Dear Santas, wherever you are.
I know it’s your busy time of year,
preparing to do your Jurisdictional Circuit Duties (JCD’s) again, deciding who’s been naughty, and who you’ll let off the hook,
again. Only the way you can do Santa(s);
practice makes perfect they say: ‘Ho-Ho-HO!
It’s little Johnny Doe writing you again. ‘Member
round the same time last year I wrote you for help, asking to fix what is so
grossly askew with what they still refer to as our ‘Justice’ System? (I posted it again, to remind you; have a look
down below, in case you FORGOT)
Since nothing has improved, I wonder maybe
my letter got lost in the shuffle. Maybe you were ‘bizzy’ with more ‘important’
matters. So I’m writing to ALL you guys this time, hoping one of you will actually
kick in and DO something.
Or is it all just wishful thinking?
Mommy and Daddy told me we lived in one of
the finest ‘Democracies’ in the world;
that I was one of the lucky and fortunate people, and should not complain, by
asking so many questions and being so thankless.
I recently lost my best friend Max. A Judge
gave their house away, after his dad got fired from his job; so I couldn’t go
over anymore. Then his Mom took him and his sister away to another city. It was
all really sad. Nobody understood what it was all about, and WHY?… I certainly
didn’t ‘get’ it. They called it 'Justice had spoken.'
Then I googled the word ‘Democracy’ on Wikipedia
and now I am even more confused.
“According to political
scientist Larry Diamond, it
consists of four key elements:
1. A political system for choosing and
replacing the government through free and fair elections.
2. The active participation of
the people, as citizens, in politics and civic life.
3. Protection of the human rights of all citizens.
4. A rule of law, in which the laws and
procedures apply equally to all citizens.”
Feels to me, it’s all quite confusing, the “key
elements” say one thing, and in practice, like real life, everything seems to be the opposite!
I wonder, Santas, when I think of you guys,
instead of seeing RED and WHITE, maybe I
should be thinking BLACK and WHITE? Are you guys also just fooling us, like
the judges? Just sitting there, pretending to be real, going: HO-HO-HO and all, and after taking a picture with us on your lap, getting paid, then sticking it
to us? I mean you are judges too > right? Is everything just all ‘make-belief?’ It's all too confusing...
Guess I'll see what happens next year....'HO_HO_HO'...
Guess I'll see what happens next year....'HO_HO_HO'...
Like the sublime intangible myth
you are, I am like that perpetual child who continues to seek confirmation his
undaunted efforts on earth are not merely for 'naughty or nice.'
Santa, can you please help me
find more substance effect to the efforts of so many well-meaning citizens, all
of whom seek truth and fairness in their sojourn towards justice.
Please Santa, share a Hot
Rum-Toddy with those who are beyond the
law, yet considered the Pillars of our Society. Discuss with them badly
required improvements to both rules and process. Remind them of their Oaths of
Office, and the privileged role they are dedicated to uphold. Suggest to those
no longer capable of impartiality, they find less challenging work, or
perchance take early retirement. (J)
Santa, you are the closest
thing we humans have to a God on Earth. I feel I can trust in
you! Please do what you can. (
Little Johnny Doe.