President & CEO

She began her career in the Public Service in 1991 and held many different roles including serving as a Deputy Minister to the Premier*, Cabinet Secretary and head of the B.C. Public Service.
Today, Jessica oversees one of the largest utilities in Canada, with 5,500 employees, over $5 billion in revenue, providing 93% clean energy and the third lowest rates in North America.
Bringing a future-focused approach to her role as CEO, Jessica's agenda is structured around five key pillars: customer service, capital project delivery, energy conservation, employee engagement and continued operational improvement.
Jessica is a member of the B.C. Arbitrators' and Mediators' Institute and the Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute of Canada and serves as a Board Director of the Insurance Corporation of B.C. and Powerex, and Board Chair of Powertech Labs. She has been recognized nationally for her leadership in innovation and employee engagement, including the IPAC/Deloitte National Gold Award for Public Sector Leadership.
*(I guess that would have been Gordon Campbell)
- Please keep in mind from above 'BIO:' "head of the B.C. Public Service." "over $5 billion in revenue, providing 93% clean energy and the third lowest rates in North America."
- "Bringing a future-focused approach to her role as CEO, Jessica's agenda is structured around five key pillars: customer service, capital project delivery, energy conservation, employee engagement and continued operational improvement."
- "Jessica is a member of the B.C. Arbitrators' and Mediators' Institute and the Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute of Canada"
- "National Gold Award for Public Sector Leadership.""Jessica is proud to be a part of BC Hydro."
Before you read the following BC Hydro disconnection Notice I just received, let me explain and comment:
(On the above)
- To me an agenda of "capital project delivery" and "continued operational improvement" is incongruous with "customer service."
As well "employee engagement" and "continued operational improvement," as a twosome don't, in my view, quite fit. The appearance of rhetoric and verbal gobbledygook, appears evident here.
The following letter arriving in my Post Box today!
(In order to cut/paste, I had to reformat it; all text=as is).
BChydro :::
May 25, 2015
Account Number: 'DELETED'
For service at: ('My Place') HORNBY ISLAND BC VOR 1ZO
Disconnection Notice for Total Amount Owing of $132.60
Our records indicate that payment for the above account is past due.
To prevent disconnection of your BC Hydro service, please pay the total amount owing today. In addition, you need to report your payment by calling 604-224 9376 or 1-800-224 9376 and selecting payment options from the main menu.
You can also report your payment by logging in to your account at At the same time, consider setting up a pre-authorized payment plan that many customers find works well with online billing to make paying easier.
If disconnection occurs, the following will need to happen before reconnection:
- the total amount owing must be paid;
- a reconnection charge of up to $355 will be charged and appear on your next bill;
- to prevent fires, we need to confirm that all electrical equipment is turned off or disconnected, particularly those that produce heat such as stoves, space heaters, and irons; and
- preparation may be necessary to reduce the potential for weather-related damage including frozen or burst pipes.
In the event of a disconnection, you can request your service be reconnected. Once you've paid the amount owing, call 604-224 9376 or 1-800-2249376 and follow the prompts to report your payment and request your service be reconnected. This option is available to most customers at any time and does not require BC Hydro Customer Service assistance.
BC Hydro Customer Service FNDNSD
+ Direction Particulars about payment)
- Since Ms. McDonald is a Member of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute of Canada,
I shall address her with this role in mind: (I felt the need to address her in BOLD)
Dear Ms. McDonald:
Before you were willingly appointed to become the president of this BC crown-owned, public, company (i.e. NOT private), BC Hydro, in its efforts to upgrade while cutting costs, introduced the Province-wide switch from standard analogue to electronic Smart Meters; meters that constantly send out strong wi-fi waves to communicate with each other and your office.
In the company's literature the overtures to its customers were nothing but glorious. Simplicity was lauded, costs would come down, usage would be monitored, overall safety was assured. There were no ends to their all round benefits. The future had become the present!
While areas like California were well ahead with their instalments, the public began hearing about some serious negatives concerning these "SMART Meters." A number had blown up, or caught fire; individuals were getting ill, discovering their wi-fi waves harmful. Bills, instead of going down as promised > Increased... On and on it went.
