The Reality of Being
- Do YOU know anybody in your immediate environment who lives a lifestyle in which the allowance of cock-tailing Margaretas in PalmSpring is a reality?
- Do YOU know anybody in your immediate environment who lives a lifestyle in which the allowance of cock-tailing 29 women on the Bachelor can be a reality?
A little philosophy - fore get-n to the point.
Observation/ Realization / Rationalization/ Aggravation/ Control/ Survival / Contentment?
Harmony or Chaos?
Harmony or Chaos?
Whatever it all
depicts, doing what we do, ultimately, we each are a self-contained system; here today, gone tomorrow. (Fentanyl Saki?)
As one of those - 'systems' - I feel, comparatively speaking, a thoroughly fortunate 'being.
My most telling residuals in life .. my 3 off-spring - 'Kids' ...R fine; their health is good.... ..fortunate me... YEAH!
The freedom of 'Democracy' is - to be allowed - left alone..... There's no-one to blame...
I did what I did. doing what I'm doing...
So far nothing too aggravating I can't deal with.
Wishing, praying, or hoping, are NOT part of my essence.
Remember ... I am a 'MALE' in the 21st Century / part of the H. Erective Species...
The freedom of 'Democracy' is - to be allowed - left alone..... There's no-one to blame...
I did what I did. doing what I'm doing...
So far nothing too aggravating I can't deal with.
Wishing, praying, or hoping, are NOT part of my essence.
Remember ... I am a 'MALE' in the 21st Century / part of the H. Erective Species...
Now to the Bachelor! It must be realized, this is considered to be major 'REALITY TV!
Having watched the last episode, my take is the guy is following his heart, ie his 'feelings / emotions are leading him.' My earlier take on 'Still Waters Run Deep' are clearly calling him. As in a gnawing, unfinished, yet potential sword of Damocles, the kid speed track freak, can not get Lauren out of his head. (my vote) She is like 'Unfinished Business,' haunting him.
Remember now: NONE of us (humans) EVER received instructions on how to run/ interpret/ control a relationship! He 'COULD' have said (me as Bachelor) while confronting both at the alter ..
with Becca as his first choice calling:
"Hey! it's obvious, you are the ultimate love of my life...(I think/ I feel)
But, although I sense YOU are the one I want to be with .... etc..
I am still SO intrigued by Lauren, that I am going to ask you an allowance to complete my realization with her... (under these extraordinary circumstances)
(Pause) .....Would you grant me that?
Response? .......
All I can say, as a somewhat 'been there-done-that' old fart now, life's circumstances put you up to constant decisions. You do what you do! When making a wrong choice is when your brain naggingly suggests it. That's what happened to this ARIE - 'Charlie Brown!' Race-car driving offspring of the Dutch LowLands did not mean to do HARM!
BUT, he is, in fact, an unfolding, growing creature, being honest to his changing, gnawing, wondering feelings. Likely he has never felt like this before. And, in life, most of us never even get close to checking this out to this realistic stand!
From a Homo Erectus Humanoid's perspective? Do we ultimately follow our continuous questioning heart, constantly wanting for more?
OR, overcome its impractical conundrum and acknowledge the easier goings of more rational decisions? This tale of 'Reality' will soon tell us.
Having watched the last episode, my take is the guy is following his heart, ie his 'feelings / emotions are leading him.' My earlier take on 'Still Waters Run Deep' are clearly calling him. As in a gnawing, unfinished, yet potential sword of Damocles, the kid speed track freak, can not get Lauren out of his head. (my vote) She is like 'Unfinished Business,' haunting him.
Remember now: NONE of us (humans) EVER received instructions on how to run/ interpret/ control a relationship! He 'COULD' have said (me as Bachelor) while confronting both at the alter ..
with Becca as his first choice calling:
"Hey! it's obvious, you are the ultimate love of my life...(I think/ I feel)
But, although I sense YOU are the one I want to be with .... etc..
I am still SO intrigued by Lauren, that I am going to ask you an allowance to complete my realization with her... (under these extraordinary circumstances)
(Pause) .....Would you grant me that?
Response? .......
All I can say, as a somewhat 'been there-done-that' old fart now, life's circumstances put you up to constant decisions. You do what you do! When making a wrong choice is when your brain naggingly suggests it. That's what happened to this ARIE - 'Charlie Brown!' Race-car driving offspring of the Dutch LowLands did not mean to do HARM!
BUT, he is, in fact, an unfolding, growing creature, being honest to his changing, gnawing, wondering feelings. Likely he has never felt like this before. And, in life, most of us never even get close to checking this out to this realistic stand!
From a Homo Erectus Humanoid's perspective? Do we ultimately follow our continuous questioning heart, constantly wanting for more?
OR, overcome its impractical conundrum and acknowledge the easier goings of more rational decisions? This tale of 'Reality' will soon tell us.