I had a conversation with a lady-friend the other day. She believes the chaos reigning over the world is due to TESTOSTERONE. As a skeptical elder male, I did not argue with her, but was motivated to look elsewhere for aggression. I found it with the almost blind and ferocious group of Army ants.
"Although there are more than 200 species of army ants living on both sides of the globe, genetic evidence indicates that they may all have common ancestors and have kept their evolutionary advantages and disadvantages for more than 100 million years. As Frédéric Delsuc wrote in PLOS Biology in 2003, all army ant species share the qualities of collective foraging, nomadic living and wingless queens that can produce vast quantities of young. These morphological and behavioral similarities enforce their collective behavior, with individual ants unable to survive well on their own. While evolution gave the ants a successful strategy to survive as a group, it may have also left them with remnant behavior, a "pathological" behavior that can be seen "as the footprints left by the evolutionary trajectory in which these ants have been trapped."
The above para tells us they have been around a while, like 100 million years? Whereas we, homo sapiens (WISE man) a spit, at a mere 200,000 years. And WHAT we have achieved! If running our planet Gaia in to working towards our own extinction means 'achievement.' Wise indeed!
"...with individual ants unable to survive well on their own."
One thing is not that hard to predict. Starting out as hunter gatherers, than quickly morphing in to a more stable, localized agriculture, our numbers so grew by leaps and bounds, that we are now having a sufficient effect on our planet, to be well on our way to creating our own demise. Like we are 'imploding.'
So for comparison, let's look at our newbe, 'wise' selves and these Army Ants - see what we have in common and where we may differ.
- We are both 'herd' animals, socially interactive, follow the leaders and, with some exceptions, do not do well "on our own."
- Where the Ants depend on their scent of pheromones by blindly following the ones ahead, although it has no actual 'smell', most humans adhere to the status quo, doing what they are told by those of greater power and, as such, WISDOM,' knowing that when they don't there's trouble ahead. So it's wisdom/ power versus pheromones!
- While Modern man has quickly outwitted his natural enemies, continuing his path to conquer and control everything in site, including his own kind, with territory and resources becoming scarce, the ants, though similar, have clearly established and settled in their sustainable niche.
- Though the odd freak-out death spiral (nobody's perfect), they have what it takes for survival, while us HOMOS continue to be never satisfied, continuously wanting more, and as such not able to exist within the equilibrium of existence necessary for longevity. Like I mean we may well be a 'done' species within this century. Creatures of their own demise...
- "While evolution gave the ants a successful strategy to survive as a group, it may have also left them with remnant behavior, a "pathological" behavior that can be seen "as the footprints left by the evolutionary trajectory in which these ants have been trapped."
Taking the above and applying it to us, the 'Sapiens,' with our heads never satisfied - we always want MORE, like some drug in charge - overriding any and all 'sensibilities.' Like the story of the lemmings herding off the cliff, we may also be BLIND enough, like the Ants, but without that inner clock in charge of making us SEE THE LIGHT, in time to maintain our ultimate survival.
Aggression is part of Nature. Survival of the fittest. Create a niche, propagate to fill it, suss out the boundaries of equilibrium and stay there, minding your parameters.
But that's just not us. High in the head, we created 'GOD.' When he/ she/ they were pagan, like the God of Thunder, the God of the Sea etc., nobody got hurt, except the few who were hit by lightning, or perished at sea. The 'Gods' were real, they were all around you.
Then Homo Sapiens, always the smart and thinking one, began modernizing their Gods. First move was to reduce 'them' in to one single one. To suit their environment different cultures picked different versions. This began creating rifts amongst the peoples living in the different areas of the globe. It worked for a while, since the TESTOSTERONE of young, virile men kept the Homos' numbers in tow by killing those with 'other' Gods, and often being killed themselves.
We stopped doing this after the Second World War, and our numbers quickly began to rise again. At 7.5 Billion in numbers, we increase annually by 80 million God-fearing souls. This is more than TWICE the total population of CANADA (at circa 37 million)
Most of the increase in population is taking place where the land can least sustain the numbers. So, led by their God and backed by their killing machines, the TESTOSTERONE of the still able-bodied are desecrating their enemies. There is little else that motivates, since nothing is making sense anymore.
And together with the sheer hypocrisy of the Democracies of the 'FREE' world, our Homo (so-called) Sapiens' WISDOM has flown the coop.
TESTOSTERONE * "uber alles in der Welt! "
YIP, our species is BROKE! Armageddon is unfolding as we speak! The circus continues tonight in the second PRESIDENTIAL debate! Testosterone indeed.
Maybe my friend is right?
* "Deutschland uber alles" was Hitler's favorite phrase, as he was wanting to build his superior Arian race...
