Sunday, 26 August 2018

306. "KNOW THYSELF" - Socrates

Know thyself

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Greekaphorism"know thyself" .
"The unexamined life is not worth living."
Socrates was born circa 470 BC, in Athens, Greece. We know of his life through the writings of his students, including Plato and Xenophon. His "Socratic method," laid the groundwork for Western systems of logic and philosophy.

For most of us, life is a continuing quandary about trying to interpret who we think we are, or want to end up 'being.' Who do you know to be at peace with the world and themselves? Who do you know to be at perfect ease and seemingly in charge of the pressures of their surroundings? 
Go check it out. Likely very few, if any. 

For most, the pressures and demands of their surroundings way so heavily upon them that tendencies toward any individual expression ends up being stifled, often for mere fear of rejection. If you don't tow the line of 'acceptability' - by daring to voice opinions not towing the line of local acceptances, you are likely to pay the price; and it won't be pretty. So most don't even dare.

For those of us fortunate enough to live in a less oppressed environment, though the allowances to discover ourselves may be broader, every phase of growth brings its own and additional questions. 
What's it all about and what am I actually doing here? 
The 'meaning of life' remains a constant at any stage of self-development.   

So, in your assessments between subjectivity and objectivity, you encounter the continued challenge of WHAT to DO, or NOT to do! What would happen if I did 'such 'n such?' Would it be a positive, or could I end up paying for it? 

What is weakness? What is strength of character? To pick up a gun and lash out..... we see it globally happening on a daily basis, is clearly not the answer.  It merely indicates frustration and a lack of understanding of how those who have had greater 'wits' about them, have manipulated their societies to suit themselves.  

You either find peace from within your status quo existing environment,  or move away - if you are able to do so. 

Life's a trip, a voyage at best. For many borne in unfortunate circumstances, to Know Thyself is not even on the agenda. Day to day survival is the only objective.  

Surely it is up to those of us fortunate enough to be allowed the time of day to even entertain the self-indulgent opportunity to delve in the realms of self-discovery to find more meaningful alternative answers to the present mayhem that is presently running rampant amongst the species?     

Saturday, 18 August 2018

305. Is 'Quitting' synonymous with 'Dying'?

VIEWS @ 20,934

'THEY' say that only those who do not quit - succeed. But here's the rub! Who are ......'THEY'?
and what is 'to succeed' anyway?

Babies sleep a lot ..... to digest all the things they see and hear that are new to them.
At the end of digesting their daily humdrum stuff, elders sleep a lot, preparing for their final sleep.
For most, there's nothing's new to them, since they are no longer asking questions.
Curiosity has killed the Cat inside them. This is just the way life is.

So in your trajectory towards the end, how do you know when it is time to quit rather than continuing to beat what is more and more becoming apparent to be - a clearly dead horse? When the dead horse is becoming the realization your ongoing problem to FIND,' then WORK with a suitable PHP Coder continues to feel like walking legless through a giant anthill.

Though you darn-well KNOW the present world is run by Left Brainers, your RIGHT brain, old age and lack of capital combined - to bribe the very best in to creating the vehicle you are so clearly envisioning - are simply not enough to get it done. You keep spinning your wheels swimming with the small fry.

Sorry Dude, nice try, but no cigar..... It was not to be YOU! At 43% your Timing was good this time, but at 24% your Team is plainly MISSING in someone else's action...!
Throw in the Towel... Acknowledge defeat.... It was not to be YOU!

How does anyone really know when enough is Enuff?

Is quitting synonymous with dying?