From VIEWS @ 23694 on legal matters, to a new CHAPTER!
The full realization of Canadian Marshall McLuhan's 1960's prediction of the
Global Village is presently hot and heavy in is aftermath. Having gone full rounds with multiple Eastern Countries, importing their once upon-a-TIME cheaply laboured goods, the West is slowly coming to its senses.
Although disgraceful sweat-shops continue to exist, much of life in the East is in far better shape now. With the introduction of the Internet, and most all the world having access to online service, much of Industry and work-space is intelligently shifting from saturated down-town city-clog, to more home-based industries. I am on to it, working anxiously to being a part of it.
Go Cascadia here we come.... ??!!
Like British resident and global observer George Monbiot suggesting we start '
Suing for Survival', with some status quo judges promising responses to annihilate some gargantuan projects, these, as I interpret and agree are potentially positive changes!
We must begin looking inwards again! And though we are all guilty of a certain amount of hypocrisy (me on this machine; me driving a Smart Car; me...ETC.)
We must STOP looking to others for easy survival: we must
STOP the insane distant tanker and freighter traffic! And look to re-discover our insides, and relearn to make existence function from within our immediate community. ....
Yeah, all well and good you'll say, but were will I buy my figs and Bananas? Well, Okay! A couple of banana freighters allowed. There are ground-swells afoot of individuals expressing themselves by becoming home-grown entrepreneurs. All this is aiding the move towards greater self-sufficiency and less reliance on long distant distribution. here we come!
However, that said, there's other distant niches been created, that are now questionably in-our-face.
Doing '
Representatives of the resources required to integrate into your online completion may be folk hired from far a field - many do not have English as their mother tongue. Individuals who mean well, but live a day ahead of you, and often in dire straights. So while working on re-interpreting the tactile world, the intangible wanne-rear-its-online cobra-head is nibbling at us!
The Internet phenomena, while serving you at nano-second speed, when touching base to do business with those who 'SERVE' and accommodate the nets allowances, can be painstakingly SLOOOOOW!
Succinct and clear communication runs secondary to keeping you on their payroll!
Wherever she/he is located, LORD knows, paying the rent, means tenaciously holding on to a client, with all the prescribed rhetoric at their disposal. "We are so sorry! We will fix this. Check it now! You like? Is better now, OK?"
There's the rub - a dichotomy between a speedy, yet often hugely in-efficient world. Is it a mere FLASH in the pants .... this quasi affordable, distant and foreign intangible High-Tech battle between man's Innovation and practically doable sensibilities?
Growing up in the back-to-the-land world of the sixties and seventies, I have come to experience that unless you have plenty of bucks to hire your locals at their voluptuous rates, plus have the additional luxury of sitting it out with them face-to-face, you are a mere pawn in their proverbial chess match!
Though multiple up-front online promos tout "
We are the VERY BEST at what we do!" and try suck you in with clarion efficiency, once on board, most probably the honeymoon proves to be short-lived indeed! The online ethic is to haul you in, withdraw your money, and keep at it.
Trust and Honesty, whatever little we had of it, have flown the coop!They CAN NOT be afforded.
It brings me all back to my line:
At the foundation of a society runs its legal system. When it is corrupt, so will be all its other departments!"