Friday, 23 October 2015

212. 2nd attempt at filing Application


Today, October 23, 2015, I resent  the 3 copies of my application, again by registered post to the Victoria Court Registry.

This time with an $80.00 Money Order @ $7, + $12.00 Registered Mail costs.
OK > great! Cheaper then driving there... Hopefully, another technical hurdle overcome.
So, I guess I mistook the earlier online allowances by email.

Instructions for paying fees are indicated in the Rules and Forms:
Fees Payable to the Crown. 
(Unless otherwise provided by Statute)

However, that is NOT the text you use to indicate the designated receiver on your Money Order; Payable to: 'THE CROWN!"

We aren't paying Queen Elizabeth, although her vast Empire no doubt continues to receive collected monies from all its ongoing territories (remember I spoke of living in a police/feudal system?)

NO! You enter: MINISTER OF FINANCE  (not BC, not Canada, just that!) It's like making out a cheque to: THE GUY/GAL WHO COLLECTS OUR MONEY, or, THE ONE THAT DIGS HOLES.

So, we will see where this gets me now. Will it work? Will they send me a date stamped, registered copy? Will we get to the next stage, where I can actually serve the Minister > of Justice?  This time with the indication we are in BC?

All is up for grabs,,,,,

And once again, as always, time will tell.

Thursday, 22 October 2015

211. Playing PING <> PONG with the 'JUSTICE' system.


Or is it Russian Roulette? *
"Russian roulette is a lethal game of chance in which a player places a singleround in a revolver, spins the cylinder, places the muzzle against their head, and pulls the trigger. "Russian" refers to the supposed country of origin, and roulette to the element of risk-taking and the spinning of the revolver's cylinder being reminiscent of spinning a roulette wheel." (Thank you Wikipedia)

There is a hugely annoying reality I am facing of late with the tech allowances of this blog. I am no longer able to drag/drop, or cut/ paste internal docs I want to post. They show up initially, but upload after "view blog" as a (?) i. 'Question mark.' This is a pain in the everywhere, since it takes legitimacy away, should I venture retype it as 'proof.'  I have tried to send "FEEDBACK" > to no avail. 

SO, that said, Notwithstanding, Under The Circumstances, Jurisdictionally speaking  etc.etc.,
NOT to waste my whole $#@?!! life on these matters, but I HAVE to see this through...
I may have to switch to another Blog format, since unless I can fix this issue, this will become just too cumbersome. Just wonder if it's me, or my Mac?????

To say: 

1) I sent my Application (as shown on blog #210) several weeks ago, as allowed by Government literature in their online 'GUIDE BOOK,' by Express, Registered Post. My Introductory letter (which I wanted to post here) asked VERY specifically, as indicated elsewhere (whoops; surprise...!! it worked...) as you can note Credit Card acceptance at the bottom:    

Fee Amount
e-Search - Provincial and Supreme Court civil

Search database for existing files
View file details
Print summary report of file details
*View and print electronic documents - per file
*Purchase documents online - each document

e-Search - Provincial Court criminal and traffic

Search database for existing files
View file details

Daily court lists (all courthouses)

Monthly statement request

e-Filing (in addition to any statutory filing fees)
The accepted methods of payment are by credit card (VISA, Visa Debit, MasterCard or AMEX) or BC Online.

After stating  the obvious: "Here are my 3 copies of the Application I would like to Register," I added, 

"Should any additional information be required, or costs be applicable, please do not hesitate to telephone or email me at the below indicated connectives."
Can Pay Online with either Master Card or PayPal. 

Nevertheless, all docs were returned with a handwritten sentence:
"Fee must be paid in full when filing. The courts do not accept credit." 


I then sent the Web-Master of the Court's website a question as to how to go about Paying, when using the GuideBook's allowances to File by Registered Mail.(and YES! It showed up in read)
--------------------------------------------------------------------- --

Your message was sent.
Thank you for your email. This is an auto response to remind you that the email address is solely for the purpose of collecting comments on the content of the Superior Courts website. If you have a comment on our website content, someone will respond to your message shortly. The web Coordinator cannot answer procedural or legal questions or questions unrelated to the website. If you have a question regarding an ongoing court matter, it is best to call the registry in which the matter has been filed. For a list of registry contact information refer Court Location & Contacts page.

