Thursday, 24 November 2016

268. Thanksgiving for Causes and Causes > Everywhere....

VIEWS@17, 221

Yet not a drop to drink! ...

Life = Energy and Death = Inertia!  So what ye gonna do?

Even at my age, I continue to be interested and motivated. Life is short, and soon enough, I too will be reduced to bones and fodder for the creepy crawlies. Still, while homo sapiens, erect and curious, I am intrigued by the creepy crawlies running things above the nether soil, as I manage to direct my path as well as I see fit. Fortunate I am indeed - in this FREE, but nevertheless manipulated world!

Reflecting on these past years, I now have proof our Legal System is run by well-paid, legalese infected, wayward souls. We all got to create a living... At the same time I keep a daily conduit open to recalcitrant, well-meaning folk who render themselves by expressing their woes in various cloaks of causes, while constantly seeking our most needed financial contributions. And for a good long stretch, I diligently signed their daily petitions, and 'GAVE' some along the way!

But now, more learned (wiser?) I come to realize -

ALL EFFORTS ARE FOR NAUGHT!  We are jerking off at our core, without fully realizing the greater picture that other dimensional forces are running our actualities.

SO! As I am going through these adjustive changes I am in the throws of ridding myself of all my daily inputs of ongoing valiant causes. I am stopping myself from signing any further petitions to save the Orang-Utan (Man of the Jungle); I will no longer sign on to stop the conglomerate chemical pesticide companies from killing our precious bees, or struggle to realize our turn-coat Prime Minister is signing up with China to deliver our oil to them in vulnerable tankers from the west-coast!

I am done with our cumulative piddling efforts that gain absolutely no results. As my former wife expressed so brilliantly! IT IS WHAT IT IS!

Never believing it before, it is now taking me to sojourn in a different direction.

Below an example of - de-scribing to a cause....

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"Although I strongly believe in the many causes I subscribe to, I have come to realize that our purported Democracy is, in fact, a proven hoax! Unless and until we manage to reinterpret what lies at the root of the problem, in my view  - a corrupt legal system - any and all efforts towards positive change will fall on deaf ears!"

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

267. Bring it on Mr. PRESIDENT TRUMP ....

VIEWS@ 17162

The following is a well-written comment by a PBS NEWSHOUR respondent, commenting on Donald Trump's election. 

Penny Agbayani

So, to re-cap: the "silent majority" staking out the moral high ground here decided to make itself heard -- by electing a twice-divorced semi-literate; a pathological liar; a silver-spoon serial bankrupt who consistently leaves working-class Americans holding the bag when his half-baked business ventures fail; a guy who once lost $1 billion in a single year but who is too gutless to release his taxes and so cowardly that he kept repeating the sad little "audit" lie even after all of us knew he was simply too much of a punk to man up and show us the returns (the way that every other prez candidate has done for 40 years); an admirer of Russia's autocratic thug and No. 1 enemy of America, Putin; a hero to white supremacists and other spittle-flecked racists everywhere; a man who routinely calls women "pigs" and worse in public; a thin-skinned con man with his panties forever in a twist about those nasty mainstream journalists who insist on reporting on his self-aggrandizing fabrications and his countless lawsuits; and a man caught on tape bragging about sexually assaulting women in a way that perfectly articulates the basic tenets of "rape culture": namely, if you're a man, and especially if you're famous, women are to be used, abused, and discarded.

I guess all of that is behavior that passes for admirable and worthy of celebration among right-wing Americans these days. Good to know. I feel better knowing the sort of opponents that I -- and tens of millions of other REAL Americans -- will gladly be fighting against for the next four years.

(The following is my rebuttal )

Jan ...          

Though beautifully voiced, it may be more about dealing with the devil you know, than the hidden factors of the angel you don't. What is most grotesque here is to have endured these two, as the ultimate representation of a purportedly 'developed' and free society. Bottom line shows we may be technologically advanced, but as a species, we have morally gained zero since the old Greek and Roman days. We continue to fight lions in an emporium. Hail Caesar! Et tu Brute? 


So .....time ....will continue to unfold, as it does - with - or - without us.

'Shit' will be flying. 

As a President, like many before him, he will likely find out that everything is not just a quick business deal. He is no longer just the one and only decision maker, and may well become hugely frustrated with all of those who continue to run the systems they have so comfortably created.

But, guess what? He will be a catalyst for change. 

I actually feel that the possibilities for a whole new order, with or without his directives, will manage to set out its roots. Younger generations, no longer held back by the former stifling status quo, will build their new, and more enlightened formats in more trustworthy, caring and sharing systems.  

Part of that, I feel, will include the need to look more seriously at our foundations. 

And that will HAVE to include our seriously self-serving, and corrupt legal system.

Friday, 4 November 2016



Been taking a break from the results of my personal legal nasties lately, observing, disbelieving, the abject lunacy with our neighbours down south, trying to let it all sink in. Just WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH US? Is the blatantly obvious global mayhem not enough of a sign to get our act together? Are we just going to sit back and allow ourselves to self-destruct?

Mulling these things over, I try to imagine if there is any potential light I could shed, or procedure I could follow, to possibly make a tiny bit of difference. Then I realize, fact is, the MACHINE of CORRUPTION and disparity is dug in so pervasively solid, nothing less than a revolution could even hope to allow mankind to begin with a clean slate.

I remember years ago speaking with a business man who was going to have his 'year-end' interpreted. The accountant had asked him: Do you want to show a profit, or a loss? What's most beneficial to you?

I now know the legal system, as well, has myriad rules they can pull out at convenience in any possible circumstance. for use at its beck and call. So when and where does law, as practiced, represent 'JUSTICE?' I discovered it doesn't. It's all in the game, applied as the occasion sees fit.

"Acting within the Rules of the Theatre" YIP! We're 'acting' and in the 'Theatre.' "The minutiae of civil procedure." "The rules of evidence must be followed." "the admission of expert evidence."  .... words, words, words. None of my 'evidence' was ever even discussed.

As an outsider,  I have come full circle. Pursuing anything further would be a pure waste of time.  I acknowledge Justice as practiced to be a farce. The Court and its employees are accountable! Then again, they are NOT accountable! A judge errs - daring blatantly - on purpose! In her daily duties that is her right! "My decision is FUNCTUS" (officio)Sorry, old fella SRL. Case closed.

Looking at the many prerequisites that surround, colour, and define our laws as 'democratic,' words like: fair, unbiased, proportional, law abiding, + many more, if those hired to represent these laws, are in fact, by law, un-accountable for their actions, then can I, as a judged and off-handedly dismissed litigant citizen not cry foul? Since by the very fact they have been put in charge to judge me on the basis of representing those written laws, they MUST be held accountable for their actions? 

And, if by law, they are accountable, as a Canadian Citizen am I not legally entitled to a fair and proper trial, at which the details of facts, precedents and arguments I presented are dutifully assessed and interpreted? (which never occurred) And until that takes place: 

Do I have to accept their quick, tricked, undefined, judgment of dismissal? 

All this is just more work and life-time spent with ZERO assurances to gain anything. 
Am I making sense?

I clearly do not expect an answer...:)>