Wednesday, 11 December 2019

318. Every SUBSTANCE has its own property presence!


GUESS I FOOLED YOU!  Did not mean to do this, but, overwhelmed by a - for me somewhat fresh thought - felt motivated to put this down to share....

Every substance has its molecular representation; whether a materially solid Counter-Top or Trash-Can, a Human thought or attitudinal idiosyncratic behaviour, all have their own essence of expression in the realm of 'being.'  It comprises limitless existence by creating its own INFINITE realities!

I continue to be in awe of our differences. Each exists, best able to function, during the TIME  allotted in the 'Here and Now.' Unlike Plastic, Counter Tops, or other myriad more-firm materials, Human-Beings, created over time to become a questioning and 'clever' species, are made of more vulnerable flesh and blood.

Regardless our innovative, more complicated and often clever appearing manipulations, multiple more basic elements whose structures are more set and simple - unless challenged with an opposing element - our Human consistency renders us more vulnerable during our existence.

Unpredictable and CURIOUSby nature, our niche is one of the few biological expressions that by  questioning existence, positions us in a classification of 'entities' to dare disturb the otherwise natural unfolding evolution.

However, with that opinion, we are clearly PART OF EVOLUTION?! - GOD, or NO GOD!
While our foot-print is effecting the atmosphere, The MYSTERY UNFOLDS.....:)>

May connect in 2020!
* curious |ˈkyo͝orēəs
adjectiveeager to know or learn something. 

Tuesday, 19 November 2019


VIEWS@ 23215

Can you figure an eighty year old?  
Life is a onetime allowance! Do with it best you are able!
I have decided to shut this down, cause I realize I am primarily talking to MYSELF! 

Though it has served as a certain release, it has mostly been a one-way rhetoric. And, while appreciating the 'readership,'  it is no longer sufficing!
I now seek more immediate feedback with a platform that allows for personal interaction. 

I began this 'blog' hoping to share my experiences with others. It never happened! 
That said, I am not sure WHERE I will sojourn to find this allowance, but, my number 317 entry, may well be my last post here!   

Wherever you are? Thank you for your anonymous beings.... Russia? North America... et  all ....Aurevoir!

Evert JAN Steen

PS: Still you can follow my 'hands-on' travels in my online efforts with a website I feel can make a difference:  

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

316. When cunning DEMOCRATICALLY TRAINED manipulators grab your attention....

VIEWS @ 23,109

The following is a throw back; apologies to former readers/ I just could not help myself! 

On being in a SUPREME court as an SRL in a well-established Democracy..... (several years ago)
When cunning DEMOCRATICALLY TRAINED, LEGALLY positioned manipulators, representing a purportedly 'JUST' society,  grabbed my attention and spat me out like so much fodder!.....

Below is quoted text (with my inserts) from an article written by a British Columbia, Canada, young Defence Counsel, who sat in a Supreme Court session representing the Ministry of 'Justice,' with myself as SRL, and a Supreme Court Judge overseeing my CLAIM, employed by the self-same institution.

I was holding the Province responsible for one of their Provincial Judges earlier erroneous dismissals, of a perfectly legitimate Claim I had filed, based on using the Province's allowable secondary 'OR' Rule of filing a Claim against an extra provincial party.  

This Ministry of Justice's employee and representative (Defence Council) in an earlier article had written the following:

"I believe that, for the most part, the law emanates from the life that we give to it. Sometimes, however, I also believe that the law breathes with a life of its own in order to serve a purpose higher than what we may be prepared for. In these cases, there is always a tension between what the law is trying to tell us and how we interpret this message to suit our purposes in the moment. "

Picking out the following sentence: "the law breathes with a life of its own in order to serve a purpose higher than what we may be prepared for."

OH YES, I agreed: the law DEFINITELY breathes with a life of its own! 

"in order to serve a purpose higher than what we may be prepared for."

Here, this lawyer, and Ministry of Justice Defence Counsel's employee, as a learned legal entity, segues into his own legally tainted nomans-land. With his usage of the words 'purpose higher'... 

Our Democratic Courts have indeed been cunningly designed! Like impressive Theatres, Judges are positioned at the high triangle, looking down on us plebeians they are about to shred; and when required  - in black Robes. The purpose 'higher' is played out like a second to GOD scenario.  

....the defence council's wrap up phrase: "than what we may be prepared for."  
With his added: "there is always a tension between what the law is trying to tell us and how we interpret this message to suit our purposes in the moment." 

