Wednesday, 30 December 2020

REALMS of Identity !

 VIEWS @ 26183

Regardless background, pressures are to commit & adhere to one's local status quo! 

As such we are forced to exist within the realm of 'environmental reality restrictions'. 

To express yourself as an individual beyond these acceptable behaviours, takes extra effort. 

The attempts of doing so (at an early age with some) - these 'groping efforts' of being 'different' - may initially be stifling  ..... But over time, as one continues to attempt to 'fit in' - with concerted efforts of trying to become 'acceptable'  - these individual 'ways of being ' may ultimately 'Kick In.' 

"OH, it's 'her/ his' way of being!"  .... [i.e.  whatever!  Still, you have arrived!]  

When NOT part of the status quo, it will always be a challenging factor to live outside whatever the 'NORM"you live within is defined as.  

To me, life is a constantly unfolding personal reality! Those of us challenging the norm ought to have our allowances to reinterpret it, with the hope and goal to have our differing views ultimately ACCEPTED!   

So? If your home environment is not conducive to your differing views, it may necessitate having to take a journey elsewhere to have your broader views accepted, and feel more grounded as an individual.     

Monday, 21 December 2020


VIEWS@ 206090

WHAT is it?  WHY is it? ... That moves me emotionally, when a fellow human, regardless sex, colour, age, or background, manages to express themselves, oftentimes hesitantly....yet drives me to tears!  

It is their doubts, questioning of 'self,' yet ultimate glorifying touching performance, that becomes the surprise package that verifies and identifies the beauty of their presentation. 

'IDENTITY' of SELF is at issue here! 

Many of us don't even KNOW succinctly WHO they are!  (?).... 'Am I allowed to do this or the other? ' some may ask? 

Then, those who don't ever ASK, or WAIT for an answer, merely DO their THING, and await the responses! ....

AND, if the responses are Questionable, than 'others' kick in to potentially suggest ways to deal with whatever is at issue?! 

INDIVIDUALITY = a TRIP! .... It takes guts, to nay-say whatever general views are thrown at you!   

I say YEAH, and Kudos, to those who DARE to express themselves as individuals outside the accepted NORM! 

Are you one?  

If motivated, let me know,


Sunday, 13 December 2020

'HELLO' to all who read my intermittent musings!

 VIEWS @ 26043

WHAT does it all mean? .....

- Each of us in our myriad ways - some with more complicated lives than others - ultimately need

to decide: WHO we are, and WHAT we are doing in the various circumstances we find ourselves in!   

LIFE is a trip, a voyage, interpreted in our individual conscious awareness. 

YOU, within your Body & your Mind's experience are a 'REALITY,' both tactile and assumed! ..... 

Regardless any addendum of spouse, off-spring, family, or friends, there is solely - YOU! 

On the whole, LIFE tends to be 'easier,' when certain constant demands are set upon you! i.e., you can not over-indulge, because people or critters DEMAND your attention! If you FAIL to attend to them, they will suffer, or perish and you will feel responsible! 

However, when you grow beyond that stage, and those dependants are on their own, or you never had those 'responsibilities,'  the 'raison d'ĂȘtre' for life becomes more self-absorbing.  

If it has primarily been the you- 'ME,' self-concerned, it can potentially have additional negative effects, since by never sharing, or needing to care for immediate others then yourself, the very concept of LIFE may show to have a lesser depth in VALUE; ' because of that lack of immediate need for a consideration for 'others.'  

Though this in noway should make you feel lesser or 'guilty,' it does nevertheless put a demand on you for needing to find that additional reason for 'wanting' to continue to exist.

Elderly, like myself now, when down and negative, I get an enhanced kick to reality and positivity, when contacted by either off-spring or grand-children! It helps to somehow reinvigorate the loneliness, and pointlessness of remaining alive in these very challenging days!   

Let this COVID-nundrum not get you down! Try to find a positive attitude to overcome what is in essence a seasonal generational glitch, telling MANKIND to become more conscious, less greedy, and live more within Nature's Equilibrium.