Friday, 13 October 2017

291. POSTURING > The New Reality?

STAT-VIEWS@ 19,582

Technology with its inherent alienation, can either save or kill us. Too much in the head, we are loosing our grounding. Mesmerized, our eyes lock on flashing hand-helds, each nano-second feeding us new information........ All the while our feet are up our nostrils.

Will posturing become the accepted norm of being? 


POSTURING  *    a particular way of behaving that is intended to convey a false impression; a pose: 

Unseen, you can be anyone you want to be. Have you picked your favorite Avatar yet? 

To get your way, tell them what they want to hear! Whisper what they want to see; allow them to be anybody, anywhere...Play to their emotional vulnerabilities, whatever emotions they still suffer from and are influenced by. Feed them what makes them feel instantly ’GOOD!’. The quick hit guarantees immediate results. No work

The Trust* Paradox!” I read in an About Us statement for a chosen ‘Foundation Model’ for a website’s motto about inspiring people development and operational excellence. It is described as a “unique innovation development program.”

Trust  noun

firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something: relations have to be built on trust | they have been able to win the trust of the others.
• acceptance of the truth of a statement without evidence or investigation: I used only primary sources, taking nothing on trust.
• the state of being responsible for someone or something: a man in a position of trust.
• literary a person or duty for which one has responsibility: rulership is a trust from God.
• literary a hope or expectation: all the great trusts of womanhood.
Law confidence placed in a person by making that person the nominal owner of property to be held or used for the benefit of one or more others.
• an arrangement whereby property is held in a trust: a trust was set up | the property is to be held in trust for his son.

* Paradox.
"a statement or proposition that, despite sound (or apparently sound) reasoning from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems senseless, logically unacceptable, or self-contradictory:"

Since Trust and Paradox are at war, how, in all sensibility, can they combine to live together as a model for ‘enhancement?’ Beats me...


Electricity runs on a Positive, a Negative, and a Ground. All three are required to complete the circuit. Our bodies are the same. Without grounding, we short-circuit. It is as simple as that.

About a month ago I was asked to dowse* for water for a new Community garden plot. Although we are all pretty much alike with our arms, legs, organs and some 5.5 litres of blood,  essentially we should all be able to 'find' the water lines that run through the ground fissures. However, most individuals have difficulty focussing enough to tune in to their bodies and allow their innate abilities to come to the fore and speak.

Finding 'lost' objects may be a little harder, but essentially all so-called 'lost' objects are to themselves not LOST at all! They are very much existing in what ever place they happen to be at. It's just that 'YOU' have forgotten or simply do not have the notion to retrieve them. It is called 'memory.'

As such, concentrating on the object, with rods in hand, you essentially ask to be taken TO those objects. I have 'recovered' lost, hiding chickens this way; chickens that had scattered when an Eagle came to pick one up for lunch. Several had, head first, crawled in to spaces they would have otherwise perished in. Yes, a chicken's brain can not think in reverse...:)

The point I am making is that it is becoming clear to me that the rapid stages of technological  'advancement' are morphing us humans by making us increasingly vulnerable to its ploys.

Our In-ner-nets are being overtaken by the all invasive In-ter-Net. Are we okay with Big-Brother taking over our identity? Are we going to be safer functioning as a single blob? Are we prepared to give up our individual grounding?

Our evolutionary human senses are at war. Is this a mass preparation towards bot-ism, or will the experiment fail, and we self-destruct through bot-u-lism?

Remember how during the cold war * the nuclear clock was sitting at 3 minutes to midnight?
Well folks, maybe our all powerful Mother Gaya is telling us:
"This place needs to get rid of most- a- you's guys!  Enough = enough!"

Will posturing become the accepted norm of being?
There is little time left to figure it out.


* [Dowsing is a type of divination employed in attempts to locate ground water, buried metals or ores, gemstones, oil, grave-sites, and many other objects and materials without the use of scientific apparatus.]

cold war
ˈkōl(d) ˈˌwô(ə)r/
  1. a state of political hostility between countries characterized by threats, propaganda, and other measures short of open warfare, in particular.
    • the state of political hostility that existed between the Soviet bloc countries and the US-led Western powers from 1945 to 1990.
      noun: the Cold War