not want to leave a stone unturned; so just in case, I decided to start at my birth. More or less, most stages of my natural development are there, for argument and judgment.
- This information can be important under certain 'circumstances.' It can prove, by argument, in a court of law, that the individual claimant perpetrator, was unfit to be pursuing certain objectives, and incapable of carrying out certain actions and responsibilities.
The following was supplied Defense on February 15, 2013, as ordered outstanding by a Master.
For 4 and 1/2 of my formative years I experienced starvation and tropical illnesses while living in the midst of daily dying. No wonder I later became fascinated by the process of life.
At times, like now, this has taken me in to some very strange places. I understood why the Japanese wanted the resources of Indonesia; however, I find the cruelty of dishonesty and the powers of legal abuse, forcing me to make an account of my personality by producing my resume, a mystery.
How my resume in any way relates to my Superior Court claim of contractual non-
compliance, “under the circumstances” is down right sinister. I no longer trust anyone!
Having been made cautious and suspicious, in case at a later date I may be held responsible for lack of inclusion about anything in my past that may in any way be considered “relevant under the circumstances,” I have decided, rather than supply the general and obvious – to include my life’s earlier years, since, after all, much of one’s adult behaviour is a reflection of one’s past.
So, while ordered as I have been, baffled and bewildered, I set myself down to make account of myself this January, 2013, days short of this now 5 year journey. The following is my bio/resume.
I was born on March 21, 1939, in Kotaradja, Atjeh, the most northerly province of Indonesia on the island of Sumatra. After it had been a Dutch Colony for some five hundred years, Indonesia gained independence in 1956. Kotaradja, now known as Banda Aceh, is best remembered for the major offshore earthquake with its devastating Tsunami some 9 years ago, killing thousands.
My parents, both ‘white,’ (should ever this be questioned) were also born in Indonesia. At my birth, my father was a young lieutenant in the Dutch-Indonesian army. In 1942 the Japanese invaded and interned all those who declared themselves non-’native.’ Any boy over fourteen was considered a man and was shipped to help build the Birma rail road. My father was appointed the job as ‘water carrier.’ He had to fill buckets of water from the river Kwai, and carry them up hill to the make-shift kitchens.
My mother and hundreds of women and children from the area were trucked to quickly erected internment camps. I remember the day we were told to pack an over night bag. It was March 20, 1942, the day before my third birthday. Reason I remember it is that I had seen my stacked presents, ready to be opened. However “overnight” turned in to four and one half years of a total of some nine different camps. This my mother informed me of later.
While the women worked ‘in the field,’ mostly growing sweet potatoes, the kids amused themselves with a variety of simple games. One of which was seeing who could chew and swallow the greatest amount of Tjabe Rawit, one of the smaller, hottest red peppers growing. Tearing, choking and laughing, we were absorbing precious vitamins. We would also drop ants in to ant-lion pits, and pit Djangkriks (Crickets) against each other. Around the age of four, I ‘cooked’ my own sweet potato in a can over a burning coal, with some
gathered dry sticks; my early survival instincts at play.
Those who held on until the Americans showed up in Singapore, in early ’46, were all shipped to a cold Motherland, called Holland. The Australian author Neville Shute, interviewing a woman who had been part of my mother’s clique, wrote a book about us “A Town Like Alice.” (See wikipedia’s Historical accuracy)
Three weeks later, I turned seven. To be able to go anywhere you please, is a luxury I discovered. I still cherish that freedom daily. One of my first friends in Amsterdam was a Jewish boy. Until my mother explained it, I could not understand why his parents so profusely thanked me for befriending him.
Around 11, I remember being sent to the principal’s office for standing up for a troubled kid who was being unfairly picked on by the shop teacher. Although the Principal reprimanded me, the teacher was fired.
At 16 I emigrated to the wide open spaces of Canada, and while attending high-school in Calgary I saw a hilarious Commedia dell’Arte production starring Jean Gascon of Le Theatre du Nouveau Monde. It sold me on theatre.
