Wednesday, 30 December 2020

REALMS of Identity !

 VIEWS @ 26183

Regardless background, pressures are to commit & adhere to one's local status quo! 

As such we are forced to exist within the realm of 'environmental reality restrictions'. 

To express yourself as an individual beyond these acceptable behaviours, takes extra effort. 

The attempts of doing so (at an early age with some) - these 'groping efforts' of being 'different' - may initially be stifling  ..... But over time, as one continues to attempt to 'fit in' - with concerted efforts of trying to become 'acceptable'  - these individual 'ways of being ' may ultimately 'Kick In.' 

"OH, it's 'her/ his' way of being!"  .... [i.e.  whatever!  Still, you have arrived!]  

When NOT part of the status quo, it will always be a challenging factor to live outside whatever the 'NORM"you live within is defined as.  

To me, life is a constantly unfolding personal reality! Those of us challenging the norm ought to have our allowances to reinterpret it, with the hope and goal to have our differing views ultimately ACCEPTED!   

So? If your home environment is not conducive to your differing views, it may necessitate having to take a journey elsewhere to have your broader views accepted, and feel more grounded as an individual.     

Monday, 21 December 2020


VIEWS@ 206090

WHAT is it?  WHY is it? ... That moves me emotionally, when a fellow human, regardless sex, colour, age, or background, manages to express themselves, oftentimes hesitantly....yet drives me to tears!  

It is their doubts, questioning of 'self,' yet ultimate glorifying touching performance, that becomes the surprise package that verifies and identifies the beauty of their presentation. 

'IDENTITY' of SELF is at issue here! 

Many of us don't even KNOW succinctly WHO they are!  (?).... 'Am I allowed to do this or the other? ' some may ask? 

Then, those who don't ever ASK, or WAIT for an answer, merely DO their THING, and await the responses! ....

AND, if the responses are Questionable, than 'others' kick in to potentially suggest ways to deal with whatever is at issue?! 

INDIVIDUALITY = a TRIP! .... It takes guts, to nay-say whatever general views are thrown at you!   

I say YEAH, and Kudos, to those who DARE to express themselves as individuals outside the accepted NORM! 

Are you one?  

If motivated, let me know,


Sunday, 13 December 2020

'HELLO' to all who read my intermittent musings!

 VIEWS @ 26043

WHAT does it all mean? .....

- Each of us in our myriad ways - some with more complicated lives than others - ultimately need

to decide: WHO we are, and WHAT we are doing in the various circumstances we find ourselves in!   

LIFE is a trip, a voyage, interpreted in our individual conscious awareness. 

YOU, within your Body & your Mind's experience are a 'REALITY,' both tactile and assumed! ..... 

Regardless any addendum of spouse, off-spring, family, or friends, there is solely - YOU! 

On the whole, LIFE tends to be 'easier,' when certain constant demands are set upon you! i.e., you can not over-indulge, because people or critters DEMAND your attention! If you FAIL to attend to them, they will suffer, or perish and you will feel responsible! 

However, when you grow beyond that stage, and those dependants are on their own, or you never had those 'responsibilities,'  the 'raison d'ĂȘtre' for life becomes more self-absorbing.  

If it has primarily been the you- 'ME,' self-concerned, it can potentially have additional negative effects, since by never sharing, or needing to care for immediate others then yourself, the very concept of LIFE may show to have a lesser depth in VALUE; ' because of that lack of immediate need for a consideration for 'others.'  

Though this in noway should make you feel lesser or 'guilty,' it does nevertheless put a demand on you for needing to find that additional reason for 'wanting' to continue to exist.

Elderly, like myself now, when down and negative, I get an enhanced kick to reality and positivity, when contacted by either off-spring or grand-children! It helps to somehow reinvigorate the loneliness, and pointlessness of remaining alive in these very challenging days!   

Let this COVID-nundrum not get you down! Try to find a positive attitude to overcome what is in essence a seasonal generational glitch, telling MANKIND to become more conscious, less greedy, and live more within Nature's Equilibrium.     



Wednesday, 28 October 2020

We DO what we DO!

 VIEWS > who cares? 

We are alive!  .... those of us who are motivated to connect and press on, in order to somehow enhance our total being... march on! 

The 'MEANING' of life will continue to be an un-answered reality, since as a species, though presumptuous, we keep questioning and discovering more avenues to enhance our existences. 

