Saturday, 29 December 2018


VIEWS@ 21,571

Before I comment, let me allow you, the reader, the unbiased intake of the below exchange between myself and a, to me, unknown web-developer I discovered on the Net. 
It goes something like this:


My first email contact:

HI ‘Y’  (Name Withheld) :

I came across your website and services as a web-developer and really liked what I saw. I have been looking to gain a woman’s perspective while working on creating an interactive web-site for quite some time now and wondered if you could be interested to have a look at it and share some of your thoughts.

Sincerely, Jan
The ‘Y’ person’s first response: 

"Hello, Jan

I had a look at your website and quite frankly I’m not sure why you think that my gender affects my skillset as a web designer.

I wish you all the best in your endeavours.

Best, (name with-held)"

My ‘X’ response (I am a MALE) to the 'Y' person 

OH dear, for clear communication. 

"I’m not sure why you think that my gender affects my skillset as a web designer.”

I am specifically looking to find your gender  (‘y’s’name) - to HELP me with talents I feel I do not possess! 
It’s me who does not have the skill-set!…

Oh dear! That went down-hill fast :) … can we turn this around? Or is the damage done? 



‘Y’ person to ‘X’ the Jan PERSON

“Again, I don’t understand why my gender is of any consequence to my work. I highly recommend that you refrain from such mysoginist comments, and hopefully you will find the right PERSON to assist you.”


Me ‘X’ Person to Y ‘Person’

  1. a person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against women.
You could not be further from the TRUTH! …. 
I feel you have affronted me with dangerously mistaken assumptions.

I had some other text, …….then realized you have issues with my even considering you not to be me, and potentially of the opposite gender…… We are clearly at a dead end here. 

Be well (Name-withheld) Person.


Y ‘Person’ to Old ‘Misogynist’ X person

This will be my last comment to you.

By asking me for my help because I am a women has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the work I do or how I perceive it. My gender is completely incidental and I find it very offensive that you have sought out a women as opposed to simply a capable person. How does one’s genitalia affect there understanding of web design, or going further, aesthetics in general?

Your assumption that a woman can help you better than a man is indeed mysogynist; it is a prejudice, whether that is clear to you or not.” 

Person 2 Person

Very well, as an individual, a woman (you do state) you are a person who choses to find fault with an individual (in this case a man) who is presently specifically seeking for an all-round talent that may also have an opposite gender’s perspective to a seriously complicated and inter-active website. 

My search has absolutely nothing to do with procreative equipment. Having mostly worked with younger males I found to have serious ‘attitude,’ I decided at this stage to find a more gentle, comfortable, and insightful person with the same technical talents, but a potentially differing gender stance. That led me to contact you.

The fact you are taking serious offence at my even entertaining the thought your BRAINS could potentially add a variant slant to my website outlook, is now, as you explained it - an offensive stand, and as such making me a misogynist in your eyes.

I can not apologize for thinking we are all mixed bags of talents. If you find your gender can offer zero perspective on the overall psychological character and insight to a web-design’s presentation, in this case my assumption you might have rendered it, I guess I may be prejudiced.   

Where I live on Vive La Difference, your take appears that ‘Difference' is a dirty word. 
What a strange scenario this has ended up becoming……
you have allowed a certain sadness to overcome me. 

Goodbye. Be well….     

I am a Male, going on 80 next year. As a caring father I suffered the slings and arrows of the women's liberation movement in the seventies. Many of us ended up biting the dust by losing our families in confused court systems, bent on allowing mother/ women sole custody, regardless our vehement efforts, often merely requesting at least 'Joint' Custody. Our offspring unnecessarily suffered the consequences of these thoroughly inconsiderate actions. 

I do not deny there are male creeps out there who should be taken to task. At long last this is finally occurring. However, the 'ME TOO' movement is going seriously over-board, and likely all will explode soon! 

Are Mothers not in any way responsible for how their sons grow up emotionally? I am speaking here of at least the more modern, Western world. (Cautiously avoiding my thoughts about the East)   
2019 should be an interesting year.....

Tuesday, 18 December 2018

309. GETTING TO KNOW YOU…or is it me?

VIEWS@ 21,511

For the living - TIME = the reality we all share.  And our ‘Timing,’ based on the eternal clock of day and night, is the personal expression each of us contributes as we sojourn through this life on earth. 

In the Developed World - TIME = For Sale; in the UN-developed World - TIME can be = a Curse.