That's when individuals, like myself, began discussing the issues, coming to the conclusion we did NOT want them installed; we liked the status quo of our 'analogue' meters (later by our Hydro experts to be called 'legacy' meters.) We did not LIKE the intrusional aspects of the extra waves and internal 'eyes' giving data of our stoves, fridges, and private equipment. This was not the behaviour of a democratic, customer caring, publicly owned company; this was an indication of an oligarchy, if not a company working inside a police state.
Now, Ms. Jessica, I would like to take you back several years and make you aware of some serious anomalies I hold 'OUR' company responsible for. I will relate what befell me with my own Hydro account.
In 2013 I was in the middle of a Court case with a Web-Developer from Ottawa. This very Blog was created with the intentions of writing about my legal experiences. Since your (OUR) Company is now the second one I am addressing here, I shall use this platform to express my details to those who continue to read my Postings.
Living on a minimum pension, during the colder winter months I mostly use my Reverse-Process wood-burning stove (I appear to have been the first to have created these stove adaptations with my 'Sunrise' Stove. See No.14 issue/1978 of the Harrowsmith magazine, or Google/Wikipedia: The Reverse-Process Wood Burning Stove)
Being obsessed with Justice, while gradually learning about the facts that the Legal System is essentially a Business like any other Business, I was neglecting my stove, opting for the ease of more electric heat that winter.
Hydro had begun their Smart Meter installations, eliminating direct readings by laying off employees. Bills became 'Guesstimate' readings. Although I was aware of my increase consumption that winter I was much surprised by my high bills the following year.
In fact, it turned out my company (your company) had over-charged me over the months to the tune of some $760.00. This amount almost equals my annual land tax, so I asked Hydro to refund me. My Company (your company) REFUSED to return the monies that were MINE, and, in fact, illegally retained it!
As my bi-monthly bill amounts were reducing my $760 overpaid 'DEPOSIT,' I can show proof my bills indicated PENALTIES for having refused the installation of a Smart Meter were LARGER than my Hydro usages. My July, 2014, bill shows my "Failed Installation Charge"at some $68.50 with an added $64.80 "Legacy Meter Charge." For a total penalty of : $133.05 My actual Electrical Usage from May 27 > July 23 was a mere $26.40
I am suggesting to you Madame Jessica McDonald, BC Hydro President, that in my books this is called THEFT and USURY!
The above amount of $132.60 your company (my company) now wants me to pay, OR ELSE, is not for any ELECTRICAL USAGE. Under THREAT of DISCONNECTION, and according to its OWN, self-set, un-democratic process your Company (MY Company) is demanding the illegal sum it purports to be entitled to. In my book this is called BLACKMAIL!
In summation, I would like to suggest you seriously reconsider allowing that percentage of BC Hydro customers who decided for their own, personal reasons, to retain their 'legacy meter' (i.e. analogue). Indeed, in doing so, find a workable alternative to an accurate meter reading by the customers themselves. I have suggested, as we did many years ago, a card with the clocks showing which could be sent your office by mail or on line.
- I am sure a surcharge of some $5.00 on each bi-monthly bill would be customer acceptable.
I am aware your company (my company) is being taken to court in a class action suit. There is additional information displaying those holding out are within their Civil Rights! Additionally, there is ample proof BC Hydro is acting illegally according to the Rules of Civil Procedure.
YOU are the most senior employee in this case, and I am appealing to your experience and talents as a Mediator in the Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute of Canada to arrange for a more democratic and acceptable solution. Let's please discontinue this adversarial route.
"Jessica is proud to be a part of BC Hydro." Surely, as it stands, none of us can be proud with this behaviour! I look forward to your positive and innovative response.
a caring BC domiciled Canadian Citizen due his constitutional rights.
Jan Steen
PS: I shall continue to promptly pay for my Hydro usage. Disconnection is at this stage out of the question and non negotiable.
In the company's literature the overtures to its customers were nothing but glorious. Simplicity was lauded, costs would come down, usage would be monitored, overall safety was assured. There were no ends to their all round benefits. The future had become the present!
