Monday, 14 September 2020

A new DARK AGE is upon us!

 VIEWS @ 25156

Dark Ages:"The "Dark Ages" is a historical periodization, traditionally referring to the Middle Ages (c. 5th–15th century) that asserts that a demographic, cultural, and economic deterioration occurred in Western Europe following the decline of the Roman Empire.

"About two million years ago, a new set of fossils began to appear in the human fossil record. Designated as Homo erectus, they show evidence of increases in ..."

Well folks - of all lineages, cultures and colours - our collective MOTHER GAIA (i.e. the superior force that has allowed an equilibrium of life to exist and expand in its defined harmony for millennia, is  finally putting her foot down on our species' run-away uncontrollable excesses! 

Not a Volcano's ashes, a stray asteroid, or an in-explicable ice-age, this TIME a hybrid creature called Homo Sapiens has seen fit, within its short-sighted superior sensed greed, to selfishly ignore this earth's realities by challenging and going beyond the required equilibrium of Nature.  

WHOOPStiDO! .... Alarm bells are ringing, our blind run-a-way train has reached its breaking point!
Likely it will get worse and many more will perish! BUT, the TIME for re-assesment is upon us! 

Globalism has come full circle! The EAST has economically caught up, and as such there is a fairer all round balance.  With focus on greater individual responsibility and localized self-sufficiency, a potential New Age may gradually unfold. 

What can you and I do to accommodate that, and allow our off-spring a chance for survival? 

Is another 'BRAVE NEW WORLD'  (Aldous Huxley)  ......Possible? 

It's UP TO US! ....

Let's drink to that?