Serial start-up billionaire entrepreneur Bill Gross, questioning why a number of his projects failed to perform well, while equally treated others rendered him millions, discovered that, out of 5 headings: Concept (11%), Team (24%), Business Plan (18%), Financing (12%) - ‘TIMING’ accounted for some 42 % of the project’s potential success. (The 12% allotted financing, unlike 99% of the rest of us, clearly shows he was well-connected.) 

Earlier, another Bill-ionaire – Bill Gates had coined the phrase: “Online, a little late, is too late.” 

I acknowledge that a number of my earlier endeavours failed because of bad market-timing conditions. Though in-demand, my 16 mm Educational Career-Guidance film series, distributed by the largest Book-Publisher, McGraw-Hill, should have stood us well. But the films required a projector, a projectionist in a classroom set-up - with screen and curtains - to create darkness. It proved too cumbersome and costly. – i.e., had we had the Adata USB computer stick in the early 70’s things would likely have turned out very differently. 
As such, an in-demand product fell by the wayside because of cumbersome technology of the Times. 

Leonardo da Vinci, one of the most brilliant humans ever, observing the double maple seed twirling to the ground, realized if it could fly down in that manner, the reverse moving upward should be equally possible; hence the later invention of the Helicopter blade. He was some 500 years ahead of his TIME.

As such, TIMING often carries the need for a number of coalescing ingredients.  

Having discovered this late in life, it would therefore seem crucial to take heed and listen to those who learned from experience. My journey then, to find a concept-product whose TIMING is right (42%) and TEAM (24%) creating some 68% of the total value, necessitates ensuring to find at least the combination of these 2 most important ingredients at the very outset, before, again, diving in to pursue new goals! 

After a ten year determination of doing so, I feel in my bones, the Bio-Regional Cascadia concept’s TIMING is dead on. To prove its total package stands a chance, my continued objective is to ensure my TEAM and I, aiming to create a most user-friendly, visibly pleasing and administratively efficient website, will be up to its maximum snuff. Within this achievement lurks my most major rub to date.

Good Teams are created not only with the finest up-to-date know-how talent of every member performing their specific detailed duties individually, but efficiency and clarity of objectives must be clearly understood, with all its well-defined component personal parts executed properly and solidly integrated into the developing product, until the whole has been concocted to run flawlessly. 

Still, most successful projects continue to be created in the more tactile natural world, like Silicon Valley, where daily meetings and social interconnectivity is encouraged. Individuals are given the opportunity to become comfortable and integrate by getting to know each other. The Online World tends to cut out most of the five bodily senses. Sight, allowing us to read body language by using Skype, or Facetime, is often avoided - on purpose. If sound by using telephone as a conference tool is not 100% clearly functioning, if text, like email, is not well-defined, potentially creating mixed-messages, the Team will not function efficiently. The feel of 'Touch' and closure of a handshake never occurs. As such, with the all-precious and costly TIME marching on, many potentially sound projects are ultimately doomed. 

The online world is a cash-cow for the multitudes who take advantage by hiding behind closed doors,  taking ample TIME, by validating their major hypes with heaps of promises and steep pricing.

Like myself, the foolhardy can't give up and keep trying by finding new talent, allowing over and over again the same process to determine whether this time envisioned results are going to be achieved, proving at long last the 'TEAM' worthy of collaboration. 

Regardless any apparent potential, it continues to be a crap-shoot and few will succeed.

Such is life! Boohoo..... 


Friday, 26 October 2018



* Just corrected a spelling error in the title :'Accessive' > Excessive :)>

The following is a para from an article about Bill Gates and the valuable work he and his wife are doing globally, particularly in the 'developing world.'

"There is no topic in the philanthropic world more fraught than population growth. The history of efforts to analyze and address it is filled with bad predictions and, worse, cruel solutions. As development expert Alex Ezeh writes elsewhere in the report, “population issues are so difficult to talk about that the development community has been ignoring them for years.”

AH YES! "the development community." Those whose greed for MORE continues to be the Answer for BETTER!

The fundamental issue lies with a generally mismanaged species, hellbent on expanding its presence on a finite resource - Gaia - 'Mother Eath' - our home and planet.

It is clear that the mostly un-educated poor, regardless their poverty and living conditions, somehow do not comprehend their continued procreation lies at the very root of mankind's survival.
The 'developed' Western World is at least beginning to respond to this most influencing factor!