There it sits TODAY! Two weeks older, and no wiser! Just a cog in a never ending wheel...:(>

Sunday, 11 October 2015

210. MY APPLICATION! < HAPPY THANKS GIVING > democracy :) > (?)

  • VIEWS@ 14044
After having pursued and digested months of considerable online directive literature, extended citizens by our caring government > while admittedly receiving generous, other party (i.e. Defence Counsel's) general, rather than specific/case related rendered responses to my requested case pertinent detailed compliances,

in this written world of official posture and demeanour, all could ultimately become proof for factual consideration by any potentially unbiased, fair judge. If, indeed, Rules trump Position, looking to establish TRUTH and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH > so help me > backed by the very text my government supplied its plebeian public online, both in rhetoric as well as within its Rules of Civil Procedure, some democracy may yet reign supreme.

So, here I go then: Citizen of an ever decreasing fair and understanding, caring world, a world now run by mega CON-glomerates, sputtering my disturbances with the likely-hood I will receive answers of a non-descriptive rhetoric without substance where no one will dare to accept responsibility!

This, as likely one of my final attempts at seeking 'justice,' whatever it is meant to indicate.
Remember, 'Justice,' as a concept, is in fact not natural, it is a man-made suggestive.
Nature, by nature defined > is cruel!

The tiniest glimmer of hope lies with us as individuals. Can you accept, and live with your conscience? In our existence as human-beings on this planet, we are ultimately all fully responsible for our actions. As such, is personal selfishness a reason to disparage, or worry? Question this?
Are we, as a species, to become that questionable small blip in this multi millennial planet's history?

Because the signs are running rampant we are heading there!!!

OR, are we > surprisingly so >

capable of responding by reconsidering our driven needs, and, smartly adjusting, able to redirect ourselves towards acknowledging life's equilibrium based necessities?

"To be or not to be? That's the Question!" Shakespeare (or whoever?) had it right!

Barking up a tree for naught, and soon done trying, this old man needs feed back.


Court File No.:...……..      
 Court Registry: Victoria

In the Supreme Court of British Columbia





Name of applicant:  EVERT JAN STEEN

The presiding Minister of Justice/ Attorney General of British Columbia

TAKE NOTICE that an application will be made by the applicant to the presiding judge at the courthouse at 850 Burdett Ave. in Victoria, British Columbia, on ………………. at …………….. for the orders set out in Part 1 below.

1.         Applicant claims the sum of $125,000 for payment of financial losses, legal costs and representation, time and life consumed, general emotional suffering and duress, as well, loss of good name within his communities, both at home and online. (EXHIBIT ‘G’)
2.         An indication by the Ministry to commence a review of the Rules of Civil Procedure to introduce improvements on understanding the court’s reasons for implementing a Rule.  Less ‘choice’ would remove an officers’ argument, and lead to stricter Rule adherence.
3.         Such other remedies as this Court deems just under the circumstances. 