With my Dutch education I was ahead in most subjects, so in grade 10, after only 2 classes, I quit French, and signed up for Drama. (I wrote a final grade 12 French exam to get 78%.) The Drama classes led me to watch movies, which in turn made me fascinated by how people communicate – why they do what they do to each other. This then became a calling to want to become a feature film-director.
In winters I couldn’t stand going to school, stuffed in a bus; so I had to have a bike. To buy one, my first after school job was @ 75 cents as a ‘take-out’ at one of the large grocery stores. Tips of 10 cents and sometimes even a quarter were huge in those days. Out of some 1200 school kids I was the only one on a bike at 20 below. The two summers between grade 10 and 12 I worked up north in the Uranium mines for 6 weeks, making the relative fortune of some $700 each time.
After grade 12 I worked for a Dane who did summer landscaping, mostly creating lawns around newly built houses. I soon discovered he was making a fortune slave-driving his large crews at $1.50 an hour while he retired each winter down south. Often workers didn’t last a full day; most were gone within a week. Feeling I could do what he was doing, I was curious to learn the process and bore his cantankerous demeanour for 2 whole weeks (i.e. 2 pay checks). I then went knocking on doors looking to get my own contract by
undercutting his price per square footage.
At this stage I had contacted several theatre schools in London, England, including the Central School of Speech and Drama; it was considered one of the very best. They had responded to say I would have to show up early September to do an audition. So after I had done some 4 lawns, I think, and profited some $1200, + the rest in my Account – enough to see me through my first year, assuming I would be accepted, I left for England.
Standing on the school’s Old and Famous Embassy Theatre Stage, located in Swiss Cottage, London, I was asked by the judging Admin sitting in the front rows: “So you want to be an actor, do you?” My response of “Well, not really, I actually want to become a Director, feeling it will make me a better one if I know what actors are all about.” Although creating a questionable snicker, from around some 300 auditioning, I was one of 38 accepted. That was 1959.
Whatever the school saw in me, they forewent my tuition for the second and third year. My first directorial effort was at the school, a Moliere one act called Le Marriage Force. I directed the now famous Pauline Collins. We did the noon-time show in French.
After graduating in 1962, I was up for a lead in a feature film with J.Arthur Rank. But being a Dutch-Canadian Immigrant studying in England, I was not eligible for a work visa. My career would have been very different, had I not returned to Canada.
I almost ended up working at the newly created Montreal Theater school. When I was offered a job starting as a third assistant film Editor at the National Film Board, I entered the building and was taken in to the bowels of its activities. I quickly realized I could not work in the no-window cubby hole circumstances.
Instead, after doing some early acting work in summer stock, I landed a job with CBC as a stage hand in Toronto. This brought me right in to the world of making TV production. But also, as I discovered, the dubious world of politics.
I had been told I could “work my way up in to production.” When CBC jobs were posted, I could apply and graduate from Stage-Hand to Floor-Director. It was not to be. After some 6 applications in a year and a half, I ‘smelled a rat’, when internal CBC employees’ nephews from Winnipeg, or St. John were getting the jobs, often with no applicable credentials.
So I quit, and in 1964 started my own Theatre company. Two one act plays were our first production. One, ‘Sir Halewyn,’ was based on a medieval Scottish ballad. I liked the name and titled us ‘Halewyn Productions’. Based on our extensive PR, we had wonderful media coverage and were favourably compared to the big time traveling shows.
That took us to our full-time stage in the ‘Collonade’ for 2 years. With my young actors, I started lunch time theatre, taking our Canadian Carol Bolt’s one-act play ‘I Wish’ to high schools; we also did lunch-time comedy at the Colonnade; stuff never done before.
Giving them the entire back page, I managed to get VW to advertise on our program, a feat unheard of in those days. No question, our 2 productions of Chaucer’s ‘The Canterbury Tales’ became our most prominent endeavours.
