STAT - VIEWS @ 20,760
We are all interested in different things - Thank God! Or, since I do not know who that deity is (supreme being/ divine entity/ creator of all things), maybe to rephrase: We are all interested in different things - 'WONDERFUL!' - may be more suitable.
As a morphing species, with our high-tech gadgetry creeping in to run our very souls (I'm certainly participating; after all what am I doing at this very moment?) I am sure it is becoming harder to manifest any clear identity of character, especially for the younger generations, all who are raised with the Online-Connector in their hot little palms. Big Brother and Sister too are running the present real and up to the minute show, at least in the West.
However, with a background and character shaped long ago, at my age I have a set foundation to work from; a foundation that informs me when enough is enough when poking around on the machines that try to take me hither and tither, further away from the tactile soil that is ultimately our grounding. Also, surrounded by Nature (I literally live amongst the trees and critters) I am constantly reminded of the tactility and essence of life, as the various species rush about to exist.
Having run this Blog for some years now, I was motivated to upload a video - for your viewing pleasure.... But! I went in to Google Forum help and got stuck.... all is too confusing, nothing is obvious to me; i.e. user-friendliness, from at least my perspective, is missing. SO, NO video.
That's my reality! ... and every GOD-given day, I receive: "you have more friends on Facebook than you think."
So here's my take on that super shallow statement, the kind of 'announcement / notification that is helping to skew our vision towards any depth of meaning!
friend |frend| noun1 a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations.So here is my today's objective! OUT OUT OUT! .....with the in my daily Face ....Facebook.
(Be right back) .....
"Right back" has been several weeks now.....No apologies needed I presume.
Facebook is out of my life, and it feels a little better...
It's positive and good to have choices, and act upon them....
I have my off-spring (3) and a few close friends. With them there is no need to constantly explain.
The 'Friends' on Facebook are a HYPE and CON-job to motivate you to keep connecting with strangers. I do not need it.