When a young adult in the nineteen sixties, I was responsible for creating 3 off-spring!
If I were in my twenties again, today, I would seriously reconsider parenthood and likely be motivated to have a single child. 
Although I am myself an only child, I have encountered single children with growing pain handicaps. 

Still, I continue to see parenthood as the most challenging role. To be part of the creation of a new human being, in an enhancing circumstance and environment, can be a most fulfilling experience. 

However, when proceeding to do so in a partnership that ultimately goes its separate ways, brings on its own multitude of aggravating issues that can lead towards wondering why you ventured there in the first place.    

Friday, 5 October 2018

307. What matters - Who cares - Why bother?


I'm in a quandary!

I was ready to quit this at 21, 000 'HIT-views.' When I arrived at the number I thought about shutting it down.  These mostly self-indulgent utterings have been my views on life. 'Why' had I primarily been doing it? Was there a certain satisfaction in knowing there were 'readers,' even if I did not know who they were and never heard from them - i.e. YOU?

So I assessed my feelings about deleting it, and queried how I would make better use of my time.
I had some time ago been assured by 'Google' that "NO" it was not their automatic traveling online BLOT fooling me in to believing there were actual HUMANS reading my expressions. They assured me REAL people were literally visiting the blog.

Admittedly, after my six years indulgence with the Legal System, to literally discover it to be self-servingly corrupt (I do not use this word lightly), I am these days, on the whole, in a somewhat empty and quite somber state of mind - especially with what is transpiring in USA politics, and globally in general.

I 'm beginning to wonder?  Has technology sufficient hold on the common man to have disrupted all sense of belonging? With the power structure controlled by a relatively small group, we are far more than shooting ourselves in the foot.  Has 'we' indeed become a runaway train, destined for doom?

And there I try to continue to be a focused, go-getter optimist entrepreneur - getting NO-where. So far, each time, when confronted with setbacks, I manage to overcome and soldier on, always  remembering my hurdles are puny, compared to the problems of most.

Still the latest project, with all my will power, endurance and belief in good Timing, I am somehow failing to bring to fruition.  I just know what the product needs to be, but for the life of me, with millions of web-developers out there, working with the latest developer, again, just did NOT work out. Left brain V. Right brain, we just speak different languages.  And as a not sufficiently productive harmonious team, I severed my relationship.

So what's going on here? Is it all ME? If so, WHAT is my problem?

You're 'OLD' school Dad. You expect too much! Are you serious, I ask? You do not feel a product should function as close to perfect as you can make it? Don't you demand it from your car? You're OK with a leaking roof? Come on now, let's be serious here. I refuse to go out there half-cocked.

Which is, in fact what it is, at present. Formatted in Joomla, the back-end Admin is a nightmare! It needs to be fully customized, user-friendly, easily administrated. That's it; no excuses.

I have tried a bunch of the online services looking for a capable PHP developer. They all want an arm and a leg + MORE.  So, QUESTION is? With all the hype out there of working together (Angel List etc) WHERE to go to find a knowledgable, trustworthy team-player ?

If anyone reading this has an answer? >>>>> Please get in touch!

With appreciation,
Yours > Truly!

Sunday, 26 August 2018

306. "KNOW THYSELF" - Socrates

Know thyself

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Greekaphorism"know thyself" .
"The unexamined life is not worth living."
Socrates was born circa 470 BC, in Athens, Greece. We know of his life through the writings of his students, including Plato and Xenophon. His "Socratic method," laid the groundwork for Western systems of logic and philosophy.

For most of us, life is a continuing quandary about trying to interpret who we think we are, or want to end up 'being.' Who do you know to be at peace with the world and themselves? Who do you know to be at perfect ease and seemingly in charge of the pressures of their surroundings? 
Go check it out. Likely very few, if any. 

For most, the pressures and demands of their surroundings way so heavily upon them that tendencies toward any individual expression ends up being stifled, often for mere fear of rejection. If you don't tow the line of 'acceptability' - by daring to voice opinions not towing the line of local acceptances, you are likely to pay the price; and it won't be pretty. So most don't even dare.

For those of us fortunate enough to live in a less oppressed environment, though the allowances to discover ourselves may be broader, every phase of growth brings its own and additional questions. 
What's it all about and what am I actually doing here? 
The 'meaning of life' remains a constant at any stage of self-development.   

