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I 'm dialing the tel no of a dying friend in hospital and hear:
"I'm sorry, the person you are trying to reach is un-available at this time!"
Ok, I muse, I'll try again a little later...
"I'm sorry, the person you are trying to reach is un-available at this time!"
Ok, I again tolerantly muse, I'll try later...
"I'm sorry, the person you are trying to reach is un-available at this time!"
Hmm, I venture, something's potentially askew here!
I call his Nurse's station. 'Hello, do you know anything about patient ? in Room ?.. I am trying to reach him on his phone. He continues to be un-available.'
"Oh, that's odd, we know he hasn't had a call for a while..." is the response. I am given the service provider connect tel no. , and informed by someone a million miles away: "That number is presently NOT in service sir. " .... I then suggest that: "I'm sorry, the person you are trying to reach is un-available at this time!" ... is NOT the correct message to be leaving a caller!
I add: "The person you are (I am) trying to reach..." is more than likely RIGHT THERE, AVAILABLE, and eager to speak with me!" As such your message makes absolutely no sense!
Would you not agree the message would make MORE SENSE if it said:
"I'm sorry, but this phone is no longer in service!" > "To reactivate service, a minimum payment of some 10 days @ $4.50 pert day is due?!"
... The 'person' - patient is likely dying to hear from me, from anybody!...
"I see what you mean, sir. I'll forward your suggestion..." .
I end up paying for a 10 day service at a total of $54.00 CAD, then speak with my eager, bed-ridden friend, who didn't have a clue. We both feel better.....