STATVIEWS@ 20, 447
At circa 21, 000 'VIEWS' I have decided to dis-continue this BLOG.
Instead, I will be committing my remaining precious online TIME to a website I have been working to complete for years now: (my vision our global village will be fragmenting )
I admit I have been somewhat self-indulgent over these few years.
'THEY' say (the better informed), by writing down your thoughts, your brain has an enhanced ability to reflect - i.e expressing thoughts in writing gives you a somewhat more 'objective' view on what initially may be impulsive, scattered thoughts.
TIME is precious; TIME is all we have. So it is now TIME to dedicate myself more fully to what will hopefully become a more inclusive, purposeful, and rewarding cause. Rather than my self-indulgency with this Blog over these past few years, my energies will instead reach out to hopefully include others, with focussed intentions to create a more practical, integrated, and self-sufficient environment. It is a more practical vision. I am referring to the Pacific Northwest Bio-region of Cascadia.
To say my TIME and expressions here have been somewhat lonely, is to say the least. Without factual personal feedback from ANYONE, to continue in anonymity, is like writing a diary to strangers you will never know their thoughts of. Yet I was motivated to continue expressing myself, after taking my experience with the abominably corrupt Canadian Legal System to its very heart, culminating by actually taking on the Ministry of Justice of BC single handed, with a claim ending up in a most collusive, Summary Trial.
It was Theatre at its most bizarre absurd.
Astonishingly, I experienced first hand, in this 21st Century, that a modern democratic legal system can blatantly dare to express itself as it did, under the guise of being the epitome of legality and justice! No wonder the hordes of thousands who have decided to challenge these quasi just, primarily democratic societies of the West > with their guns (ISIS and its like).
However, ultimately, their efforts at a quick-fix attempt, are one-dimensional and similarly destructive; destruction gets us nowhere; it merely creates more mayhem with no solution. Mankind has not advanced for thousands of years.
The Google Map indicates my Blog readers are mostly from the US and Canada, but every month, like the other day some 22, there appear a number of views from Russia. Though curiously appreciated, I wonder what is the attraction / motivation here?
Another reason for quitting the Blog is that since I will be motivated to start expressing even more personal views, alerted by growing and powerful influencing online matters these days, doing so can become personally DANGEROUS. Freedom of speech is proving to no longer be a safe and allowable luxury.