Saturday, 9 March 2019

312. Through the 'Eye of a Needle?' or is it: 'Entering a Blackhole?'


It has been a while..... and I literally almost forgot about this .....'venture. '
'Hmm,' had to think about what word to use here.
venture |ˈven(t)SHərnouna risky or daring journey or undertaking: pioneering ventures into little-known waters.• a business enterprise involving considerable risk.verb [ no obj. ] dare to do something or go somewhere that may be dangerous or unpleasant: she ventured out into the blizzard.• dare to do or say something that may be considered audacious (often used as a polite expression of hesitation or apology): may I venture to add a few comments? |I ventured to write to her | [ with obj. ] :  he ventured the opinion that Putt was now dangerously insane.• with obj. ] expose (something) to the risk of loss: his fortune is ventured in an expedition over which he has no control.As a super curious 'person' ('whoops,' almost wrote 'guy'...) I constantly check the definition of words, since I have been known to use their meanings erroneously. Going on 80 beans now, and still in pretty fair shape - comparatively - I am actually going through some major character changes. Observing other elders around me, I appear  (observe) - by fact  - to be unlike many. Rather than 'Shutting Down' (Yes, why not Capitalize) I am in fact becoming more self-questioning - in both character and actions, as well as life in general. Although the old adage > "Life is tough and then you die," is a general truth that hangs over all of us, I have an increasing sense the 4 year concentration camp experience as a youth lies at the core of my curiosity. The line: "Why do people do what they do and to each other?" somehow continues to affect my deepest drive to understand, if not the 'meaning of life,' at least the 'raison d'etre' of it all. Since we are close to discover there is indeed NO 'Meaning of Life' per se (always loved the Monty Python version) my main realization is: I am here, acting out as a conscious creature, a 'Hu-man' being > 'Homo Sapiens,' a modern branch of 'Homo Erectus' - a most complicated system, a former FISH ! Can you believe it?   "Findings from the Australian National University after an archaeological excavation in Saudi Arabia found Homo Erectus tended to do the bare minimum to get by, while other species of human were inclined to put in the effort." Just checked out our Google God all-knowing facto-meter here, and I smile at the tail phrase: "- while other species of human were inclined to put in the effort."  That phrase is now blowing my mind! ..... I sit back in my comp-chair and repeat: " - inclined to put in the effort." !!!!   If there is any  'Raison d'etre,' than surely THAT is the Meaning of Life!  ........ to put in the effort!Couple that with 'Survival of the Fittest' and it likely expresses 'The Essence of Life.! essence |ˈesənsnounthe intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, that determines its character: conflict is the essence of drama.• Philosophy a property or group of properties of something without which it would not exist or be what it is.As I presently see it, mankind (sorry: people-kind, persons-kind :) as a species, erect et all, is at a decisionary cusp (guess I just made up that word) and on the decline.  Truth and Reality are up for grabs > globally. The worst of our 'KIND' are over-seeing the hordes. 'WE' the masses are either having a reality check, or perish - deservedly so!To survive as a species, we need to WAKE UP and recognize we have allowed ourselves to " the bare minimum to get by"... while self-indulging and allowing the more ego-motivated to run our affairs.  To survive, we need to "put in the effort" > IMMINENTLY! - take charge of our own affairs, and STOP blaming others! To be  negative is easy; to be positive takes time and effort!  (YIP. BooHoo!)     STOP FAKE NEWS!.... Responsibility for EVERYTHING, STARTS at HOME! Can this species come around and venture through the 'Eye of the Needle?' Or are we to enter the Black Hole never to be seen again and not even become a BLIP in TIME? HMMM....