Sunday, 29 March 2015

180. CANADA = One NATION = One set of RULES? Dream on...


This section will hopefully explain how and why our 'Democracy' is in such a mess. Although we are very much a 'have' nation when it comes to natural resources, we are far from being at the forefront of development when it comes to justice and equality.

As explained below, and as I have experienced, there are a number of telling factors that lead to an ultimate impossibility of any well-defined core of similitude, let alone 'sameness' in the overall procedure. With 10 Provinces, and 3 Territories, each defining its own set of Rules? How can this come even close to a National concept of a Civil procedure in Canada?

If each Province has its own set of Rules, how, in heavens sake, can a Canadian citizen domiciled in British Columbia even THINK he/she can be equally, let alone fairly treated in an other province?

Civil procedure in Canada

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For rules of civil procedure by country, see civil procedure.
In Canada, the rules of civil procedure are administered by each jurisdiction (federal and each province) and thus each has its own set of rules.*1 Most provinces base their civil procedure rules on the mixture of English and American rules adapted to the needs of the province. The Ontario Rules of Civil Procedure have been largely adopted by Manitoba, PEI, and North West Territories.
In Ontario, the stated general principle of the Rules of Civil Procedure is
to secure the just, most expeditious and least expensive determination of every civil proceeding on its merits.
Civil procedure is generally developed by a civil procedure committee consisting of judges of the local jurisdiction. This committee makes recommendations concerning procedural changes which must be ratified by the attorney general of that jurisdiction in order to move into effect.
The courts may also exercise inherent jurisdiction to control their own processes, but inherent jurisdiction cannot be exercised so as to conflict with a statute or rule. As a result, if a process has been contemplated by the civil procedure a court does not have the authority to alter or dispense compliance with that process.
The noted exception to the required compliance with the civil procedure is that the rules themselves often contain a rule which permits a court to
only where and as necessary in the interest of justice, dispense with compliance with any rule at any time.
The onus is on the party seeking to dispense with compliance with a rule to demonstrate that it is in the interest of justice.[1]
Alternative dispute resolution proceedings and administrative law proceedings both tend to have relatively simple rules of procedure, in comparison to the highly formalized procedures seen in the federal and state courts.
*1)  Each Jurisdiction having its own set of rules.
Let's have a closer look at this; after all, this is the 21st Century, in the second largest geographic, have Nation in the world! Let's have a real close look at how a nightmare unfolds. Let's TRY to learn from our misconceptions, thinking that anything can actually make SENSE; because it doesn't, since it CAN't. 
It CAN't when Rules in ONE Jurisdiction, differ from ANOTHER Jurisdiction. When a Nation's Civil Rights, purportedly inherent in its RULES, hasn't sufficiently its act together, to have the SAME rules across its borders! From Coast to friggin Coast, across ALL its Jurisdictions! 
jurisdiction |ˌjo͝orisˈdikSHən|nounthe official power to make legal decisions and judgmentsfederal courts had no jurisdiction over the case |the District of Columbia was placed under the jurisdiction of Congress.• the extent of the power to make legal decisions and judgments: the claim will be within the jurisdiction of the industrial tribunal.• a system of law courts; a judicature: in some jurisdictions there is a mandatory death sentence for murder.• the territory or sphere of activity over which the legal authority of a court or other institution extends: several different tax jurisdictions.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The frequent coinage of the word 'JURISDICTION' has become the most wonderfully used hiding tool. While its usage bears great weight, its actual meaning bears an enigmatic, ill-defined mystery.  
 EXAMPLE: BC Judge: "The Claim is dismissed based on lack of Jurisdiction." (Goodbye Sir)In this case, 'Jurisdiction' refers to 'Province.' The Judge is referring to the Claimant having filed his claim in the wrong Jurisdiction. i.e., the claim should have been filed in Ontario, the province in which the Defendant is domiciled. Referring to the Rule for filing a claim, the Judge is referring to the Default Rule, while ignoring the alternative 'OR' rule with its clear allowances for filing in BC. 
First URL = BC's Small Claims Rules:
Again, I post the following: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Rule 1 — Making a Claim

Completing a notice of claim
(1)To make a claim, a person must complete a notice of claim (Form 1) following the instructions on the form.