So, in your assessments between subjectivity and objectivity, you encounter the continued challenge of WHAT to DO, or NOT to do! What would happen if I did 'such 'n such?' Would it be a positive, or could I end up paying for it? 

What is weakness? What is strength of character? To pick up a gun and lash out..... we see it globally happening on a daily basis, is clearly not the answer.  It merely indicates frustration and a lack of understanding of how those who have had greater 'wits' about them, have manipulated their societies to suit themselves.  

You either find peace from within your status quo existing environment,  or move away - if you are able to do so. 

Life's a trip, a voyage at best. For many borne in unfortunate circumstances, to Know Thyself is not even on the agenda. Day to day survival is the only objective.  

Surely it is up to those of us fortunate enough to be allowed the time of day to even entertain the self-indulgent opportunity to delve in the realms of self-discovery to find more meaningful alternative answers to the present mayhem that is presently running rampant amongst the species?     

Saturday, 18 August 2018

305. Is 'Quitting' synonymous with 'Dying'?

VIEWS @ 20,934

'THEY' say that only those who do not quit - succeed. But here's the rub! Who are ......'THEY'?
and what is 'to succeed' anyway?

Babies sleep a lot ..... to digest all the things they see and hear that are new to them.
At the end of digesting their daily humdrum stuff, elders sleep a lot, preparing for their final sleep.
For most, there's nothing's new to them, since they are no longer asking questions.
Curiosity has killed the Cat inside them. This is just the way life is.

So in your trajectory towards the end, how do you know when it is time to quit rather than continuing to beat what is more and more becoming apparent to be - a clearly dead horse? When the dead horse is becoming the realization your ongoing problem to FIND,' then WORK with a suitable PHP Coder continues to feel like walking legless through a giant anthill.

Though you darn-well KNOW the present world is run by Left Brainers, your RIGHT brain, old age and lack of capital combined - to bribe the very best in to creating the vehicle you are so clearly envisioning - are simply not enough to get it done. You keep spinning your wheels swimming with the small fry.

Sorry Dude, nice try, but no cigar..... It was not to be YOU! At 43% your Timing was good this time, but at 24% your Team is plainly MISSING in someone else's action...!
Throw in the Towel... Acknowledge defeat.... It was not to be YOU!

How does anyone really know when enough is Enuff?

Is quitting synonymous with dying?

Saturday, 14 July 2018

304. The vicious loop of various roles in humanity.

VIEWS@ 16114

'GOD' versus 'No Comments.' 

 Brilliant Article!

For many there is a 'God', that inexplicably undefined higher essence, needed for most to somehow make sense of who we are and what we are meant to be doing on earth, especially these times, when barraged by information,  inundated, we question our purpose and very reason for being.

Defined by their various religions, complimenting the embodiments of those higher beings, are interpretations of the highest, earthly, human representations.  Over the millennia these have taken on many differing forms. Identified by title and special costume-like robed garment, vocal tonality and role-positioning identify these greater-than-life individuals; their Pulpits creating added effect of angle and height. ...They literally look down their noses at us plebeians !

Whether in the fields of religion, justice, or other, they function at the zenith of our organized systems. In the legal system they happen to be the well-educated, Titled, Honourable Lords and Ladies who, while functioning their trade as immune judges, interpret and pronounce their verdict as they see fit. Right or wrong, there is little opportunity for success questioning them - as I have sadly discovered.

That realized, it needs to be acknowledged that ultimately power does corrupt. Many individuals positioned in a superior role don't have, what should be an the innate human ability to retain their true sense of value, humility, and empathy.  It seems to be that given extra powers over one's fellow beings inevitably leads to corruption.  All indicates that greed and stature ultimately reign over truth, ethics and justice.

..... where will we end?

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

303."You have more friends on Facebook than you think!"

STAT - VIEWS @ 20,760

We are all interested in different things - Thank God! Or, since I do not know who that deity is (supreme being/ divine entity/ creator of all things), maybe to rephrase:  We are all interested in different things - 'WONDERFUL!' - may be more suitable.

As a morphing species, with our high-tech gadgetry creeping in to run our very souls (I'm certainly participating; after all what am I doing at this very moment?) I am sure it is becoming harder to manifest any clear identity of character, especially for the younger generations, all who are raised with the Online-Connector in their hot little palms. Big Brother and Sister too are running the present real and up to the minute show, at least in the West.