My adaptation/translation from the Middle English was used as a basis for an Off-Broadway musical which I co-wrote and directed, with Paul Hoffert’s music and David Secter’s Lyrics, in early 1969 at the now defunct Sheridan Square Theatre. (Google)
The production ran for some 7 weeks, despite a bitter New York winter and a scathing review by Clyve Barnes, who stated Chaucer did not belong on stage. At this point I decided to get in to the film business.
With my Halewyn Films and doing half of the camera work, I created a B/W Karate film ‘Empty Hands,’ the first of its kind in North America. Early copies were sold to a number of police academies. Sadly I never retained a copy, nor does Google have a track record of it.
Our 16 mm color/sound Career Guidance films were sponsored by Industry and set out to acquaint students with real world jobs. Our first 2 covered the Ophthalmic Careers and won Columbus Ohio’s ’Chris Award.’ The annual awards are the equivalent of the Oscars in the documentary world. Our 28 minute film on NewsPaper Careers was sponsored by Abitibi Paper; our film on Cosmetic Careers by Yardley of Canada; our Marketing Careers by General Foods. Over some 2 years, we did a number of them. I freelanced as well,
directing some 7 films for then Moreland-Latchford.
With our first feature film script we applied for funding to the newly created CFDC (Canadian Film Development Corp). Since we had done 16 mm films, I insisted our 35 mm application would not leave any potential questions unanswered. We had 2 scripts, a reader’s script and a shooting script; the cast and their pictures were on hand; all the crew assured, with the top CSC in Canada, Reginald Morris on board; all the locations and equipment were confirmed. All we needed were the funds. It worked, because out of some 400 applications we became the CFDC’s guinea pig project. “Brilliant boys, all we need is for you to find a FilmDistributor, and you’re all set.”
So off we went, at 25, with barely enough gas, from Toronto to New York, shaving in a public toilet before meeting with Famous Players execs. After watching our guidance film on ‘Ophthalmic Careers’ and commenting on its quick cutting and excellent production values, the execs suggested we tell the Canadian Government to give us the money to make the movie. When done, they would be very happy to look at it.
It never happened, since after some 2 years of intermittent meetings, while continuously being ‘promised’ the funds, based on their ongoing vacillation, I relented. Realizing we were dispensable young pons to their newly established niche, to be used for their education, I threw in the towel and never regretted it.
With a friend, I 50/50 purchased the house I lived in. After giving it a face lift, within 2 days I sold it myself. We ended up with some $10,000 each. This was 1971.
I bought a 208 acre former dairy farm for $41, 000, received a $29,000 Mortgage and asked the owners to take back a second mortgage for $13,000. They did, and I ended up with $1000 to pay my expenses; again no realtors!
While getting my farmer’s feet wet, with organic chickens and a large garden, the first year I sold the trefoil seed on several of the 10 acre fields; the rest sold as hay. I also started to renovate the large turn of the century, top of the hill house, as well as work for the Owen Sound Children’s Aid Society. One winter I ran a street-kid arts program. In 1976, we sold the farm and with $13,000 moved to Hornby Island, BC.
Except for some essential services, with some 350 full-time residents, Hornby then had no jobs. Most recent arrivals were young city folk who had ‘seen the light.’ A number were artists who would sell their product off-island in galleries and at fairs. To live on Hornby, and support my family, I would need to find an income.
Including the one that tried to heat our rental home, my first winter introduced me to everyone’s wood burning stoves. A natural low-tech innovator, this became my next five years’ mission. During 2 years of prototyping, my ‘Chinook’ was warming a number of local homes. In 1978 my ready-for-market Reverse Process ‘Sunrise’ was featured both on TV, several BC newspapers and Harrowsmith’s #14.