Filing a notice of claim
(2) A claimant must file a notice of claim and pay the required fee at the Small Claims Registry nearest to where
(a) the defendant lives or carries on business, or
(b) the transaction or event that resulted in the claim took place. *)

To remind the reader, (2)(a) being the 'Default' Rule (as it is called), I had used the (2)(b) Rule with its added, clearly pertinent reasons for doing so. That is when one interprets its applicable factors of solicitation, almost daily connective input, as well as the financing originating from a BC bank account. 
It was not '2b.' The judge ignored my indignant pleas and set me off in to an additional 5 year nightmare, of further costs, confusion, and general trauma. 

Below URL takes you to the BC Supreme Court Rules. I challenge the reader to find a clear indication as to WHERE one is to file a claim?  
Rule 3-1 - Notice of Civil Claim (2)(d) "set out the proposed place of trial." 
This seems to indicate Jurisdiction is up for 'argument.(?) 

NOTICE in the ledger of 'Definitions' the all powerful word 'JURISDICTION' is NOT defined![RSBC%201996]%20c.%2080/05_Regulations/17_168_2009%20-%20Supreme%20Court%20Civil%20Rules/168_2009_01.xml#subrule_d2e1008
   Then we have the 'SUPREME COURT ACT.'  *2) 
 This one seems to be all Canadian; "An Act respecting the Supreme Court of Canada." The 'ACT' and its Rules appear to be that of an Appeal Court. i.e. should I wish to question the Attorney General of Canada, the ultimate highest legal officer in the land; should I be prepared to question his office, to set out my 'arguments' describing how I have, in my opinion, held fast to the Rules both written and prescribed for the various Jurisdictions; yet how I feel I have been bulldozed and unfairly taken advantage of by our highest, most upright legal pillars, pillars appointed by HIS OFFICE! And what does he propose doing about it?

      Would he be prepared to order this Nation re-write its laws as they are presently presented and interpreted? Would he be willing to take the present IN-justice out of the Courts, and venture to create true laws, fit for a Nation? 
     *2) Remember that the highest Court is called the 'Supreme Court' in BC; that this same Court is called the 'Superior Court' in Ontario; that Alberta does not have a small claims Court; that I am certain I could find other anomalies if I only dug deeper....

      (apologies for inconsistencies in font looks and sizes; somehow my drag/drop/cut/paste efforts effect the general look; I can't seem to fix it, and life is short enough.)

Friday, 27 March 2015

179. The END of Make Believe!


NOTE: A good friend sent me this; I had to show you


The End of Canada in Ten Steps: 