However, with a background and character shaped long ago, at my age I have a set foundation to work from; a foundation that informs me when enough is enough when poking around on the machines that try to take me hither and tither, further away from the tactile soil that is ultimately our grounding. Also, surrounded by Nature (I literally live amongst the trees and critters) I am constantly reminded of the tactility and essence of life, as the various species rush about to exist.

Having run this Blog for some years now, I was motivated to upload a video  - for your viewing pleasure.... But! I went in to Google Forum help and got stuck.... all is too confusing, nothing is obvious to me; i.e. user-friendliness, from at least my perspective, is missing.   SO, NO video.

That's my reality! ... and every GOD-given day, I receive: "you have more friends on Facebook than you think."

So here's my take on that super shallow statement, the kind of 'announcement / notification that is helping to skew our vision towards any depth of meaning!

friend |frendnouna person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations.So here is my today's objective! OUT OUT OUT! .....with the in my daily Face ....Facebook.
(Be right back) .....

"Right back" has been several weeks now.....No apologies needed I presume.
Facebook is out of my life, and it feels a little better...
It's positive and good to have choices, and act upon them....

I have my off-spring (3) and a few close friends. With them there is no need to constantly explain.
The 'Friends' on Facebook are a HYPE and CON-job to motivate you to keep connecting with strangers. I do not need it.

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

302. When We Fall Apart...

STAT-VIEWS @ 20,700

Do we know who we really are? If so, are we content with our inner selves? Or, are we vulnerable to others' input, at times questioning our choices, our behaviour?  

As an outspoken individual I am constantly challenged by others who fault me for being 'me'. They show this in a variety of ways. Either there is no response at all (mostly) or there are signs of awkward hesitation. The western world does its best to lean towards the 'considerate' - polite response, while often hiding its true identity.

As a bird lover, feeding Humming birds their sugar-water hit (no ill effects I'm told, it's energy, not food) and supplying other song birds mostly a staple of sunflower seeds + a mixture of smaller seeds,  I notice birds being mostly nasty little critters - not a lot of 'sharing' there. "I'm here - so - F - Off!"

This clearly suggests that in our 'developed' world, as humans, with our acquired religions to suit our bewildered wonderings, when it comes to the nitty gritty world of 'being' an individual, there are all the tell-taling signs of: Color, Status, Gender, Religion, Origin tell us apart and pigeonhole.

How does one reach the stage of total acceptance? Is there even such a stage? ... I thought I had come close, until my neighbourhood 'folk' posed an issue about one local who had applied for a permit to run a gravel pit, with trucks, empty uphill, then full scuttling downhill our already badly maintained pot-holed gravel roads. The sheer practical madness of it. Still, better connected, higher politics may well allow the permit. The 'person' apparently has government connections.

The point is, how much can we absorb, without freaking out and falling apart ? Where does the need for more - stop? When is enough enough?
We, here, are fortunate in that we, as individuals in a free world, managed to interpret our personal niches.

Still, while living as neighbours on our various properties, there continue to be boundaries of allowances. When the collective feels those boundaries are being crossed, the fight is on!
When all are ignited to respond to the common circumstances, individual idiosyncrasies of character are forced out of the closet, and not all is copacetic. (Israel v. Palestine > and the myriad rest of it....)

We realize (at least I do) that we are all hypocrites, even in the so-called FREE world. As long as each is allowed their own implementations of whatever they want, all is dandy. However, let someone suggest a wanted business that feels obnoxious by potentially affecting others negatively...  woe-NELLY, then, the buck stops there!

Then the 'gathering of the clan' sets in. For 'The Greater Good' you will 'give in' and seek to negotiate with your not so pleasant neighbour to achieve to STOP a greater dislike from becoming a reality.  And in the doing, in order to discover who is on board and comes from what angle, we are prepared to be swayed away from our former principles.

Thus we realize (at least I do) that we are all hypocrites....

Sunday, 6 May 2018

301. To my 'ZERO' ('O') FOLLOWERS....

Stat-views @ 20,623

Hello Russia (Its many parts) ; Hello North America - both Upper (Canada and its provinces) and Lower (USA and its States) ; Hello Zero 'Followers:'
(see below stat)...

follower |ˈfälōərnounan adherent or devotee of a particular person, cause, or activity: a freethinker and follower of Voltaire.• someone who is tracking a particular person, group, organization, etc. on a social media website or application:she remains an immensely divisive figure, but she has a million followers on Facebook.====================================================================
 (Shakespeare)  Romeo and Juliet: Act II, scene 2:  "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet" 

SO! To clearly understand - while my 'Mother-Tongue' was Dutch, not English, I constantly check the actual, given, definitions of many of the words I use; at times to realize I have a completely wrong idea of their actual meaning. Then, it's 'WHOOPS' good thing I caught myself, thank you Dictionary (or Google - 'GOD')

This then takes me to our general and Global world, of 'Communication'.

