VIEWS @ 21
The online world is as cosmopolitan as it will ever be. Globalization has pretty well peaked. To save money and stay within budgetary restraints many of us little pisher folk, including the large companies, continue to seek more affordable off-shore talent to aid us in bringing our projects to fruition.
This ought to be a well-functioning marriage, but often, including in my case, it turns in to a societal dichotomy of purposes!
I share with you my North-American Western experience with a purportedly awesome East Indian web-development Company.
Hello Chennai, India:
The online world is as cosmopolitan as it will ever be. Globalization has pretty well peaked. To save money and stay within budgetary restraints many of us little pisher folk, including the large companies, continue to seek more affordable off-shore talent to aid us in bringing our projects to fruition.
This ought to be a well-functioning marriage, but often, including in my case, it turns in to a societal dichotomy of purposes!
I share with you my North-American Western experience with a purportedly awesome East Indian web-development Company.
Hello Chennai, India:
I have come to realize that since we are all different, motivated by our own circumstances and hardships, we tenaciously hold on to whatever is important to us as individuals.
As an elder's last stand to make a difference to my society, for many years now I searched for a project whose TIMING was right! Although I feel I found that with the website, ! have additionally experienced that life on the purported ONLINE FAST LANE is actually strife with its own - at times nefarious - needs to slow the process DOWN !
If professional Marketing would indeed function as self-promoted perfect, based on its promises, all should be completed efficiently and early, with results $$$$ potential intake garnered are ultimately held at a minimum!
This is in reality contradictory to, and by FACT, defeating the purpose of life!
I have eluded many a time now to the potentials of down-the-road work for (Name Withheld), when - after having been presented with a professionally acceptable site - my Marketing strategy should bring many Communities on board, with in turn their various needs for, and, hence, your participation therein with additional website creation.
Since it has taken us some 14 months to get to this stage, with my paying you some $4,500 CAD, I can only surmise you are milking me best you are able! Or is it instead your combined talent being incapable of rendering me what is ultimately professionally acceptable?
Ready to quit, I have been up and down with you numerous times now. Had I more financial capacity, I would clearly have moved on! I am not speaking of acceptable ins and outs of trying various items that over time require adjustment. These are all acceptable with a larger project such as ours.
My fears are now based on the actual solid efforts of your in-house talents!
Items that worked fine before are presently breaking down!
I repeat what I have learned to trust:
"Coding either works 100% perfectly, or it doesn't!
"Coding either works 100% perfectly, or it doesn't!
Our demise is definitely imminent, but, to show good faith, please bill me for another 10 hours.
Jan Steen