A Conversation with Naomi Wolf

Global Research News Hour Episode 97

  68  26 

“And I saw that the great dictators learned from one another what was essentially a blueprint for closing down an open society, and then it became clear to me that this blueprint is simple. It consists of ten steps. Ten clear steps.” 
Length (59:28)
Creeping Fascism
For the past decade and a half, particularly since the rise of the Harper Conservatives, the Canadian public has been bombarded by rhetoric about Islamic terrorists and the threats they pose to our democracy.
Such threats have been used to justify increased militarization of Canadian foreign policy, and the diversion of more resources away from programs of social uplift toward security and enforcement. [1]
Canadians, like citizens in other major industrialized nations in the West, typically view their country as free, open and democratic. We frequently hear the refrain of how those freedoms were hard fought for by the brave men and women of the military who paid the ultimate sacrifice in combat and put their lives on the line everyday to secure and safeguard.
This kind of thinking however, ignores the reality that frequently, the greatest threats to rights and liberties originate from within the State apparatus itself.
Historians point out that Germany had progressive movements including the feminist movement and campaigning for gay rights. There was dissent and a free press. German freedoms were incrementally eliminated through legislative changes leading to the rise of the Third Reich and the attendant human rights abuses that followed.[2]
Similar measures were taken in Mussolini’s Italy, Stalinist Russia, East Germany in the fifties, 1960s Czechoslovakia, the Chilean coup of 1973 and other examples through history.
Naomi Wolf took the time to study the way open societies were crushed from within by authoritarian elements. She claims there is a ‘blueprint’ followed by all dictatorial rulers composed of ten steps.
These include:
  • Invoking an external and internal threat
  • Establish secret prisons
  • Develop a paramilitary force
  • Surveil ordinary citizens
  • Infiltrate citizen groups
  • Arbitrarily detain and release citizens
  • Target key individuals
  • Restrict the press
  • Cast criticism as ‘espionage’ and dissent as ‘treason’
  • * Subvert the rule of law
In her 2007 book The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot,  Naomi Wolf not only described this formula for fascism, she outlined how these repressive measures are in evidence in modern day America.
As the new Anti-Terrorism Act, Bill C-51 wends its way through Ottawa’s parliamentary machine on the road to becoming the law of the land, this week’s Global Research News Hour takes a look at how Wolf’s blueprint applies to Canada. Naomi Wolf herself joins us in the second half hour.
First they came for the Muslims…
Starting in 2000, five Muslim men, ADIL CHARKAOUI, HASSAN ALMREI, MAHMOUD JABALLAH, MOHAMED HARKAT, and MOHAMMAD ZEKI MAHJOUB found themselves detained without charge by something called Security Certificates. The Security Certificate is an instrument used by immigration officials which, in the post 9/11 era, allow for indefinite detention without charge and the use of secret evidence.
They cumulatively spent 30 years behind bars.
Their story is documented in an award-winning film called THE SECRET TRIAL 5  which is being screened in theatres across Canada in March.
Film Maker Amar Wala joins us in the first half hour to explain the history of Security Certificates, the fate of the men victimized by them and the implications of their cases in the context of the Bill C-51 debate.
And speaking of Bill C-51, we hear some audio at the bottom of the hour from Canada’s Green Party leader Elizabeth May, speaking in Toronto during the anti-Bill C-51 protest, explaining why Canadians should demand the legislation be revoked.
Amar Wala is an emerging filmmaker based in Toronto, Canada. He has a degree in Film Production from York University, and believes deeply in cinema’s ability to create awareness and facilitate change. The Secret Trial 5 is his first feature film.
Elizabeth May is a Canadian environmentalist, author, and lawyer and leader of the Green Party of Canada. (Many thanks to Victoria Fenner of for providing the audio from Ms. May’s speech.
Naomi Wolf is a former political consultant and Co-Founder of the DailyClout, a platform that empowers democracy-building. She is the author of the best-selling The Beauty Myth, which launched her reputation as a leading voice within Third Wave feminism, and she authored the 2007 book The End Of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot.
Length (59:28)

subvert |səbˈvərt|verb [ with obj. ]undermine the power and authority of an established system or institution: an attempt to subvert democratic government.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE:  "Subvert the Rule of Law! "I will continue to post my opinions on this Blog. At least until I feel I have come full circle with my nightmare of injustice. My investors and I were robbed by both a web-developing company, and then a purportedly democratic, fair, and rule-bound government.  Prove is, it decided to take their side, without allowing a trial to judge the case on the facts of its relevant issues. All was a determined, gradual, manipulative chess-game, a hype, an insidious, gentle build-up towards an intentional downfall of the claimant. 'Lack of Jurisdiction under the circumstances.'
Should my Government consider me a terrorist for speaking my mind while indulging in  their clearly undemocratic behaviour, so be it. 
Although I am not inviting it, I may be on their list. I agree with Naomi Wolf, we are on a quickly downward slide towards becoming a well-controlled police state! If you have ANY concerns, whoever you are, help make some serious changes > NOW!