Monday, 14 June 2021

Re: ONLINE HYPE! (.org)

Life is all about 'DOING!' Getting up in the Morning > DOING YOUR STUFF during the day > Then sleeping to re-juvinate yourself, so you can do it all over again the next day! Well? WHOEVER you are reading this? I am DONE with the not sharing/ getting no responses on this blog! 'YOU' > whoever 'YOU' are not responding to me! It is a lonely way to be, and I am DONE with it! I just registered the domain: Once I have the site in shape, if 'YOU' have any interest in sharing your thoughts, THAT's where we can share our ideas. ASAP > I am DONE with this 'LONELY place' - expressing my views on life with absolutely ZERO input from readers! It's like jerking off! NO MORE!.... So GOODBYE to whomever you are! If, in a bit, you are interested in sharing my site, I loook forward to your input/ views. With continued sincerity, With all my sincerity, Jan