However, although my brochures, marketing exposure and direct orders for some 300 stoves came in from across Canada, local politics stood in the way of my securing a vital, Nanaimo based foundry purchase with the BC Government small-business project. From my assembly plant at the old Victoria CPR railroad’s ‘Store Room’, I sold some 78 Sunrises across the Country and USA. *
A divorce brought me to Vancouver to continue fathering my 2 young sons. Initially I found employment as a Group Home Parent to 5 struggling teenagers. All were wards of the government (some 2 and a half million dollars I was informed). I did this single-handed for 1 year. Sharing our abode as equals, Human Resources told me I had made a telling difference to several of them. Away from us, one drove himself to death.
While I became my son’s band manager (see, for another 8 years I worked as the primary ‘Handyman’ for a man who managed a number of buildings and houses. Although no expert in any of the trades, I am familiar which each, having built most of my house on Hornby.
In 1989 a former young actor I had mentored, had become a major Canadian Theatre Producer. His 5 million dollar ‘Durante’ musical was playing to sold out houses in Toronto, and on its way to Broadway, via San Francisco and LA.
Still, it needed work and I was hired as its ‘Show-Doctor.’ After watching the Vancouver
previews, I was given 10 days to fix what I felt needed fixing. Two days prior to opening in San Francisco, the major earthquake hit California. It shut the production down. All was for naught.
However, while in Vancouver, I wrote a one Act play 'Crystal Balls' which I directed and produced during the Fringe Festival; I also directed/produced a period piece for the United Players: 'The Beaux Stratagem.'
During travels back to Hornby, I had invented what ultimately became the ‘Omnibol,’ a sporting good device. A multi-purpose, trapezoidal frame-suspended net allows an individual to challenge and play against themselves. A tension adjustable net with a dual ground (down), or racket (up), positioning framework gives the player multiple choices of applying a number of known sports, including assorted presently still unknown sport applications.
I appeared on a National TV show ‘Live It Up’, and several other, more local TV stations. I
sold 8 Units based on response to the shows. Although I had US patents filed, Vancouver is not known as the 'hub' for manufacturing; the time and place was not to be. I actually helped shut down the questionable VSE, when I caught a promoter raising funds, trying to circumvent me.
Late 2007 I was encouraged to take my ebay induced concept (pre Craigslist and Kijijij) seriously. This later became Although I cautioned we might be too late, by committing some $73,000, 2 investors encouraged me to proceed regardless.
As a recently pensioned elder, I felt the need to do some serious homework to find our ‘right’ Web-Developer. Starting out near home, I checked out a number of potential developers in Courtenay, Victoria, and Vancouver. I had some telling connectives with a Nanaimo based web-developer who initially was so excited about the concept, he asked me NOT to contact any other web-developer. However, when reality set in, it bogged down.
Then my online searches hit upon GURU.COM, a site that lists hundreds of globally available web developers, their shingles vying to score new clients from anywhere. Some of their PR was out of this world, with several North American companies warning there was no recourse when doing business with the far East. Complete safety lay at home. What irony in retrospect.
This then made good sense to this high-tech newbie. So after a good number of email exchanges in which I gleaned company “X’s” practices of “100% guarantee” and even “going beyond the client’s expectations,” I contracted the Canadian company, who, at that time ranked in No.1 position on the GURU site.
In hindsight I was naive, believing what I was told. Clearly, I still have much to learn about the fickle nature of our species.
The rest is history, as they say. Contrary to the actual Rules of Civil Procedure, it has already been Court proven that Online Contractual claims end up in the Developer’s Jurisdiction. This being the case, I suggest to those looking to hire a Web-Developer: Do your diligent homework; make certain roles are explicitly defined, that phasal completions are exactly that, observable and provable; that penalties are in place when
deadlines are not met; and deal with a person or company in your own jurisdiction.
* NOTE: The above mentioned URL: no longer exists; nothing is forever...