What the "law is trying to tell us," is that it, ITSELF, is up for interpretation. The law, as expressed by those who implement it, is, in fact there to "SUIT OUR PURPOSES IN THE MOMENT." 

     The Court has cleverly determined legalese, construed in ENGLISH verbiage, it tends to leave the general public baffled by its actual meaning! Still, this is what is taught the Law student. You may not understand it NOW, but THIS IS the rhetoric of 'LEGAL SPEAK' IN COURT! ... It is, in truth, TWISTED DOUBLE SPEAK!

I.E: 'WE', those employed in this purported 'Democracy,'  ARE HERE TO BAFFLE you, the claimant CLIENT, with our learned legal rhetoric! WE ARE ULTIMATELY SUPERIOR, SINCE WE KNOW the LAW!  THAT"S what WE, or our government, paid for, to be taught to do! This, in every legitimate way, got us our diplomas from University!  

Hallelujah this Demo has surely gone CRAZY!  Democracy is a fallacy! 

I apologize for this reaching back at lunacy.... Maybe our recent Canadian voting forced me to look back..... who  knows....  

BOOHOO to all its REALITY silliness ..... 

PS: additional apologies for the awkward visuals, showing my own text, as if it were the Defence Council's ...... Such are the idiosyncratic software allowances.  There is no perfection (unless of-course it's my own failings! ....Go figure...
PS: The looks of this page is NOT WHAT UPLOADS. ... Free, but wanting software I guess....  

Monday, 14 October 2019

315. Life is still a TRIP @ 80 !


Is Mankind essentially gone awry as an unstoppable wayward invasive species? 

It is clear that Nature allows room for 'being,' when an existing hybrid or new off-shoot species discovers an uninhabited niche. Only TIME will then tell whether it manages to fully fill the space, or find an early demise, based on its incapacity to fend off immediate competitors.

So, each of us 'humans,' is allowed a passage of TIME in our various environments as living creatures on this planet earth... to configure how best to cope and express ourselves within our given parameters. As such, our habitat and circumstance ultimately dictate what is tolerated and achievable.

In many less liberal societies, chaos ensues when upcoming generations of insistent youth demand more freedom of expression to exist and be wholesome in their representation.

Since chaos creates mayhem, to maintain a certain balanced order, most societies are strictly defined. In the West these characteristics continue to be interpreted by a Conservative - RIGHT and its  usually younger and challenging  Liberal - LEFT 'wing'.
Much of the East and South America, being less 'Liberal' in its allowances, tend to resort to brute FORCE in its controls.

Somehow, after a rough early going, I am fortunate to have managed to end up owning several acres of undulating treed rocks on a small Island in British Columbia. I recognize my TIME in History: 1939 - > (?) > (presently 2019). I  KNOW that I have lived most of my years in a comparatively sparsely inhabited, geographically large, and quasi Democratic country; a country known as 'Canada'.

However, now at 80, and having put to rest a fair number of younger partners, friends and acquaintances, I continue to appreciate my TRIP in this LIFE - as we know it as Earthlings.
I continue to be curious; continue to appreciate by being positive; though knowing we are all creating our foot-print, I continue to seek ways to contribute to our environment, in my inimitable ways.

Likely TIME - ahead of my generation - will tell the ultimate toll we have created on this, our Mother Gaya Earth!

Still, as explained by experts, I have learned this (our) PLANET has gone through many earth-shattering changes before!
So, allow ME then not to feel so personally GUILTY, if I, as a representative of my abusive Species managed to make enough of a difference to drive this EARTH into another one of its many drastic changes.      

Under the circumstances, as a 21st Century Human, I continue to try my very best at 'being' as conscientious as I can! .... And YES!.... I am on a Mac here; and YES, I still use electricity (Last bill? at $0.69 cents Per Day!) and yes I drive my Smart Car!  

HAPPY THANKS GIVING from this WESTERN located Octo-pushing Genarian.

Friday, 9 August 2019

314. Is Less > More!


On being Self-Absorbed!  
long time - no see Zero followers...

Affecting multitudes of other species negatively, while creating mayhem all around itself, mankind appears to be the most rapidly evolving species. Like an invasive run a way train -  it is on a rampage.

Many years ago a former friend opined: "We are a failed species." I responded: "I don't think Mother Nature works that way." When a species, or hybrid, detects a potential niche, they'll check it out.  And if it can adapt to its defined circumstances, happenstance and TIME will allow it duration. Compare our couple of hundred thousand year fresh faces to the 70+ million years of the dinosaurs! WOAH!