Watching the News of late, I am beginning to question?  Is freedom of 'Thought and Speech' leading us to chaos?
Present Statistics are showing democracies are failing; that it 'appears' there is a returning movement towards the 'acceptance' of what can only be interpreted as 'Dictatorship,' with its obliging 'Police State' controlling the masses. ..... You do the Math, Zero Follower!

Below is a scenario that's unfolding in our small Community. A neighbour is wanting to create an open pit sand and gravel mine (a Quarry) in our quiet neighbourhood. The 'person' (individual) feels to be communicating with us all in a most open, honest and caring way. The 'others' do not agree. So each of us feels entitled to our interpretations, holding the 'other' to be responsible.

At an earlier point I publicly commented (as did others) by responding to the text in a flyer the person had circulated through the community. The 'person' responded, indicating I had 'threatened' them. Though 'others' felt I had not. Today I was motivated to send out another response.  To retain personal safety, here's my somewhat 'adjusted text' between my own, and certain quotes from the other party.


Hello Neighbours: 

Like most of us, I have spent a lot of TIME trying to digest, then interpret, then communicate the "different perspectives and different needs" by the many individuals who both live in the neighbourhood and our greater community. 

And 'YES' every individual digests information in their own inimitable way. Each of us INTERPRETS the same presented text in their own personally idiosyncratic manner. This then can either become 'a beautiful and differing way of viewing life,' or, as 'X' states below:  

Our (...) farm boundary was 100 feet from that active open pit mine at (...)  It was a living nightmare. 

Because I cared, I took pains to try and understand "X', and sojourned to interpret the very text in "X's' FLYER. I took pains to read and re-read my responses, wanting to make certain I was being FAIR in my assessments and comprehension of 'X's' very words. Like 'X'swords: "farm boundary" (versus our quiet, rural (...) neighbourhood); "100 feet from that active open pit mine at .(....)"; "a living nightmare."     

TIME has since indicated that ultimately, all is 'In the eye of the beholder.' Some agreed I was not accusing and or 'threatening,' while 'X' felt I had been. 

All goes to prove, that although we use the same words (and this language is called: English) being subjective by nature, each of us interprets the same text rendered - very differently. We use the same words, have the same concerns, the same realities, are in the the same circumstances, and YET, we are often not aware of what we are saying, or for that matter, maybe not even really know who we truly are, by failing to realize that in the end we might all be much the SAME?! .... 

This then is what creates the stalemate, and makes communication and TRUST 'neigh'- bourly impossible. :)

So! WHY this email?.... After I had indicated I was 'done' with my public input. 

I have become a big fan of the online TV series: TED.COM
Last night I watched the below entry (some 10 minutes long) and, hoping it can, and WILL do something positive, I am motivated to send us all its link:


So, again, dear 'Zero Followers' - from wherever you are? Or NOT are, being or not reading this. ...
Life is constantly unfolding: Here to-day/ GONE to-morrow. 

Once up-on-a-time a Dictatorship, Oligarchy, Police State or Capitalist Democracy, with some fairness but much hypocrisy and pretence, while being taken advantage of, or gassed, killed, or raped, burned at the stakes or plundered, what's REAL?  What is acceptable? What are we bothering to be? 

Maybe a Benevolent Dictatorship? If ever just the RIGHT individual could be found? ... an ALIEN who's been there - DONE that maybe? .... Are you still out there E.T?'  

No matter how righteous and all-caring, WE the Earthlings are in trouble......we are messing up badly.......we need you.... Surely we are in need of SOMETHING!


Monday, 30 April 2018

300. RE: The Theatre > Theater > of LIFE!

STATVIEWS @ 20, 566

Getting silly in my old age? ....

