When sworn in to office, our highest Government Appointed Officials swear their oaths to adhere to very specifically identified legal promises and to be at all times objective, impartial and fair. Such are the laws as set by a democracy! We now know that, at times, if not blatantly ignored, these oaths can be blatantly betrayed!
That's right! All because a former Judge sent me packing for "lack of jurisdiction"[...] "to file a claim in the Jurisdiction of the Defence who domiciled in a faraway Province, a Province which Default ruling for filing states that a claim must be filed in the Jurisdiction it originated! ... Make sense?
So the Judge was WRONG! But challenging this higher, Supreme Court the Lady was hired to serve, never even bothered to look at this claimant supplied evidence! Instead it tells him: "... his action discloses no reasonable claim and is an abuse of the court process." And once again, the claimant is dismissed, sent packing - nary finding even a modicum of Justice as set down by the Nation's written laws.
Not only that! We have purported Justice upheld by 2 individuals both working for the same Ministry. There is the Defence Counsel representing the claim against the Ministry of Justice; and then there is the Judge representing the Ministry of Justice.
If there is "an abuse of the court process" at play, even a toddler would point the finger at what is rampant 'COLLUSION.'
So, does betraying a sworn oath, even once, make a difference to one's Ethics? You have sworn an oath to be faithful and adhere, then break that promise? Can it be tolerated even once? Like on an especially bad day? If so, by who? Who is watching over us? Who regulates those at the pinnacle of our highest Institution?
It appears all is ultimately left to the judges and lawyers own conscience! And looking around at our very leaders, the purportedly most noble and learned specimen of our species, there appears to be very little clean 'conscience' to be found anywhere. How can this come to pass?
Let's have a Google's look at some data about what makes a sociopath....
"Ninety-nine percent of humanity are not sociopaths. One percent is. Of that one percent, there are some that are so inhuman, so bone-chillingly awful, that they become famous sociopaths. Unfortunately that's exactly what they want, and their infamous notoriety pleases them to such a degree that prison doesn't bother them. If anything, prison is just another playground."
sociopath and psychopath appear to have become interchangeable, but they are not. Whilst both are people with a mental illness that separates them from the rest of society the psychopath appears to have a continuous anger at the world and people with a disposition toward violence, whilst the sociopath literally “doesn’t care”.
Sociopathy, like psychopathy is labelled in the US Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) as antisocial personality disorder. There is limited evidence that sociopathy is the result of a brain injury or embedded belief system, whilst psychopathy has a hereditary component. Some academics have estimated that one in twenty-five of the population may be a sociopath or show sociopathic tendencies.
The character Sheldon Cooper in the popular television comedy “The Big Bang Theory” has high-functioning Asperger’s syndrome, but because of his disregard for the feelings of his fellow characters, could be perceived as a sociopath.
Signs and Symptoms of Being a Sociopath
There are a respected range of signs that can identify those who could be labelled sociopaths. These include an outward charm, potentially showing a chameleon like ability to be everything the person they are engaging with wants. As a former wife of a sociopath quoted “he morphed into a perfect being”. This is an indication of another of the traits, sociopaths will be often be deceptive and dishonest, and some would describe them as pathological liars.
Sociopaths are by nature manipulative saying and do what is required to deceive those they wish to control. They often believe they are superior to those around them; they will also get bored if not constantly stimulated.
Sociopaths appear to have a limited range of feelings, expressing little happiness or sadness, and with no sense of the suffering that they inflict on victims of their actions. At the extreme they can be seen as cold, callous and contemptuous.
Somewhat paradoxically they also have trouble controlling their behaviour when challenged, often responding with annoyance and impatience.
Read more at: http://psychologized.org/top-5-famous-sociopaths/
10 Professions That Attract the Most Sociopaths
Our notions of good and evil are as malleable and evolving as the society around us. Whereas once we used to burn opinionated women as witches, or assume seizures were a sure sign of demonic possessions — we now rely on scientific inquiry and skepticism to define the world around us. This has led to a wide array of psychological categories, groups and behaviors through which we self-identify: Introvert, type A, depressed, delusional, egotistical or sociopath!
There are still ongoing disputes in field of psychiatry, and the inner workings of the mind remain a great scientific mystery yet to be fully explored. However, when it comes to sociopathy, we seem to have a somewhat functioning definition: a lack of empathy, emotions, or ability to identify with others coupled with a superficial charm, persuasiveness, focus, and egomania.
It might surprise some to learn, however, that the vast majority of sociopaths aren't killers lurking in the shadows. Most of them are walking around among us, immersed in careers that nurture their psychological traits, and in some cases even reward them.
Here are the top ten jobs that attract sociopaths, according to author Kevin Dutton:
1. CEO
With the heartless greed and sadistic ambition displayed on Wall street since the 2008 financial collapse, it may come as no surprise that the first place on the list goes to the modern-age equivalent of a pharaoh. Capitalist positions of leadership offer power, autonomy, command, and status — a perfect battlefield for the ambitious and ruthless to compete. Where once pyramids littered the dessert in tribute to vain kings, we now have skyscrapers and corporate logos filling the clouds above.
2. Lawyer
Lawyers cloak themselves in the language of their field, making the laymen reliant on their expertise to survive in a courtroom. In the fog of legalese linguistics and glibly twisted logic, you better pray your lawyer is the most bloodthirsty of the two. There's a reason Shakespeare hated them so much, and why they continue to be the butt of so many jokes. Lawyers have a reputation for distorting the systems of equality, specifically for the purposes of ensuring their financial success. For every white knight district attorney looking to uphold the pillars of justice, you are sure to find a handful of bleak-hearted cynics and cutthroats.
There you have it! Top of the list. Bundle Lawyer with Judges, since, except for Masters, they are all elevated lawyers. Feel familiar? It DOES explain it all, but does it make it right?
This then takes us back to our 'conscience.' And, most importantly, since many of our anointed highest and most noble citizens are having trouble keeping their oaths, as is made clear by above... ,
conscience |ˈkän(t)SHəns| nounan inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior: he had a guilty conscience about his desires | Ben was suffering a pang of conscience.
Recent studies in epi-genetics show that our conceptions and attitudes to life are set in early life. If, as a child, you were raised in an institution, or a parent abused you, there is a likely-hood certain irregular societal behaviors can occur later.
- the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself."epigenetics has transformed the way we think about genomes"==================================================================================More later.....none of it very encouraging ..... :)