Ultimately, as I sense it? Life is a single TRIP!.... 

Whether a kernel of sand, a blade of grass, or a seemingly more complicated entity like a mammal, we are ultimately all alone in the experience of configuring ourselves! 

While worlds apart in character, a close friend of mine just send me the following URL:

It says it all! 

As an elder entrepreneur (81 now) ... I realize, that in our different ways of expressing our entities, we all need to absorb the consequences of our outcomes. 

NO-ONE is to blame!  We do what we do, whilst we ARE WHO WE ARE!

SO? In my multiple failures to achieve the realities of a number of innovative projects (most of which whose TIME and connectivities did not gel) as a fiercely DETERMINED 'Mammal' I continue to find the energy to carry on > during my continuous serious challenges!

All the while, I remind myself of the immense luxury of being a FREE man, living in a mostly FREE world, retired in a space most others would envy. 

So? My sojourn to leave something innovative and useful behind - as a residue of my existence - would,  essentially be a bonus of fortuity?

Until ... my next impulse... 





Monday, 14 September 2020

A new DARK AGE is upon us!

 VIEWS @ 25156

Dark Ages:"The "Dark Ages" is a historical periodization, traditionally referring to the Middle Ages (c. 5th–15th century) that asserts that a demographic, cultural, and economic deterioration occurred in Western Europe following the decline of the Roman Empire.

"About two million years ago, a new set of fossils began to appear in the human fossil record. Designated as Homo erectus, they show evidence of increases in ..."

Well folks - of all lineages, cultures and colours - our collective MOTHER GAIA (i.e. the superior force that has allowed an equilibrium of life to exist and expand in its defined harmony for millennia, is  finally putting her foot down on our species' run-away uncontrollable excesses! 

Not a Volcano's ashes, a stray asteroid, or an in-explicable ice-age, this TIME a hybrid creature called Homo Sapiens has seen fit, within its short-sighted superior sensed greed, to selfishly ignore this earth's realities by challenging and going beyond the required equilibrium of Nature.  

WHOOPStiDO! .... Alarm bells are ringing, our blind run-a-way train has reached its breaking point!
Likely it will get worse and many more will perish! BUT, the TIME for re-assesment is upon us! 

Globalism has come full circle! The EAST has economically caught up, and as such there is a fairer all round balance.  With focus on greater individual responsibility and localized self-sufficiency, a potential New Age may gradually unfold. 

What can you and I do to accommodate that, and allow our off-spring a chance for survival? 

Is another 'BRAVE NEW WORLD'  (Aldous Huxley)  ......Possible? 

It's UP TO US! ....

Let's drink to that?  

Sunday, 3 May 2020

#4: A CO - VOID - NUN - DRUM..... The Damn Panic crazies!


So WHAT's in your head? WHY is it there? And HOW are you dealing with it?

Do you like yourself? Are you mostly happy with your development? Would you be your friend? Do you feel the need to share? Or are you mostly looking to take advantage, always looking for an opportunity to draw more in, because down the road, you never know WHAT can happen?

All is an accumulation of you expressing yourself over Time (i.e. age), and space (i.e. place). YOU developing - unfolding - in your environment, in your character development, being by acting upon every situation as you see fit, in your way.

Even though we do our best to find a common ground, our varieties are endless.
The 'doing our best' is based on our social breed of species. As a herd animal, we try to integrate and 'get along.' i.e. We 'need each other to survive!'

So I 'booted' up my Mac this morning, and the following email arrived in my Inbox!

United Nations Compensation
 To: Recipients
Reply -To: (emailstat)

Dear Email Winner,

On behalf of the United Nations Compensation Commission (UNCC) in
affiliation with Western Union Campaign for Global Economic Crisis
eradication, we wish to notify you that your E-mail Address has won
(One Million Dollars Only).

For security reasons and to avoid misappropriation of funds, proper
verification must be carried out before the fund is transferred. We
require the details below for verification so that the transfer can be
carried out.

(1)Your Name:----------------
(2)Your Country:------------
(7) Occupation---------
Send the above details to us via the email addresses stated below:

Western Union District Manager (Mr. Roberto)

As soon as these details are received and verified, the fund will be
transferred to you.