1)    After 2 1/2 Months of Cross-Provincial negotiation, Plaintiff signs a Statement of Work (Contract) with an Ottawa numbered Canada Inc. web-developer who does business Internationally. The online- signed contract contains crucial timeline commitments and scope interpretation. Final paragraph reads: “IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties acknowledge that each has fully read and endorsed the Agreement and intending to be legally bound thereby…”
- There are no provisions indicated regarding Jurisdiction. The Internet covers all Jurisdictions.
2)    Plaintiff contributes almost daily email contact input; contract unspecified, is requested input to format and text by the site’s designated Project Manager.
- Plaintiff begins questioning progress on fourth week of site development.
3)    All payments to Web-Developer are duly paid by BC domiciled Plaintiff from a BC bank account. Contracted Completion Date passes. The product website is never completed.
4)     Upon final payment, claimant, contractually owning the Work, initiates transference of product website to a Web Host in Victoria, British Columbia.
5)    This leads to the event by which British Columbia domiciled Plaintiff has first-hand access to Web Site contents. Upon detailed assessment, both by users and hired web-developers the site is considered professionally un-acceptable.
- Precious online time and opportunity have been lost.
6)    Plaintiff files claim of contractual non-compliance against the Ottawa numbered Canada Inc. doing business Internationally, in Courtenay BC.                               
7)  Arguing Internet Web-Developer is domiciled in Ottawa, Vancouver Defence representation files for claim dismissal based on ‘lack of Jurisdiction.’
8)    Justice Madame Justine Saunders agrees and dismisses claim based on lack of Jurisdiction.
9)    Default Rule for filing in Ontario states to file in the Jurisdiction in which the cause of action arose. The action arose in British Columbia; it is the Forum Conveniens.
10)  Madame Justice Justine Saunders allows Plaintiff to appeal her decision.
11)  Plaintiff files and serves a Notice of Appeal in Supreme Court, Courtenay Registry.
12)  Vancouver Defense Counsel serves Claimant/Appellant, an Application to a Judge:
-       One may appeal after a Trial, not after a Hearing. Ours was a ‘Hearing’ (so it is indicated).
-       Claimant understands there are no Trials in Small Claims Court.
13)  After enduring several serious legal anomalies, Appellant abandons BC Appeal, filing in Superior Court of Ontario, Ottawa jurisdiction.
14)   Claimant enters 4 years of Case Management discovery, withstands various motions of dismissal and a variety of highly questionable legal practices during a counterclaim of defamation that overshadows all original claim’s relevant issues.
15)  On April 14, 2015, the jurisdictionally disadvantaged claimant, having been earlier dismissed for failure to answer never-ending case irrelevant questions, regarded “relevant under the circumstances” looses his appeal in the Ontario Divisional Court for non-compliance to a former Master’s order. 
part 3: Legal Basis
1)    Madame Justice Justine Saunders erred in her BC claim dismissal basing it on lack of jurisdiction; additionally, claimant questions judge’s allowance for an appeal.
British Columbia’s Rules of Civil Procedure allow for filing a claim in 2 Jurisdictions.
“1) Rule (2). A claimant must file a notice of claim and pay the required fee at the Small Claims Registry nearest to where:
….(a) the defendant lives or carries on business, or
….(b)* the transaction or event that resulted in the claim took place in British Columbia. “
2)  “Service of a notice of claim outside British Columbia
Rule 18(6) of the Small Claims Rules states:
A notice of claim may be served on a person outside British Columbia if
(a) the person ….
(b) the transaction or event that resulted in the claim took place”
3) Court Jurisdiction and Proceedings Transfer Act
Part 2 – Territorial Competence of Courts of British Columbia
Proceedings against a person
(3) A court has territorial competence in a proceeding that is brought against a person if:
(e) “there is real and substantial connection between British Columbia and the facts on which the proceeding against that person is based.” [Emphasis]
Real and substantial connection
(10)   (e) concerns contractual obligations and   …(iii) the contract
(A) is for the purchase of property, services, or both
(B) resulted from a solicitation of business in British Columbia by or on behalf of the seller. 
(f) concerns a business carried on in British Columbia!
4) NOTE: Claimant uses Rule (2) (b), and files in Courtenay, BC.
5) NOTE: Had Claimant filed in Ontario:
Place of Commencement and Trial  (Note ‘Trial’) *
(1) An action shall be commenced,
(a)   in the territorial division,
(i)    in which the cause of action arose, or
(ii) in which the defendant or, if there are several defendants, in which any one of them resides or carries on business.
(2) An action shall be tried in the place where it is commenced, ….

7)    There is contradictory information regarding the allowance for an Appeal after a dismissal from Small Claims Court. In her ‘APPEARANCE’ of June 23, 2010, Defence Counsel Notes section 5 of the Small Claims Act:  Right of Appeal 
5 (1) Any party to a proceeding under this Act may appeal to the Supreme Court an order to allow or dismiss a claim if that order was made by a Provincial court judge after a trial. [emphasis added] 
(2) No appeal lies from any order of the Provincial Court made in a proceeding under this Act other than an order referred to in subsection (1) On behalf of Alexander/Holburn/Beaudin & Lang Counsel adds: “Since there was no trial, you have no right to appeal.”
8)    I refer the Court to the following online link about appeals.

part 4: Material to be relied upon
1) Affidavit of EVERT JAN STEEN, sworn @ ………………………this October …., 2015;
A)  FINAL ORDER of Madame Justice Justine Saunders.
B) Transcript PROCEEDINGS  AT COURTENAY REGISTRY File # C1316) - Pages 1, lines 21>47; Total; Page 3: Total: Page 4 > 29.   - Page 8, lines 4>11Page 2: HEARING  (BEFORE JUDGE SAUNDERS PRESIDING
C) APPLICATION TO A JUDGE (Filed by Defence Counsel.)
E)  Case Law:  Ingenium Technologies Corporation v. McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.
2005 BCSC 720 (CanLII)
F) Case Law: Canada (Attorney General) V. Yasinki, 2006 BCSC 757 (CanLII)
G)  Costs breakdown.

The Applicant estimates the application will take 2 hours.
This matter is not within the jurisdiction of a master.
Dated this October……, 2015


Monday, 5 October 2015

209. OH 4 HIGH-TECH AND/ or just AGING...


WELL, the above is what the counter states...

I've been trying to upload some text and articles I found stimulating, but so far no luck in the trying...
Either upgrades of the systems are not allowing me (as previously possible with a 'cut and paste' scenario, or a simple 'drag + drop' method.  It may be that the former 'Free and Easy' is being thwarted, yes possibly almighty Google has finally be forced to come on board!

Truth will out soon enough. This open and hugely democratic Intenet thingymejiggy may well be on its last legs.... Freedom of speech may be a thing of the past soon.

Or is it just ME?