Monday, 15 May 2017

284. SANITY and REALITY - to be Re-Defined


Although I feel the East-West distribution of cheap goods will continue to slow down as the former 'developed' world is coming to grips with its new realities, the overall Balance of Power(s) are quickly shifting. 

To think that Kim Jong-un, Supreme leader of North Korea, is becoming a serious threat to the safety and stability of the Globe; 
To think that former KGB Putin has his iron-hand firmly on the outs of Russia;
To think the Saudis King Abdulaziz continues to allow daily beheadings of any dissenters. 
To think the US of A's president is another lying billionaire and former TV Reality Host > "You're Fired." To name but a few of the Big Gun RULERS of the world...  

It shows that the (potentially) more sane 99.99.99 % of the rest of us > the populous PEOPLE > are all asleep, not even knowing where the 'wheel' is to be found to turn the ship around. 

The best efforts we can make is going on another archaic protest March. NOTHING has changed since feudalism.  HOW is it that history repeats itself? WHY are we so impotent? 

While the ONLY areas of real change are the high-tech scammer virus guys, who can sit in their bedroom-underwear, creating instant turmoil to our now vulnerable institutional systems.  With Climate Change (where IS that frigging SUN gone?) and VR in the hub, we'll all soon be in the ER! If the place is still running that is.

We, each of us, need to take a serious look at ourselves. You can't blame Trump; you can't blame Putin! ... They are there because we let them in....( my post 282) 

We are all responsible for Isis; we are all responsible for the state of the world; each and everyone one of us is guilty of a certain hypocrisy.  

I quote the following:  

"What is the Law - About Canada's Systems of Justice. v
Laws are rules made by government that forbid certain actions and are enforced by the courts. Laws apply to everyone equally. If you break a law, you may have to pay a fine, pay for the damage you have done, or go to jail."

So 'Okay' you say, I buy in to that, like the 'Nobody is above the Law.' 
Then WHY is it that in the: "Laws apply to everyone equally" in practice it actually translates to mean: " Laws apply to those who Kings and Dictators, and Presidents, and Judges and lawyers have decided to find guilty." 

Since - in practice - it continues to prove that those who run our affairs are - in fact - ABOVE the law..... >>> until and unless we DO something about it collectively. And, guess what, we know that it is possible...
Therein, at least, lies some 'hope.' 

Here's a thought...... What would happen if an online movement were to create a single voice demanding global SANITY, and you'd manage to have BILLIONS agreeing to act on certain directives...... could we save mankind? 

Now THERE is a VIRUS I'd like to see ...

Friday, 12 May 2017

283. Is FAKE news - our new REALITY; the DEATH knell for TRUTH and FACT?


WHERE is our 'run-amock' species taking us these days?

Is High-Tech elevating us off the ground now, to exist purely in the head ?
Feet no longer connecting with Mother Gaia Earth - un-grounded?

Is Virtual Reality going to be man's new tactility? Is everything that was three dimensional once becoming cerebral fodder?
Are we preparing ourselves for a major escape from truth and reality?

If so, are you up to its snuff?  Check it out then.

'Real' life is mostly represented by entertainment now.  The Net is a TWITTER.....
Soundbites jerk us to respond, while Wars continue to Kill People. ........We are used to it now.

Nothing phases us. Our senses are dulled into numbness. More bombs, more blood, more deaths. Millions are starving in a sun desolated Africa ... while much of the rest of the world is under water. Extremes of polarity are becoming the norm.

We tried to share and care about it once, played music - donated. But that was then and this is NOW!

Married to our Gadgetry, we watch and listen. Same shit, different order. DULLED in our heads, we are essentially confused - about EVERYTHING! We no longer know WHAT is real!

And still, we say NO to climate change! Like the Ostrich - our heads are in the sand.
Inundated, reality is everywhere... for we have all become globalists ...

Relentless, it keeps coming - day after day ..... until the SUN stops shining... 🎊

Time to redefine SANITY.... ?

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

282. "Every Nation Gets the Government it Deserves" *


What a fascinating concept ? The assumption, regardless our senses of direction or purpose, we are all subjects, if not slaves, to those we allow to RULE over us.

Think of it?... Seven BILLION of us, each living where we do, either starving, invaded, being killed, abused or appeased - all subservient to our all-powerful, mostly single-entity RULERS.  Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Gaddafi, Putin, Assad, ...'You'r fired.'.D. Trump! .. just to name a few of the 'outstanding' ones.

Fact is, historically, a certain dictatorship, regardless how nefarious, always kept the lid on any subversive elements. The few had everything, keeping the delegated masses well in their place, griping, but managed; there to support them.

It shows - by proof - that any attempts at democratic ruling has proven ill-defined and un-workable! 'Somebody' always takes advantage - to lead the pack > somewhere!  There's GOT to be a clear sense  of direction. (Our Mr. Trump is a Master at it.... DUH!) ....How much longer, I wonder?

Is this due to the ultimate essence of humanity as a herd creature? That there's always a single creature, leading us by the nose?
"Oh, I just noticed 'somebody' moving us that-a-way;  I guess we should go there too then eh?...

Oh for a benevolent dictator.... Too bad, because few have the savvy character for it.

Joseph de Maistre, the most visionary of France's early counterrevolutionaries, was one of the first to speak of this. A Catholic, he traced the French Revolution to the acrid solvents of the Reformation. With its celebration of "private interpretation" of the Scriptures, Protestantism paved the way for century upon century of regicide and revolt originating in the lower classes. It is from the shadow of a cloister that there emerges one of mankind's very greatest scourges. Luther appears; Calvin follows him. The Peasants' Revolt; the Thirty Years' War; the civil war in France...the murders of Henry II, Henry IV, Mary Stuart, and Charles I; and finally, in our day, from the same source, the French Revolution.