Thanks and God Bless,

Mr. Roberto
Organization Dept
Copyright (c) 2003-2020. The Western Union Company. All Rights Reserved  


If it weren't so blatantly ludicrous, and obviously silly, it could be considered scary to realize this type of nonsense is actually deliverable. ....
- That an actual address can be created. / That the Name concoction: United Nations Compensation Commission (UNCC) .... can be splashed un-checked here...../ That 'The Western Union Company' ...can be used in its entirety, without any online security check allowances .....

THIS IS SCARY STUFF!......  One thing appears clear! Mr. Roberto, the Western Union District Manager inside his 'Organization Dept.' appears to be a Christian with his: 'Thanks and God Bless'  sign off!

WHAT is it all coming to - you may wonder? 

'All Rights Reserved!' ....  to you too >>>>> Brother!

PS: I'm NOT going to bother responding, since it's "only" One Million Dollars! 
chucks! ~ 'Roberto' doesn't even bother to tell you if it's CAD or USD! 
We ALL know that USD (to Canadians) is worth 30 % + MORE! 

Have a nice day ...... :)> 

Tuesday, 7 April 2020


VIEWS?  ..

LEFT focused V. RIGHT oriented Brain.... and then there's often the Generation Gap!

'Identity' is an individual-person's (self) sense of being. That 'being,' occurring in a particular environment, is affected by the changing circumstances, and 'needs' of that environment.

If that 'Identity' can not compromise to exist within the given environment, a move away to seek distance becomes the search for a potential more LIFE-ENHANCING allowance.
A truism, it is different for each of us! As such, I ended up a content recluse on a small island.
OK 'Dude' >> suffer the consequences! Stick to what makes you content, and don't mess with a world that is ALIEN to you!

~ IN THIS PRESENT! ...... In my some 12 year entrepreneurial journey as a now 81 year old,
with 2 young grandchildren in tow, I was motivated, prior to their arrival, to seek an online niche presence with a site I feel is TIMELY, and can potentially make a difference to a quickly needing-to-re-adapt- Humanity!  This entree is speaking of the online woes I am presently experiencing.

Even though I dabbled in the Theatre, and ended up creating films in the sixties, my formative years were still very much in the tactile world; What you SEE is what you get!......

But now we have a  NEW REALITY;  No more 'hands-on' - more like 'hands-off' at the other end of an invisible line! It is the ON-line world of control, portraying yourself, or your services, to be the very best! And all may be a posture, the truth hidden, far away from the textual hype!

My ultimate outcome of all this still lies ahead. Every-time I entertain quitting, I remind myself of TIME and MONIES invested.  However, what is beginning to dawn on me is that those with online clout, have now, like the big conglomerates, similar control over us, the wee - trying - vulnerable types.  

The rhetoric is always clear: 

"We are the very best at what we do!  And we will venture to take you "beyond your expectations!" ......Trust us!  And when you take them up on it, the honeymoon is usually very short. The nightmare of miscommunication readily sets in, and project  details begin falling by the wayside. Single items take painstaking numerous takes, before ultimately acceptable. You are beginning to realize there is a method to the madness and it is: 'We do not want the project to be completed, because it means your money will stop flowing in! 

WELCOME  to the Theatre of the absurd! Run by the gone amuck, we will very likely implode soon. 
BY-Bye species Homulus Nomulus... or whatever...  

Over and OUT for now! :(

Thursday, 12 March 2020

No.2: On doing 'Business' Online (continued) !

VIEWS @ 21

The online world is as cosmopolitan as it will ever be. Globalization has pretty well peaked. To save money and stay within budgetary restraints many of us little pisher folk, including the large companies, continue to seek more affordable off-shore talent to aid us in bringing our projects to fruition. 

This ought to be a well-functioning marriage, but often, including in my case, it turns in to a societal dichotomy of purposes!

I share with you my North-American Western experience with a purportedly awesome East Indian web-development Company.  

Hello Chennai, India: 

I have come to realize that since we are all different, motivated by our own circumstances and hardships, we tenaciously hold on to whatever is important to us as individuals. 

As an elder's last stand to make a difference to my society, for many years now I searched for a project whose TIMING was right!  Although I feel I found that with the website, ! have additionally experienced that life on the purported ONLINE FAST LANE is actually strife with its own - at times nefarious - needs to slow the process DOWN 

If professional Marketing would indeed function as self-promoted perfect, based on its promises, all should be completed efficiently and early, with results $$$$ potential intake garnered are ultimately held at a minimum

This is in reality contradictory to, and by FACT, defeating the purpose of life! 