There are, to me, a number of intriguing 'THINGS' unfolding amongst this, our ....general....
Human  RACE!  .... I stop, to comprehend...   RIGHT there! The word "RACE"  ??
..... read its 'definition'......I get the 'competition' part of it.

race 1 |rāsnouna competition between runners, horses, vehicles, boats, etc., to see which is the fastest in covering a set course: I won the first 50-lap race.• (the racesa series of races for horses or dogs, held at a fixed time on a set course.• in sing. ] a situation in which individuals or groups compete to be first to achieve a particular objective: the race for nuclear power.• archaic the course of the sun or moon through the heavens.a strong or rapid current flowing through a narrow channel in the sea or a river: angling for tuna in turbulent tidal races.a groove, channel, or passage, in particular:• a water channel, especially one built to lead water to or from a point where its energy is utilized, as in a mill or mine. See also millrace.• a smooth, ring-shaped groove or guide in which a ball bearing or roller bearing runs.verbno obj. ] compete with another or others to see who is fastest at covering a set course or achieving an objective: the vet took blood samples from the horses before they raced | [ with obj. ] :  attorneys have to think twice before they race each other to the courthouse.====================================================================
human racenoun (the human racehuman beings in general; humankind: trees are vital to the survival of the human race.====================================================================

Human beings in 'general?' Where's the bit about differentiating between the various 'RACES?'   QUESTION?  Somebody explain to me; PLEASE ?  WHO? firsts coined this word ?


Perplexed, I look at several of the other definitions, like:

• archaic the course of the sun or moon through the heavens.- I did NOT know the "course of the sun or moon through the heavens" is called a 'RACE!'a strong or rapid current flowing through a narrow channel in the sea or a river: angling for tuna in turbulent tidal races.- "turbulent tidal races" ???  never heard of it before!a groove, channel, or passage, in particular:• a water channel, especially one built to lead water to or from a point where its energy is utilized, as in a mill or mine. See also millrace.• a smooth, ring-shaped groove or guide in which a ball bearing or roller bearing runs.

- None of the above derivative meanings / 'explanations'/ 'definitions'  I have EVER heard of! 
So, WAKE UP, my friend! ....I say to myself...:).
- Was it Aristotle? who said? "The more I know, the more I know how little I know?"

Aristotle |ˈerəstädl(384–322 bc ), Greek philosopher and scientist. A student of Plato and tutor to Alexander the Great, he founded a school(the Lyceum) outside Athens. He is one of the most influentialthinkers in the history of Western thought. His surviving works cover a vast range of subjects, including logic, ethics, metaphysics, politics, natural science, and physics.

....and then there is / (was?) the 107 year old man my friend met at a New York PARTY?!
107 years old and he's at a PARTY?.... I may have mentioned him in an earlier posting.
So the friend introduces himself to the fella, and asks him 'How do you do it?' and the fella responds:
"Well, ....good genes help (not 'jeans':)... BUT! .....When you wake up......You still got to be 'curious'..... "

Presently at 79, and still in pretty  good shape (says I) I actually do not think I've got another 20 + years in me. I discovered '' a while back, and really enjoy many of their informative talks. One was about 'Cancer' .... and the speaker, opinioning on it, argues, quite sensibly, the word 'Cancer' should be used as a 'verb' instead of a 'noun'.

That whatever 'Cancer' you may be suffering from, is, in fact, an 'ongoing' process. You were fine before.... your immune system was keeping the runnings of your body under control. But then something went awry, and you began 'Cancering.'

I have just started working online with a friend and former film partner of mine. He is completing a musical while going through chemo, suffering from a nasty Cancer. For whatever TIME he has remaining in this life, working with him on this project at least allows for part of his existence to be somewhat of a positive diversion to his pains and stresses. ...

SPRING is doing its very best to kick in on the Wet-Coast...Today is another SUNNY Day, with the birds and the BEES (whatever's left of them) doing their crucial pollinating.

All the while. the 'Human Race' keeps multiplying, spreading their garbage hither and thither...
It ain't looking pretty's all I can say...

CU in a bit...

Friday, 13 April 2018

299. Is Democracy a Wanting Fallacy?

STATS at #20,537


Nature in her inimitable manner over millennia of evolution has endowed all living creatures with varying attributes. With higher developed mammalian species like us :), assigned to function with different, complementing sexes, each created smartly - none innately superior - to allow the breed to function as a whole, in its appropriate niche. There's a Yin and a Yang to that equation.

However, clarity of definition is an acquired substance, discovered over time and development. And therein lies the rub! 

Although all is about who is created to perform how, or what, it is not about me more and you less. Me-too should not be at issue here, since each species, creature, or plant, is awesomely different. Yet, during 'Man's development', war has been created at its core!