However, Googling Wikipedia: The reverse process wood-burning stove, will verify my story. (Gopoco/Sandbox etc)
Thursday, 1 January 2015
153. Strictly for WEBSITE Aficionados & Connoisseurs...
I breathe a sigh of relief 'that' season is over for another year. And while I feel there is no such thing as a Happy New Year, with my other cause related connectives and the determination of thousands towards a fairer, more sensible, and honest world, there seems a foreboding in the air, a sense of potential major shifts during 2015.
Regardless the search for 'Justice,' although I should have known better, and against all advice of family, friends and those 'in the know,' that we are stuck with who we have become, that I am fighting the business of insiders, this will have to be the year to put this all to bed! There are only so many years left.
The following, although seemingly way off the charts at this stage of proceedings, I just came across. It is still the most detailed and informed review of the originally built site. I ended up asking and paying for some 5 independent reviews of the Ottawa Developer's $44,000 effort. Even a high-tech data-base klutz like myself can read through the jargon. I have NO idea why the cut/paste effort shows the yellow highlights. All part of the mystery of computer behaviour I guess.
Regardless the search for 'Justice,' although I should have known better, and against all advice of family, friends and those 'in the know,' that we are stuck with who we have become, that I am fighting the business of insiders, this will have to be the year to put this all to bed! There are only so many years left.
The following, although seemingly way off the charts at this stage of proceedings, I just came across. It is still the most detailed and informed review of the originally built site. I ended up asking and paying for some 5 independent reviews of the Ottawa Developer's $44,000 effort. Even a high-tech data-base klutz like myself can read through the jargon. I have NO idea why the cut/paste effort shows the yellow highlights. All part of the mystery of computer behaviour I guess.
1. Overview
document contains an overview and in–depth analysis of the Gopoco web
application as found in the
folder. This code utilizes the CakePHP
.2. Structural Overview The code is
organized into sub–folders based on a top–level split between the application
code, framework code, and third-party code, with the application code
represented as follows. Within the controllers, models,
and viewsfolders are files (and
folders in the case of views)
for each major area of the site.
2.1. config — common configuration files, such as database
connections and URL routing.
2.2. controllers — the core behavior of the site; logic and processes.
2.3. locale — translation tables for internationalization; unused.
2.4. models — data structure and business logic.
2.5. plugins — extensible plugins; unused.
2.6. tests — unit and functional tests for verifying application
behavior; unused.
2.7. tmp — temporary files, such as caches, logs, and user
session data.
2.8. vendors — third–party code libraries.
2.9. views — HTML templates used by the controllers to display
pages to users.
webroot — static files that
are served as–is from disk.
.3. Source Code Management The source
code powering the old site was at one time managed under a Revision Control
System (RCS) called Subversion. A code “repository” is a centralized copy of
the source code that includes the entire history of the project: who modified
which file at what time and what the reason for the change was.
The URL of the Subversion repository is: http://newton/svn/jansteen
3.1.1. This URL is
private; it is not accessible from the internet.
3.1.2. A copy of
this repository would be invaluable when attempting to assess development
progress and methodology.
4. Security The CakePHP framework,
as mentioned by N-VisionIT, contains code designed and tested to improve
1765 Fern Road –
Courtenay, BC – V9J 1W7 — Canada
1 250 897-0780 –
.4.1. The database model system CakePHP provides
is able to armor against a type of attack called an “SQL Injection Attack.”
This type of attack, if the code is vulnerable, allows remote users of the
system to insert, delete, alter, and examine the data structures usually
protected from such anonymous manipulation. In order for CakePHP to protect
your application from this attack, developers must utilize the standard
database interface, performing queries across the database using published
Application Programmer Interfaces (APIs).
Upon examination:
4.1.1. There are
1699 raw (not utilizing CakePHP’s model framework) SELECT statements.
4.1.2. There are
270 raw INSERT statements.
4.1.3. There are
686 raw UPDATE statements.
