Getting silly in my old age? ....
There are, to me, a number of intriguing 'THINGS' unfolding amongst this, our ....general....
Human RACE! .... I stop, to comprehend... RIGHT there! The word "RACE" ??
..... read its 'definition'......I get the 'competition' part of it.
race 1 |rās| noun1 a competition between runners, horses, vehicles, boats, etc., to see which is the fastest in covering a set course: I won the first 50-lap race.• (the races) a series of races for horses or dogs, held at a fixed time on a set course.• [ in sing. ] a situation in which individuals or groups compete to be first to achieve a particular objective: the race for nuclear power.• archaic the course of the sun or moon through the heavens.2 a strong or rapid current flowing through a narrow channel in the sea or a river: angling for tuna in turbulent tidal races.3 a groove, channel, or passage, in particular:• a water channel, especially one built to lead water to or from a point where its energy is utilized, as in a mill or mine. See also millrace.• a smooth, ring-shaped groove or guide in which a ball bearing or roller bearing runs.verb1 [ no obj. ] compete with another or others to see who is fastest at covering a set course or achieving an objective: the vet took blood samples from the horses before they raced | [ with obj. ] : attorneys have to think twice before they race each other to the courthouse.====================================================================
human racenoun (the human race) human beings in general; humankind: trees are vital to the survival of the human race.====================================================================
Human beings in 'general?' Where's the bit about differentiating between the various 'RACES?' QUESTION? Somebody explain to me; PLEASE ? WHO? firsts coined this word ?
Perplexed, I look at several of the other definitions, like:
• archaic the course of the sun or moon through the heavens.- I did NOT know the "course of the sun or moon through the heavens" is called a 'RACE!'2 a strong or rapid current flowing through a narrow channel in the sea or a river: angling for tuna in turbulent tidal races.- "turbulent tidal races" ??? never heard of it before!3 a groove, channel, or passage, in particular:• a water channel, especially one built to lead water to or from a point where its energy is utilized, as in a mill or mine. See also millrace.• a smooth, ring-shaped groove or guide in which a ball bearing or roller bearing runs.
- None of the above derivative meanings / 'explanations'/ 'definitions' I have EVER heard of!
So, WAKE UP, my friend! ....I say to myself...:).
- Was it Aristotle? who said? "The more I know, the more I know how little I know?"
....and then there is / (was?) the 107 year old man my friend met at a New York PARTY?!
107 years old and he's at a PARTY?.... I may have mentioned him in an earlier posting.
So the friend introduces himself to the fella, and asks him 'How do you do it?' and the fella responds:
"Well, ....good genes help (not 'jeans':)... BUT! .....When you wake up......You still got to be 'curious'..... "
Presently at 79, and still in pretty good shape (says I) I actually do not think I've got another 20 + years in me. I discovered '' a while back, and really enjoy many of their informative talks. One was about 'Cancer' .... and the speaker, opinioning on it, argues, quite sensibly, the word 'Cancer' should be used as a 'verb' instead of a 'noun'.
That whatever 'Cancer' you may be suffering from, is, in fact, an 'ongoing' process. You were fine before.... your immune system was keeping the runnings of your body under control. But then something went awry, and you began 'Cancering.'
I have just started working online with a friend and former film partner of mine. He is completing a musical while going through chemo, suffering from a nasty Cancer. For whatever TIME he has remaining in this life, working with him on this project at least allows for part of his existence to be somewhat of a positive diversion to his pains and stresses. ...
SPRING is doing its very best to kick in on the Wet-Coast...Today is another SUNNY Day, with the birds and the BEES (whatever's left of them) doing their crucial pollinating.
All the while. the 'Human Race' keeps multiplying, spreading their garbage hither and thither...
It ain't looking pretty's all I can say...
CU in a bit...