During mankind's evolution over the millennia, it has come to pass that gender, as well as religious and political denomination, have become the underlying most influential driving forces in determining who is positioned to be at the forefront of running the species. 

A determined small number of highly dedicated, self-serving, focused individuals (mostly males), realizing opportunity, have acquired wealth and political determination to manage all that matters - across the Global spectrum.  In their efforts of Survival of the Fittest, the most seemingly fit have positioned themselves, like the Lords and Ladies Land Owners of yore, to control and run the populous masses! So you think 'Slavery' is dead?

Of all the political systems presently in place, the various democratic interpretations, in particular the several active in Northern Europe, are the most tolerant and citizen inclusive, regardless their status.

That said, as mentioned a number of times, 'Justice' is not a Natural Law, and as such, even though expressed and contained at the very foundation of its Democratic Laws, must by its very nature be constantly checked upon in order to make the essence of its intents be fully practiced.

And from experience we note that those who are in charge of up-keeping same laws, in practice, can manage to manipulate them as only they see fit. As chosen experts to render the results when parties are at odds, they are themselves held un-accountable for their verdicts.

As such, democracy's construct, not unlike a fiefdom, allows its graduate legal masters to subjectively control and use its foundation as a practical tool to rule over its un-informed plebeians.  

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

298. Margaretas in PalmSpring > Enter the 'Bachelor' :)> ?

STATVIEWS - 20, 475

The Reality of Being

- Do YOU know anybody in your immediate environment who lives a lifestyle in which the allowance of cock-tailing Margaretas in PalmSpring is a reality?
- Do YOU know anybody in your immediate environment who lives a lifestyle in which the allowance of cock-tailing 29 women on the Bachelor can be a reality?


A little philosophy - fore get-n to the point. 

Observation/ Realization / Rationalization/ Aggravation/ Control/  Survival / Contentment?
Harmony or Chaos?

Whatever it all depicts, doing what we do, ultimately, we each are a self-contained system;  here today, gone tomorrow. (Fentanyl Saki?)

As one of those - 'systems' - I feel, comparatively speaking, a thoroughly fortunate 'being. 
My most telling residuals in life .. my 3 off-spring - 'Kids' ...R fine; their health is good.... ..fortunate me... YEAH!

The freedom of 'Democracy' is - to be allowed - left alone..... There's no-one to blame...
I did what I did. doing what I'm doing...
So far nothing too aggravating I can't deal with. 

Wishing, praying, or hoping, are NOT part of my essence. 
Remember ... I am a 'MALE' in the 21st Century / part of the H. Erective Species... 


Now to the Bachelor! It must be realized, this is considered to be major 'REALITY TV!

Having watched the last episode, my take is the guy is following his heart, ie his 'feelings / emotions are leading him.'  My earlier take on 'Still Waters Run Deep' are clearly calling him. As in a gnawing, unfinished, yet potential sword of Damocles, the kid speed track freak, can not get Lauren out of his head.  (my vote) She is like 'Unfinished Business,' haunting him.

Remember now: NONE of us (humans) EVER received instructions on how to run/ interpret/ control  a relationship!   He 'COULD' have said (me as Bachelor) while confronting both at the alter ..
with Becca as his first choice calling:

"Hey!  it's obvious, you are the ultimate love of my life...(I think/ I feel)
But, although I sense YOU are the one I want to be with .... etc..
I am still SO intrigued by Lauren, that I am going to ask you an allowance to complete my realization with her... (under these extraordinary circumstances)

(Pause) .....Would you grant me that? 

Response? .......

All I can say, as a somewhat 'been there-done-that' old fart now, life's circumstances put you up to constant decisions.  You do what you do! When making a wrong choice is when your brain naggingly suggests it. That's what happened to this ARIE - 'Charlie Brown!' Race-car driving offspring of the Dutch LowLands did not mean to do HARM!

BUT, he is, in fact, an unfolding, growing creature, being honest to his changing, gnawing, wondering feelings. Likely he has never felt like this before. And, in life, most of us never even get close to checking this out to this realistic stand!

From a Homo Erectus Humanoid's perspective? Do we ultimately follow our continuous questioning heart, constantly wanting for more?

OR, overcome its impractical conundrum and acknowledge the easier goings of more rational decisions? This tale of 'Reality' will soon tell us.