Thursday, 16 May 2019


STAT-VIEWS @ 22,448

HELLO  out there...

WHOOSH!..... Life of the LIVING!....Peace to the DEAD!... DEATH, as we know it, is all around us. With TIME as a constant, our past, present and future trundle along ... reminding us that LIFE is a fickle reality that, while here - whatever HERE IS, will someday come to an END for all of us.

It's called MORTALITY! .... I recently lost an old Business Partner I worked with on a number of projects. 'Start-Ups' - they call them now. i.e. Ideas that are 'Borne in the Head' > then either get kicked in to action, or fall by the conceptualist's wayside.

He died from what is referred to as 'CO-Morbidities.' Note the word 'Morbid' hidden in the medical assessment term. One of the 'Morbidities' was from Vascular Dementia. This being the effects to the brain of a lifelong habit of eating fatty meats .....I remember him commenting years ago, when serving him my dinner, .... " I'm sorry, but I can't eat your 'GOAT' food...." I fed him a Tofu/ Rice combination with a splashy salad. Well, he's dead and I continue to kick the can, at 5 years his senior.

Ultimately, between Genes, Environment, Motivation and Life-style, we create, than put to practice - i.e. LIVE within our own 'BOUNDARIES of Reality'.  .... This too will pass... finite soon enough :)

As a relatively FREE and fortunate HUMAN-BEING, I will sit on my second-floor deck, a LUCKY beer in hand, and sip, enjoying watching multiple Humming Birds take advantage of the sugar water I allow them as 'energy intake' in my constantly replenished bird feeder. Am I being useful? Or merely indulging myself selfishly? - Likely YES! Am I enhancing their existence? > I don't know! Or am I knowingly feeding 'CRACK-HEADS? Am I, in fact, interfering with NATURE, only to please myself?

Here lurks the crunch in all our individual efforts. WHY do we do what we do? .... We know that as a species we are having seriously negative effects upon our environment. Is the innate selfish need for 'satisfaction' beyond the mere 'fitting in to the over-all equilibrium of life' ultimately going to be our downfall?

Only TIME will tell!