Sunday, 9 October 2016
Friday, 7 October 2016
264. Duplicate of my NSRLP response to their blog on TARION!
TARION is an Ontario home building insurance company, purportedly backing and aiding the home-owner when problems arise during, or after construction. It appears they thrive in someone else's pockets, as is apparent during court sessions when individuals have taken them on.
NAH! I say to the “New NSRLP resource: “My Learned Friend” > for he/she is now a carefully educated manipulative insider towing the lines the ‘SYSTEM’ has indoctrinated her/him in to. My experience has shown me the truth. The ‘public’ is fighting a self-serving, insatiable beast that set up its impenetrable ‘Wall’ as a ploy called ‘Justice,’
We are wasting our time and effort attacking, thinking to change it from the outside. The battle is FAR greater! We need to INSIST on MAJOR REFORMS! I keep saying the same things over and over again, and this may well be the very last time.
Proportionality? Fairness? Impartiality? Accountability? Proof based on fact?…words/words/words…
Being called in to the renewed prerequisites of the Civil Service, in ye olde Engelond, the Supreme Court Act states:
“3 (1) The Chief Justice, Associate Chief Justice and judges have all the powers, rights, incidents, privileges and immunities of a judge of a superior court of record, and all other powers, rights, incidents, privileges and immunities that on March 29, 1870, were vested in the Chief Justice and the other justices of the court.”
“3 (1) The Chief Justice, Associate Chief Justice and judges have all the powers, rights, incidents, privileges and immunities of a judge of a superior court of record, and all other powers, rights, incidents, privileges and immunities that on March 29, 1870, were vested in the Chief Justice and the other justices of the court.”
i.e., in their daily routine, a Judge is fully excused of whatever decision he/she decides to hand down. (see my blog: ‘The Lonely Road to Justice’ for more detail here). UN-accountability is set here for those we purportedly hold in the highest regard. Going to the source with proof of wrong-doing by one of their Judges, the Ministry that pays them some $300,000 out of our public coffers, replied to me their Learned Brethren were UN-accountable. “Just because you did not like the decision the judge handed you, doesn’t mean you are entitled to recompense.” (Asst.AG. to BC’s Minister of Justice)
Can you imagine in 2016, we are still functioning under laws set in 1870? No wonder our system is corrupt, spiralling ever outwards sewing grief and mayhem.
Although I see pockets of dissenting views and efforts across our land, a kind of ‘complaining’ that is wont to happen in most all societies, in this day and age of Internet Technology, I am wholly surprised not to see a far more coherent effort at tackling these most basic IN-justices…
It requires a highly focussed, controlled, country wide demand for a COMPLETE overhaul of the rotted foundation where the hypocrisy embodied in the robed Lords and Ladies of our Court System continue to be allowed to reign over us.
First the REFORM, then we can tackle the Tarions amongst us. PHHT! I have said it > agin!
Saturday, 1 October 2016
263. The Lack of Light on the Lonely Road to Find NO Justice has Caught up with Me!
There are so many amazing people out there, the nurses, volunteers, care-givers, the physically and mentally challenged individuals who will damn well make their lives worthwhile, no matter WHAT it takes! Watching the Para-Olympics was incredible, and touching.
Then to observe the utter insanity of war and destruction. Is there just more evil than there is good? For the longest of time I thought my 4 + years in concentration camps as a child had given me an advantage of extra strength and appreciation for that 'one life time' experience we are given.
It had made me curious about mankind with its amazing potential feats. Why we do the things we do? At 16, I was fortunate enough to emigrate to Canada to live with family in Alberta, where I attended high school, worked for 75 cents per hour after school, to save $150 so I could go skiing in my first car. Then off to Theatre School in London, England, where I discovered more about our fascinating human species through deep and subtle texts in plays written in the English language.
I had decided I was wanting to make worthwhile films about the human condition. However, a far different obstacle confronted me after graduating and returning to Canada. I was 21 and the realities associated with competition for work began to surface. Hired as a Stage-Hand at CBC TV in Toronto, I was told I could work my way up to become a TV producer. But after applying for a floor-director opening some 4 times, and not getting the job, each time I discovered some cousin or nephew from a CBC administrator had gotten it.
Getting nowhere, I quit and started my own Theatre Company and did very well for several years. Then again, when wanting to do bigger productions, I was exposed to the politics of compliance by connection. After doing some 30 educational documentaries with my Film Company, realizing that to succeed I would have to become someone I was not, I left that 'Business,' bought a farm, and became a farmer, only to realize that POLITICS are present everywhere, even in the country when dealing with feed and cattle.
