VIEWS@ 21,571
Before I comment, let me allow you, the reader, the unbiased intake of the below exchange between myself and a, to me, unknown web-developer I discovered on the Net.
It goes something like this:
My first email contact:
HI ‘Y’ (Name Withheld) :
I came across your website and services as a web-developer and really liked what I saw. I have been looking to gain a woman’s perspective while working on creating an interactive web-site for quite some time now and wondered if you could be interested to have a look at it and share some of your thoughts.
Sincerely, Jan
The ‘Y’ person’s first response:
"Hello, Jan
I had a look at your website and quite frankly I’m not sure why you think that my gender affects my skillset as a web designer.
I wish you all the best in your endeavours.
Best, (name with-held)"
My ‘X’ response (I am a MALE) to the 'Y' person
OH dear, for clear communication.
"I’m not sure why you think that my gender affects my skillset as a web designer.”
I am specifically looking to find your gender (‘y’s’name) - to HELP me with talents I feel I do not possess!
It’s me who does not have the skill-set!…
Oh dear! That went down-hill fast :) … can we turn this around? Or is the damage done?
‘Y’ person to ‘X’ the Jan PERSON
“Again, I don’t understand why my gender is of any consequence to my work. I highly recommend that you refrain from such mysoginist comments, and hopefully you will find the right PERSON to assist you.”
Me ‘X’ Person to Y ‘Person’
- a person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against women.
You could not be further from the TRUTH! ….
I feel you have affronted me with dangerously mistaken assumptions.
I feel you have affronted me with dangerously mistaken assumptions.
I had some other text, …….then realized you have issues with my even considering you not to be me, and potentially of the opposite gender…… We are clearly at a dead end here.
Be well (Name-withheld) Person.
Y ‘Person’ to Old ‘Misogynist’ X person
“This will be my last comment to you.
By asking me for my help because I am a women has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the work I do or how I perceive it. My gender is completely incidental and I find it very offensive that you have sought out a women as opposed to simply a capable person. How does one’s genitalia affect there understanding of web design, or going further, aesthetics in general?
Your assumption that a woman can help you better than a man is indeed mysogynist; it is a prejudice, whether that is clear to you or not.”
Person 2 Person
Very well, as an individual, a woman (you do state) you are a person who choses to find fault with an individual (in this case a man) who is presently specifically seeking for an all-round talent that may also have an opposite gender’s perspective to a seriously complicated and inter-active website.
My search has absolutely nothing to do with procreative equipment. Having mostly worked with younger males I found to have serious ‘attitude,’ I decided at this stage to find a more gentle, comfortable, and insightful person with the same technical talents, but a potentially differing gender stance. That led me to contact you.
The fact you are taking serious offence at my even entertaining the thought your BRAINS could potentially add a variant slant to my website outlook, is now, as you explained it - an offensive stand, and as such making me a misogynist in your eyes.
I can not apologize for thinking we are all mixed bags of talents. If you find your gender can offer zero perspective on the overall psychological character and insight to a web-design’s presentation, in this case my assumption you might have rendered it, I guess I may be prejudiced.
Where I live on Vive La Difference, your take appears that ‘Difference' is a dirty word.
What a strange scenario this has ended up becoming……
you have allowed a certain sadness to overcome me.
Goodbye. Be well….
I am a Male, going on 80 next year. As a caring father I suffered the slings and arrows of the women's liberation movement in the seventies. Many of us ended up biting the dust by losing our families in confused court systems, bent on allowing mother/ women sole custody, regardless our vehement efforts, often merely requesting at least 'Joint' Custody. Our offspring unnecessarily suffered the consequences of these thoroughly inconsiderate actions.
I do not deny there are male creeps out there who should be taken to task. At long last this is finally occurring. However, the 'ME TOO' movement is going seriously over-board, and likely all will explode soon!
Are Mothers not in any way responsible for how their sons grow up emotionally? I am speaking here of at least the more modern, Western world. (Cautiously avoiding my thoughts about the East)
2019 should be an interesting year.....