Consider me, at 80 beans, blinkers on, determined to complete my interactive website, with continued intentions on making a positive difference (whatever the concept?). As a still 'failed' entrepreneur (failed to the extent none of my ideas ever made ME any 'money') I am dead set on completing my

Frugally living in the woods on a basic $1,400 a month pension. How did I 'deserve' this (?)
I afford some $500 CAD monthly to my cause of 'making it happen.' Thank you for that part of living in an elderly caring Canadian Democracy.

But when URBAN reality speaks,  $1400 a month barely covers rent. Whereas in India it would be an all-around living wage for a seasoned Coder.  Where their DEV costs are set @ circa $10 USD an hour, here, in North America  that same qualified Coder demands $80 or $110.00 or more CAD an hour.
...This is called: Standard of living!

My present Bottomline Counting Question is? (BCQ)
When said and Done/ At the End of the Day, .....HOW MUCH is accomplished in anyone's hour? 

So OFF to the other side of the world I go looking for my budget affordable talent, and potential TEAM. In the end - at the 'End of the Day',' it  is easier said than done. This 'DONE' is achieved by  not necessarily-understanding, but accepting our cultural differences.  

As such, our differing mindsets are playing the field of humanity in every nook and cranny!

'Mother' Gaya has seen a lot of shit before;
not having any say in the matter she will keep turning.

How will the game unfold?

It's a no followers dilemma.


Thursday, 16 May 2019


STAT-VIEWS @ 22,448

HELLO  out there...

WHOOSH!..... Life of the LIVING!....Peace to the DEAD!... DEATH, as we know it, is all around us. With TIME as a constant, our past, present and future trundle along ... reminding us that LIFE is a fickle reality that, while here - whatever HERE IS, will someday come to an END for all of us.

It's called MORTALITY! .... I recently lost an old Business Partner I worked with on a number of projects. 'Start-Ups' - they call them now. i.e. Ideas that are 'Borne in the Head' > then either get kicked in to action, or fall by the conceptualist's wayside.

He died from what is referred to as 'CO-Morbidities.' Note the word 'Morbid' hidden in the medical assessment term. One of the 'Morbidities' was from Vascular Dementia. This being the effects to the brain of a lifelong habit of eating fatty meats .....I remember him commenting years ago, when serving him my dinner, .... " I'm sorry, but I can't eat your 'GOAT' food...." I fed him a Tofu/ Rice combination with a splashy salad. Well, he's dead and I continue to kick the can, at 5 years his senior.

Ultimately, between Genes, Environment, Motivation and Life-style, we create, than put to practice - i.e. LIVE within our own 'BOUNDARIES of Reality'.  .... This too will pass... finite soon enough :)

As a relatively FREE and fortunate HUMAN-BEING, I will sit on my second-floor deck, a LUCKY beer in hand, and sip, enjoying watching multiple Humming Birds take advantage of the sugar water I allow them as 'energy intake' in my constantly replenished bird feeder. Am I being useful? Or merely indulging myself selfishly? - Likely YES! Am I enhancing their existence? > I don't know! Or am I knowingly feeding 'CRACK-HEADS? Am I, in fact, interfering with NATURE, only to please myself?

Here lurks the crunch in all our individual efforts. WHY do we do what we do? .... We know that as a species we are having seriously negative effects upon our environment. Is the innate selfish need for 'satisfaction' beyond the mere 'fitting in to the over-all equilibrium of life' ultimately going to be our downfall?

Only TIME will tell!

