Tuesday, 7 April 2020


VIEWS?  ..

LEFT focused V. RIGHT oriented Brain.... and then there's often the Generation Gap!

'Identity' is an individual-person's (self) sense of being. That 'being,' occurring in a particular environment, is affected by the changing circumstances, and 'needs' of that environment.

If that 'Identity' can not compromise to exist within the given environment, a move away to seek distance becomes the search for a potential more LIFE-ENHANCING allowance.
A truism, it is different for each of us! As such, I ended up a content recluse on a small island.
OK 'Dude' >> suffer the consequences! Stick to what makes you content, and don't mess with a world that is ALIEN to you!

~ IN THIS PRESENT! ...... In my some 12 year entrepreneurial journey as a now 81 year old,
with 2 young grandchildren in tow, I was motivated, prior to their arrival, to seek an online niche presence with a site I feel is TIMELY, and can potentially make a difference to a quickly needing-to-re-adapt- Humanity!  This entree is speaking of the online woes I am presently experiencing.

Even though I dabbled in the Theatre, and ended up creating films in the sixties, my formative years were still very much in the tactile world; What you SEE is what you get!......

But now we have a  NEW REALITY;  No more 'hands-on' - more like 'hands-off' at the other end of an invisible line! It is the ON-line world of control, portraying yourself, or your services, to be the very best! And all may be a posture, the truth hidden, far away from the textual hype!

My ultimate outcome of all this still lies ahead. Every-time I entertain quitting, I remind myself of TIME and MONIES invested.  However, what is beginning to dawn on me is that those with online clout, have now, like the big conglomerates, similar control over us, the wee - trying - vulnerable types.  

The rhetoric is always clear: 

"We are the very best at what we do!  And we will venture to take you "beyond your expectations!" ......Trust us!  And when you take them up on it, the honeymoon is usually very short. The nightmare of miscommunication readily sets in, and project  details begin falling by the wayside. Single items take painstaking numerous takes, before ultimately acceptable. You are beginning to realize there is a method to the madness and it is: 'We do not want the project to be completed, because it means your money will stop flowing in! 

WELCOME  to the Theatre of the absurd! Run by the gone amuck, we will very likely implode soon. 
BY-Bye species Homulus Nomulus... or whatever...  

Over and OUT for now! :(