Buy HIGH, sell LOW. The market manipulators, like the drovers, feed-suppliers and the banks had it all figured out! It was a well-oiled seasonal ploy by those who controlled it. The bank was going to front me for 50 young steer shipped in at circa 400 pounds from Alberta. I would feed them up on my nice trefoil fields until mid-October, then sell them to the feed lots. Bought at 60 cents a pound, by mid-October they went, best price, for 40 cents a pound, the 200 pounds gained not making up for the difference. I literally had to pay the supplier $500 extra for the 5 months looking after them, and NOT loosing one 'cattle beast'! Nuts. Welcome to reality.
Farmers are the slaves of the land. I mean small farmers, the mom and pop type, not the large grain conglomerates. So I experienced a whole different segment of society. I took 5 years of it, before moving my family West.
I managed to make some money on the sale of the Farm, after having renovated the entire house. This more than allowed me to put a down-payment on 10 acres here on Hornby. To create work (there was no work here in 1976), I re-invented the wood-burning stove by bringing air for combustion in through a vent from outside. No-one had done that before. (Google: Gopoco/Sandbox on Wikipedia) I just checked, but the original phrase: Reverse Process Wood-burning Stove seems to have disappeared.
In my inimitable way I thought I could make a difference. I had appeared on TV with it and the then National Harrowsmith Magazine had given me a featured article in their number 14 issue. Requiring a foundry to manufacture my mostly cast-iron stove, yet again I ran in to politics. Needing a foundry to create many of the parts for my 'Reverse-Process Sunrise Stove,' the BC Government promised me a small business loan to purchase a hole-in-the-ground foundry a retiring fellow had been making grates and manhole covers in for over 28 years. All seemed a go, until one day I phoned the Gov. in Vancouver, wondering when the loan was available to purchase the 3/4 acre? The person I was speaking with was not the same this time.
Long story short, someone with more clout than I wanted the real-estate. Within 2 years they built an apartment complex on it making a ton of money.
Honesty and vulnerability are not native to doing sound business. Naivety shows weakness, and makes you immediate fodder for the competitive beasts in society where all is about manipulation by one-up-manship. Like chess, it's a game where pride is shown when you sneak up on the other guy when they least expect it. Check mate buddy!
The sociopath has a set masked-smile. There is no conscience to back it up with feeling. I see more and more of it out there. Lies and deceit are the tools of their calling. And if the code happens to be the rhetoric of legalese which was hammered in to them at their U of Choice, whoa any innocent comer looking for Justice. You must be kidding us 'Dude'!
Usage of words like chess! Legalese is like speaking in tongues. Over our heads, we grope to detect meaning. To us it is as clear as night. Just the way they intended. Nothing is ever what it appears. Impartial and objective? I'm human ain't I? Integrity and honour? Look you are asking for real qualities now. Having regard, at all times, to the interests of justice. What 'interests of justice' are you talking about? Accountability? We're exempt; the law excuses us, it says it right here. Proportionality? We are definitely keeping our preferred party in mind. Fair? We decide what's fair. After all, although we look down on you all from our fancy hardwood, leather chairs, we're mortal just like you. We put in our fair time to get here, so fairly earned our positions, okay?
Dismissed! My decision is functus. Now get outta here you squirt!.... And bother us NO MORE!
So I guess by now I feel I've come full cycle. Although at times being judge acknowledged for my "well-meaning efforts," never over these six years have I had my filed materials and challenges related to any of the laws I had referred them to.
What is most disconcerting is to have observed the potency of legalese managing to manipulate pertinent matter rendered by merely nullifying it with discombobulating legalese.
The bottom line horror of legalese is, that it can 'bundle' any argument, rephrase it, and render all proof of facts null and void. Aye, there is the rub of their trade.
I've now seen enough of their slimy shenanigans that reigns supreme! Democracy is a hypocritical fallacy, and with the state of the world as it sits, I maintain our species to be in serious trouble. Like the fall of Rome, when those in power would eat drink and fornicate themselves in to oblivion, I predict we are close to being there again, repeating history.
Shame to all the charlatans, for THEY are the real cause of the woes and havoc.
I can do no more.....
There are so many amazing people out there, the nurses, volunteers, care-givers, the physically and mentally challenged individuals who will damn well make their lives worthwhile, no matter WHAT it takes! Watching the Para-Olympics was incredible, and touching.
Then to observe the utter insanity of war and destruction. Is there just more evil than there is good? For the longest of time I thought my 4 + years in concentration camps as a child had given me an advantage of extra strength and appreciation for that 'one life time' experience we are given.
It had made me curious about mankind with its amazing potential feats. Why we do the things we do? At 16, I was fortunate enough to emigrate to Canada to live with family in Alberta, where I attended high school, worked for 75 cents per hour after school, to save $150 so I could go skiing in my first car. Then off to Theatre School in London, England, where I discovered more about our fascinating human species through deep and subtle texts in plays written in the English language.