4.1.4. Of these, a
large percentage (31% after a quick search, the true number is likely much
higher) utilize unescaped variables, and thus pose a substantial danger
to application security and the database.
4.1.5. CakePHP’s
built–in function to sanitize input is used a total of 14 times.
.4.2. Cross–site Request Forgery (XSRF) attacks
rely on third–party attackers being able to initiate requests (such as
submitting forms) as a regular user, potentially as a specific user who may
unwittingly click a malformed link. There are a number of ways to protect
against this, and only one has been utilized, and only on a small sub–section
of the site. This leaves the rest of the site unprotected.
4.2.1. Recaptcha
(a human verification system whereby you enter the words found in a distorted
image) is used on the third–party developed forum.
4.2.2. Other
techniques, such as the use of a one-time code hidden in the forms, one-time
URLs, and CSS–hidden form fields, are not used.
4.3. Another form of attack, whereby JavaScript
is embedded on the page by a malicious user, called a Cross–Site Scripting
(XSS) vulnerability or JavaScript injection attack, happens when user input is
not properly sanitized before being saved, or is re–displayed on the site
without protection. This type of attack can be exploited in two ways: if input
to a given page (such as a search page) re–displays user input directly, anyone
clicking a malicious link would unwittingly attack the site; and if data saved
into the database without sanitization is later displayed by the site, it would
allow an attacker to potentially effect all users of the site.
4.3.1. There is evidence of multiple places in the code where form
data is redisplayed to the user without adequate escaping to prevent this type
of attack.
5. Code
Style and Quality
5.1. There is an internal consistency
to the level of indentation and use of brackets to denote blocks of code.
5.2. However, indentation is comprised of an
inconsistent mixture of tabs and spaces.
5.3. Trailing whitespace has been left in
5.4. There are multiple PHP scripts that
contain no closing tag.
1765 Fern Road –
Courtenay, BC – V9J 1W7 — Canada
1 250 897-0780 –
5.5. Of the 7,310 lines of code, excluding
blank lines, only 1,727 of those lines contain descriptive comments.
Additionally, there are 151 block comments.
(A significant amount of this code is boilerplate.)
5.6. Based on the sloccount source code analysis tool, this project is estimated
to have had a schedule of 7.71 months.
5.7. There are obvious holes in the code; it
feels incomplete. There are several controllers not bound to the application by
the routing configuration, and some only contain part of the required
5.8. Another static analysis tool (Pixy)
reports that for a given request there are up to 3,013 cross–file inclusions,
requiring the PHP scripting language to process large quantities of unused
6. Initial Findings The following are my
initial findings:
6.1. The codebase is incomplete, not fulfilling
the goals of the minimal Requirements Document provided and agreed to.
6.2. The codebase is insecure due to
fundamental decisions to not use the tools provided by the framework.
6.3. The codebase is inefficient.
6.4. There was an organized development
process, involving the Subversion revision management system and framework–
preferred file/directory structure, though I can not comment on the development
process outside of revision control.
6.5. The project scope was too wide.
6.6. I estimate the cost of development as
excessive for the quality and quantity of work completed. For a project such as
this I would likely bill no more than $30,000 CDN. Bids would likely range from $25,000 to
6.7. The use of MySQL and PHP is not unusual,
though potentially the site would be easier and faster to develop using Python,
a language that has now been existent for 20 years, with less work needed to
secure the application.
6.8. No attempt was made to utilize the
framework’s built–in internationalization (translation) capability despite
translation being a fundamental goal for the project.
6.9. With a lack of unit or functional testing,
there is no way to prove the application performs as designed.
It is imperative that a copy of the Subversion be made available for further
analysis and timeline investigation.
7. Document History
7.1. Initial Revision Thursday, April 7, 2011 No
7.2. Proofed Revision
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Grammatical and ease–of–reading changes.
Addition of Document History section.
Minor reordering of items in §5.
Addition of Document History section.
Minor reordering of items in §5.
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