While areas like California were well ahead with their instalments, the public began hearing about some serious negatives concerning these "SMART Meters." A number had blown up, or caught fire; individuals were getting ill, discovering their wi-fi waves harmful. Bills, instead of going down as promised > Increased... On and on it went.
That's when individuals, like myself, began discussing the issues, coming to the conclusion we did NOT want them installed; we liked the status quo of our 'analogue' meters (later by our Hydro experts to be called 'legacy' meters.) We did not LIKE the intrusional aspects of the extra waves and internal 'eyes' giving data of our stoves, fridges, and private equipment. This was not the behaviour of a democratic, customer caring, publicly owned company; this was an indication of an oligarchy, if not a company working inside a police state.
Now, Ms. Jessica, I would like to take you back several years and make you aware of some serious anomalies I hold 'OUR' company responsible for. I will relate what befell me with my own Hydro account.
In 2013 I was in the middle of a Court case with a Web-Developer from Ottawa. This very Blog was created with the intentions of writing about my legal experiences. Since your (OUR) Company is now the second one I am addressing here, I shall use this platform to express my details to those who continue to read my Postings.
Living on a minimum pension, during the colder winter months I mostly use my Reverse-Process wood-burning stove (I appear to have been the first to have created these stove adaptations with my 'Sunrise' Stove. See No.14 issue/1978 of the Harrowsmith magazine, or Google/Wikipedia: The Reverse-Process Wood Burning Stove)
Being obsessed with Justice, while gradually learning about the facts that the Legal System is essentially a Business like any other Business, I was neglecting my stove, opting for the ease of more electric heat that winter.
Hydro had begun their Smart Meter installations, eliminating direct readings by laying off employees. Bills became 'Guesstimate' readings. Although I was aware of my increase consumption that winter I was much surprised by my high bills the following year.
In fact, it turned out my company (your company) had over-charged me over the months to the tune of some $760.00. This amount almost equals my annual land tax, so I asked Hydro to refund me. My Company (your company) REFUSED to return the monies that were MINE, and, in fact, illegally retained it!
As my bi-monthly bill amounts were reducing my $760 overpaid 'DEPOSIT,' I can show proof my bills indicated PENALTIES for having refused the installation of a Smart Meter were LARGER than my Hydro usages. My July, 2014, bill shows my "Failed Installation Charge"at some $68.50 with an added $64.80 "Legacy Meter Charge." For a total penalty of : $133.05 My actual Electrical Usage from May 27 > July 23 was a mere $26.40
I am suggesting to you Madame Jessica McDonald, BC Hydro President, that in my books this is called THEFT and USURY!
The above amount of $132.60 your company (my company) now wants me to pay, OR ELSE, is not for any ELECTRICAL USAGE. Under THREAT of DISCONNECTION, and according to its OWN, self-set, un-democratic process your Company (MY Company) is demanding the illegal sum it purports to be entitled to. In my book this is called BLACKMAIL!
In summation, I would like to suggest you seriously reconsider allowing that percentage of BC Hydro customers who decided for their own, personal reasons, to retain their 'legacy meter' (i.e. analogue). Indeed, in doing so, find a workable alternative to an accurate meter reading by the customers themselves. I have suggested, as we did many years ago, a card with the clocks showing which could be sent your office by mail or on line.
- I am sure a surcharge of some $5.00 on each bi-monthly bill would be customer acceptable.
I am aware your company (my company) is being taken to court in a class action suit. There is additional information displaying those holding out are within their Civil Rights! Additionally, there is ample proof BC Hydro is acting illegally according to the Rules of Civil Procedure.
YOU are the most senior employee in this case, and I am appealing to your experience and talents as a Mediator in the Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute of Canada to arrange for a more democratic and acceptable solution. Let's please discontinue this adversarial route.
"Jessica is proud to be a part of BC Hydro." Surely, as it stands, none of us can be proud with this behaviour! I look forward to your positive and innovative response.
a caring BC domiciled Canadian Citizen due his constitutional rights.
Jan Steen
PS: I shall continue to promptly pay for my Hydro usage. Disconnection is at this stage out of the question and non negotiable.
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