I have eluded many a time now to the potentials of down-the-road work for (Name Withheld), when - after having been presented with a professionally acceptable site - my Marketing strategy should bring many Communities on board, with in turn their various needs for, and, hence, your participation therein with additional website creation.

Since it has taken us some 14 months to get to this stage, with my paying you some $4,500 CAD, I can only surmise you are milking me best you are able! Or is it instead your combined talent being incapable of rendering me what is ultimately professionally acceptable? 

Ready to quit, I have been up and down with you numerous times now. Had I more financial capacity, I would clearly have moved on! I am not speaking of acceptable ins and outs of trying various items that over time require adjustment. These are all acceptable with a larger project such as ours. 

My fears are now based on the actual solid efforts of your in-house talents! 
Items that worked fine before are presently breaking down!  
I repeat what I have learned to trust:
"Coding either works 100% perfectly, or it doesn't! 

Our demise is definitely imminent, but, to show good faith, please bill me for another 10 hours.

Jan Steen   

Saturday, 7 March 2020

NO.1 On Doing 'BUSINESS' ON-line!

From VIEWS @ 23694 on legal matters,  to a new CHAPTER! 

The full realization of Canadian Marshall McLuhan's 1960's prediction of the Global Village is presently hot and heavy in is aftermath. Having gone full rounds with multiple Eastern Countries, importing their once upon-a-TIME cheaply laboured goods, the West is slowly coming to its senses.

Although disgraceful sweat-shops continue to exist, much of life in the East is in far better shape now. With the introduction of the Internet, and most all the world having access to online service, much of Industry and work-space is intelligently shifting from saturated down-town city-clog, to more home-based industries. I am on to it, working anxiously to being a part of it.

Go Cascadia here we come.... ??!!

Like British resident and global observer George Monbiot suggesting we start 'Suing for Survival',  with some status quo judges promising responses to annihilate some gargantuan projects, these, as I interpret and agree are potentially positive changes!
We must begin looking inwards again! And though we are all guilty of a certain amount of hypocrisy  (me on this machine; me driving a Smart Car; me...ETC.)

We must STOP looking to others for easy survival: we must STOP the insane distant tanker and freighter traffic! And look to re-discover our insides, and relearn to make existence function from within our immediate community. ....

Yeah, all well and good you'll say, but were will I buy my figs and Bananas? Well, Okay! A couple of banana freighters allowed.  There are ground-swells afoot of individuals expressing themselves by becoming home-grown entrepreneurs. All this is aiding the move towards greater self-sufficiency and less reliance on long distant distribution. here we come!

However, that said, there's other distant niches been created, that are now questionably in-our-face.
Doing 'BUSINESS' on line runs strife with 'WHO ARE YOU ACTUALLY DEALING WITH?'
Representatives of the resources required to integrate into your online completion may be folk hired from far a field - many do not have English as their mother tongue. Individuals who mean well, but live a day ahead of you, and often in dire straights. So while working on re-interpreting the tactile world, the intangible wanne-rear-its-online cobra-head is nibbling at us!

The Internet phenomena, while serving you at nano-second speed, when touching base to do business with those who 'SERVE' and accommodate the nets allowances, can be painstakingly SLOOOOOW!

Succinct and clear communication runs secondary to keeping you on their payroll!
Wherever she/he is located, LORD knows, paying the rent, means tenaciously holding on to a client, with all the prescribed rhetoric at their disposal. "We are so sorry! We will fix this. Check it now! You like? Is better now, OK?"

There's the rub - a dichotomy between a speedy, yet often hugely in-efficient world. Is it a mere FLASH in the pants .... this quasi affordable, distant and foreign intangible High-Tech battle between man's Innovation and practically doable sensibilities?
Growing up in the back-to-the-land world of the sixties and seventies, I have come to experience that unless you have plenty of bucks to hire your locals at their voluptuous rates, plus have the additional luxury of sitting it out with them face-to-face, you are a mere pawn in their proverbial chess match!

Though multiple up-front online promos tout "We are the VERY BEST at what we do!" and try suck you in with clarion efficiency, once on board, most probably the honeymoon proves to be short-lived indeed! The online ethic is to haul you in, withdraw your money, and keep at it.

Trust and Honesty, whatever little we had of it, have flown the coop!They CAN NOT be afforded.

It brings me all back to my line:

"At the foundation of a society runs its legal system. When it is corrupt, so will be all its other departments!"