I had decided I was wanting to make worthwhile films about the human condition. However, a far different obstacle confronted me after graduating and returning to Canada. I was 21 and the realities associated with competition for work began to surface. Hired as a Stage-Hand at CBC TV in Toronto, I was told I could work my way up to become a TV producer. But after applying for a floor-director opening some 4 times, and not getting the job, each time I discovered some cousin or nephew from a CBC administrator had gotten it.
Getting nowhere, I quit and started my own Theatre Company and did very well for several years. Then again, when wanting to do bigger productions, I was exposed to the politics of compliance by connection. After doing some 30 educational documentaries with my Film Company, realizing that to succeed I would have to become someone I was not, I left that 'Business,' bought a farm, and became a farmer, only to realize that POLITICS are present everywhere, even in the country when dealing with feed and cattle.
Buy HIGH, sell LOW. The market manipulators, like the drovers, feed-suppliers and the banks had it all figured out! It was a well-oiled seasonal ploy by those who controlled it. The bank was going to front me for 50 young steer shipped in at circa 400 pounds from Alberta. I would feed them up on my nice trefoil fields until mid-October, then sell them to the feed lots. Bought at 60 cents a pound, by mid-October they went, best price, for 40 cents a pound, the 200 pounds gained not making up for the difference. I literally had to pay the supplier $500 extra for the 5 months looking after them, and NOT loosing one 'cattle beast'! Nuts. Welcome to reality.
Farmers are the slaves of the land. I mean small farmers, the mom and pop type, not the large grain conglomerates. So I experienced a whole different segment of society. I took 5 years of it, before moving my family West.
I managed to make some money on the sale of the Farm, after having renovated the entire house. This more than allowed me to put a down-payment on 10 acres here on Hornby. To create work (there was no work here in 1976), I re-invented the wood-burning stove by bringing air for combustion in through a vent from outside. No-one had done that before. (Google: Gopoco/Sandbox on Wikipedia) I just checked, but the original phrase: Reverse Process Wood-burning Stove seems to have disappeared.
In my inimitable way I thought I could make a difference. I had appeared on TV with it and the then National Harrowsmith Magazine had given me a featured article in their number 14 issue. Requiring a foundry to manufacture my mostly cast-iron stove, yet again I ran in to politics. Needing a foundry to create many of the parts for my 'Reverse-Process Sunrise Stove,' the BC Government promised me a small business loan to purchase a hole-in-the-ground foundry a retiring fellow had been making grates and manhole covers in for over 28 years. All seemed a go, until one day I phoned the Gov. in Vancouver, wondering when the loan was available to purchase the 3/4 acre? The person I was speaking with was not the same this time.
Long story short, someone with more clout than I wanted the real-estate. Within 2 years they built an apartment complex on it making a ton of money.
Honesty and vulnerability are not native to doing sound business. Naivety shows weakness, and makes you immediate fodder for the competitive beasts in society where all is about manipulation by one-up-manship. Like chess, it's a game where pride is shown when you sneak up on the other guy when they least expect it. Check mate buddy!
The sociopath has a set masked-smile. There is no conscience to back it up with feeling. I see more and more of it out there. Lies and deceit are the tools of their calling. And if the code happens to be the rhetoric of legalese which was hammered in to them at their U of Choice, whoa any innocent comer looking for Justice. You must be kidding us 'Dude'!
Usage of words like chess! Legalese is like speaking in tongues. Over our heads, we grope to detect meaning. To us it is as clear as night. Just the way they intended. Nothing is ever what it appears. Impartial and objective? I'm human ain't I? Integrity and honour? Look you are asking for real qualities now. Having regard, at all times, to the interests of justice. What 'interests of justice' are you talking about? Accountability? We're exempt; the law excuses us, it says it right here. Proportionality? We are definitely keeping our preferred party in mind. Fair? We decide what's fair. After all, although we look down on you all from our fancy hardwood, leather chairs, we're mortal just like you. We put in our fair time to get here, so fairly earned our positions, okay?
Dismissed! My decision is functus. Now get outta here you squirt!.... And bother us NO MORE!
So I guess by now I feel I've come full cycle. Although at times being judge acknowledged for my "well-meaning efforts," never over these six years have I had my filed materials and challenges related to any of the laws I had referred them to.
What is most disconcerting is to have observed the potency of legalese managing to manipulate pertinent matter rendered by merely nullifying it with discombobulating legalese.
The bottom line horror of legalese is, that it can 'bundle' any argument, rephrase it, and render all proof of facts null and void. Aye, there is the rub of their trade.
I've now seen enough of their slimy shenanigans that reigns supreme! Democracy is a hypocritical fallacy, and with the state of the world as it sits, I maintain our species to be in serious trouble. Like the fall of Rome, when those in power would eat drink and fornicate themselves in to oblivion, I predict we are close to being there again, repeating history.
Shame to all the charlatans, for THEY are the real cause of the woes and havoc.
I can do no more.....
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