Saturday, 9 March 2019

312. Through the 'Eye of a Needle?' or is it: 'Entering a Blackhole?'


It has been a while..... and I literally almost forgot about this .....'venture. '
'Hmm,' had to think about what word to use here.
venture |ˈven(t)SHərnouna risky or daring journey or undertaking: pioneering ventures into little-known waters.• a business enterprise involving considerable risk.verb [ no obj. ] dare to do something or go somewhere that may be dangerous or unpleasant: she ventured out into the blizzard.• dare to do or say something that may be considered audacious (often used as a polite expression of hesitation or apology): may I venture to add a few comments? |I ventured to write to her | [ with obj. ] :  he ventured the opinion that Putt was now dangerously insane.• with obj. ] expose (something) to the risk of loss: his fortune is ventured in an expedition over which he has no control.As a super curious 'person' ('whoops,' almost wrote 'guy'...) I constantly check the definition of words, since I have been known to use their meanings erroneously. Going on 80 beans now, and still in pretty fair shape - comparatively - I am actually going through some major character changes. Observing other elders around me, I appear  (observe) - by fact  - to be unlike many. Rather than 'Shutting Down' (Yes, why not Capitalize) I am in fact becoming more self-questioning - in both character and actions, as well as life in general. Although the old adage > "Life is tough and then you die," is a general truth that hangs over all of us, I have an increasing sense the 4 year concentration camp experience as a youth lies at the core of my curiosity. The line: "Why do people do what they do and to each other?" somehow continues to affect my deepest drive to understand, if not the 'meaning of life,' at least the 'raison d'etre' of it all. Since we are close to discover there is indeed NO 'Meaning of Life' per se (always loved the Monty Python version) my main realization is: I am here, acting out as a conscious creature, a 'Hu-man' being > 'Homo Sapiens,' a modern branch of 'Homo Erectus' - a most complicated system, a former FISH ! Can you believe it?   "Findings from the Australian National University after an archaeological excavation in Saudi Arabia found Homo Erectus tended to do the bare minimum to get by, while other species of human were inclined to put in the effort." Just checked out our Google God all-knowing facto-meter here, and I smile at the tail phrase: "- while other species of human were inclined to put in the effort."  That phrase is now blowing my mind! ..... I sit back in my comp-chair and repeat: " - inclined to put in the effort." !!!!   If there is any  'Raison d'etre,' than surely THAT is the Meaning of Life!  ........ to put in the effort!Couple that with 'Survival of the Fittest' and it likely expresses 'The Essence of Life.! essence |ˈesənsnounthe intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, that determines its character: conflict is the essence of drama.• Philosophy a property or group of properties of something without which it would not exist or be what it is.As I presently see it, mankind (sorry: people-kind, persons-kind :) as a species, erect et all, is at a decisionary cusp (guess I just made up that word) and on the decline.  Truth and Reality are up for grabs > globally. The worst of our 'KIND' are over-seeing the hordes. 'WE' the masses are either having a reality check, or perish - deservedly so!To survive as a species, we need to WAKE UP and recognize we have allowed ourselves to " the bare minimum to get by"... while self-indulging and allowing the more ego-motivated to run our affairs.  To survive, we need to "put in the effort" > IMMINENTLY! - take charge of our own affairs, and STOP blaming others! To be  negative is easy; to be positive takes time and effort!  (YIP. BooHoo!)     STOP FAKE NEWS!.... Responsibility for EVERYTHING, STARTS at HOME! Can this species come around and venture through the 'Eye of the Needle?' Or are we to enter the Black Hole never to be seen again and not even become a BLIP in TIME? HMMM.... 

Sunday, 3 February 2019


PAGEVIEWS all time history @21,712 - (Followers - 0)

I 'm dialing the tel no of a dying friend in hospital and hear:
"I'm sorry, the person you are trying to reach is un-available at this time!"  
Ok, I muse, I'll try again a little later...
"I'm sorry, the person you are trying to reach is un-available at this time!"  
Ok, I again tolerantly muse, I'll try later...
 "I'm sorry, the person you are trying to reach is un-available at this time!"  
Hmm, I venture, something's potentially askew here!

I call his Nurse's station.  'Hello, do you know anything about patient ? in Room ?.. I am trying to reach him on his phone. He continues to be un-available.'
"Oh, that's odd, we know he hasn't had a call for a while..." is the response. I am given the service provider connect tel no. , and informed by someone a million miles away: "That number is presently NOT in service sir. " ....  I then suggest that: "I'm sorry, the person you are trying to reach is un-available at this time!" ... is NOT the correct message to be leaving a caller!

I add: "The person you are (I am) trying to reach..." is more than likely RIGHT THERE, AVAILABLE, and eager to speak with me!" As such your message makes absolutely no sense!
Would you not agree the message would make MORE SENSE if it said:
"I'm sorry, but this phone is no longer in service!"  "To reactivate service, a minimum  payment of some 10 days @ $4.50 pert day is due?!"
... The 'person' - patient is likely dying to hear from me, from anybody!...
"I see what you mean, sir. I'll forward your suggestion..." .

I end up paying for a 10 day service at a total of $54.00 CAD, then speak with my eager, bed-ridden friend, who didn't have a clue. We both feel better.....