Friday, 9 August 2019

314. Is Less > More!


On being Self-Absorbed!  
long time - no see Zero followers...

Affecting multitudes of other species negatively, while creating mayhem all around itself, mankind appears to be the most rapidly evolving species. Like an invasive run a way train -  it is on a rampage.

Many years ago a former friend opined: "We are a failed species." I responded: "I don't think Mother Nature works that way." When a species, or hybrid, detects a potential niche, they'll check it out.  And if it can adapt to its defined circumstances, happenstance and TIME will allow it duration. Compare our couple of hundred thousand year fresh faces to the 70+ million years of the dinosaurs! WOAH!

Consider me, at 80 beans, blinkers on, determined to complete my interactive website, with continued intentions on making a positive difference (whatever the concept?). As a still 'failed' entrepreneur (failed to the extent none of my ideas ever made ME any 'money') I am dead set on completing my

Frugally living in the woods on a basic $1,400 a month pension. How did I 'deserve' this (?)
I afford some $500 CAD monthly to my cause of 'making it happen.' Thank you for that part of living in an elderly caring Canadian Democracy.

But when URBAN reality speaks,  $1400 a month barely covers rent. Whereas in India it would be an all-around living wage for a seasoned Coder.  Where their DEV costs are set @ circa $10 USD an hour, here, in North America  that same qualified Coder demands $80 or $110.00 or more CAD an hour.
...This is called: Standard of living!

My present Bottomline Counting Question is? (BCQ)
When said and Done/ At the End of the Day, .....HOW MUCH is accomplished in anyone's hour? 

So OFF to the other side of the world I go looking for my budget affordable talent, and potential TEAM. In the end - at the 'End of the Day',' it  is easier said than done. This 'DONE' is achieved by  not necessarily-understanding, but accepting our cultural differences.  

As such, our differing mindsets are playing the field of humanity in every nook and cranny!

'Mother' Gaya has seen a lot of shit before;
not having any say in the matter she will keep turning.

How will the game unfold?

It's a no followers dilemma.