I am no longer surprised at either the attitude, nor tardiness that runs the very highest order of our Legal System. The hue and cry over the lack of access to justice by the ever increasing numbers of Self-Representing Litigants, forced to do so for a variety of reasons, costs only being ONE of them, all seems to fall on their annoyed ears.
To add to the chaos of inner discombobulation within which it appears each department is sufficiently autonomous to render on to Caesar whatever they see fit to communicate and establish, just several days ago I received, by regular mail, a document from AG's Counsel - Mr. Johnny Van Camp.
I would have liked to post it here, but I again haven't the savvy tech knowledge to do so. Cut/ Paste ?
It won't work; Drag/Drop, it worked, but then shows up as a 'Question Mark' when uploaded. Been here before, so I am just retyping its contents, sans letterhead etc. So much for either my ignorance, or the machine's un-allowance. Maybe it's a battle between Mac and ??????
After stating the Case + its number, Van Camp's letter, dated June 15, with 'Via Email' crossed out and the tiniest almost ineligible 'Regular Mail' inserted, reads:
"Enclosed is the entered order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Gaul dated February 12, 2016.
As you know, Gaul J ordered for you to pay $100 in costs for having my client defend your application for judgment at the summary trial on February 12, 2016.
Please forward me payment of this amount by certified cheque or money order made out to the Minister of Finance of British Columbia and delivered to my attention by June 30, 2016.
Thank you for your consideration of the foregoing. Once payment is received, I will consider this matter closed.
Yours truly,
Signed, Johnny Van Camp
Barrister and Solicitor
JVC/tm "
BEFORE ) 'The Honourable Mr. Justice Gaul ) February 12, 2016
ON THE APPLICATION of the plaintiff