Tuesday, 26 April 2016

240. Corruption > Here to Stay > Our nifty "ASSET STRIPPERS"....


Below, another article from my good friend in Portugal. Also just in from him, an additional 'titbit' about just one such 'Smart' Guys...(at very bottom)

25 April,  2016

The Editor ,
The Portugal News ,
Apartado 13 ,
8401-901 Lagoa ,

Dear Editor ,

Re:  The Panama Papers

In January, OXFAM assessed a staggering global amount of USD7.6 trillion as having been  invested by corporations and individuals in off-shore centres. This represented close to USD 200 billion in annual unpaid tax.  

In April, the Suddeutsche Zeitung, a German provincial newspaper said to be controlled by the Goldman Sachs group, released a first tranche of eleven million files which had been stolen from the database of Mossack Fonseca, the world´s fourth largest offshore law firm.   The result was almost hysterical consternation and denial by twelve national leaders and  thousands of politicians and business people whose identities and wealth suddenly became public knowledge.

But  these names represented only a  small proportion, perhaps only 10% by value, of those who have invested through other law firms and financial advisors. And indeed there is the huge amount of wealth which has been concealed by the 62 families or consortiums ( OXFAM claims  this is equivalent to that of the 3.5billion poorest people on the planet) some of whom actually own the off-shore domains !

How many of the Forbes list of billionaires are included ?   Where are the names of the attendees of Bilderberg.    And when shall we see published the names of royalty and the political and business elite dynasties?  Most likely never.

The content of the Papers is not so much about tax evasion or the laundering of  criminal money.  They represent a key depiction of the massive corruption of our flickering democracy and the  intrusive power of the behemoths of globalised free traders and their bankers.   Tax havens merely reflect a reality that the mega-rich can move their gains at will to another domain in order to escape the rules and laws of where they operate and  to the detriment of the social services required by the citizens of those  countries.     In order to do this part of those gains is being  used to buy political influence like never before thus making  the crocodile´s tears of finance ministers and central bankers a cynical charade.

President Juncker of the EU was rightly criticised before he took office for being named in LuxLeaks as the principal architect of Luxembourg´s policy of enabling (mainly American) international corporations to operate in Europe at ridiculously low rates of taxation.   But he is only one of many of our governing elite who can no longer merit the trust of the electorate. 

We need  a drastic cleansing of our democratic system!


"I read this today after sending the Panama Papers letter.     Green is a ruthless  asset stripper who has deliberately driven companies to the wall after milking them dry of anything which will make money.   In this case his greed extended to depriving the employees of British Home Stores of more than £500 million from their pension fund.  Most of his ill gotten gains have gone into the name of his wife who is resident in the tax haven of Monaco."



With this new age of split-second global-villaged High-Tech communication, in which a starving poster child in an unforgiving, fly-sucking, parched-dessert environment, can text-message us his plight, can the ridiculously insane TRUTH of the reality of the dichotomy of our species be conveyed anymore succinctly? What to do, or NOT to do? That IS the question.

Are we at the cross-roads of a new-age make-over of our species? Or do we merely continue living the 'Winner-Take-All' farce of our ill-equilibriumed existence?  

Although we are most all complicit, and each has finite energy, collectively now, with the added powers of lights and camera, we can more easily DEMAND ACTION - TO FORCE IN THE REQUIRED CHANGE.

If not  NOW, it will be TOO LATE..........and BYE-BYE SPECIES.........
and YES that will include ALL THE WINNERS-TAKE ALL!

"Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah!"   

BTW: I have given up thinking I will ever receive ANYTHING further from my Glorious and Oh so JUST Legal folk in Victoria...  




Thursday, 21 April 2016



I will be forwarding this Appeal to the following departments: 

Premier Christy Clark; Canadian Judicial Council; Federal Minister of Justice, Madam Wilson-Raybould; Office of Prime Minister Trudeau. 

Today is April 21, 2016. 

My Summary Trial was on February 12, 2016; I was dismissed on some vague reasonings, based on alleged mis-filing of my papers. 

I continue to await receiving the legitimate, rule applicable and wel-defined, 'Written Reasons for Judgment' from the combined efforts of the AG Counsel, Johnny Van Camp, and Judge Geoffrey Gaul. Apparently, it concerned, what looked to be a yet-to-be applied Rule, absolving a Judge from any kind of ordering she/he might have introduced in his/her dismissal, be the decision legally valid, arguable, applicable, correct or NOT!

From my recollection (please read the transcript in a former Blog to verify), the 'Yet to be Used Rule' indicates that a Judge, in her/his daily duties, can order as she/he damn well pleases! So, as such, GOD-like, is forever UN-accountable.

Unless, as in the case of an Alberta judge, another Mr. Van Camp, it concerns a male Judge's IN-Court language, to be found abusive and inexcusable, about a female Litigant's spread knees in her sexual harassment case. Here, at long-last, a precedent of accountability was determined and set.  

I am, this day, appealing to the above most honourable addressees, all who presently fill functions at the highest level of our purported 'Democracy.'  My various appeals, in the nutshell entitled: 'CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT', concern my Citizen's Constitutional Rights. Rights I am entitled to under Section 12 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom (see below) 

Although I am, in my 7th year legal nightmare sojourn, not discussing any apparent circumstances of visual 'physical' abuse, the ever-present daily mental tensions and continued need to attend to whatever formats and stages I was struggling to comply with, these, like a steady type of water torture were constantly gnawing at me. I had legal nightmares; would wake up having to write down phrases that struck me as pertinent; My blood pressure was up, I needed to get up early to deal with the 3 hour Ontario time differential + the constant subtleties of interpreting the legalese of the myriad documents gathering around me; all became unbearable over the many thousands of hours driven to find a modicum of 'Justice.' Barbaric indeed! Who might be 'criminally' responsible here? 

Over time, I have been in contact with a number of Self-Representing Litigants across the Country. Based on the exorbitant costs charged by lawyers, their numbers are ever increasing.

I say: We have had enough suffering; Enough Cruel and Unjust Punishment! Enough 'IN-justice!' I urge the addresses above to take us VERY SERIOUSLY and bring about the desperate CHANGE we all voted for. Turn this ship around, introduce real Justice, and make it applicable Federally across the Country! First construct Rules that make sense; then, cutting out rhetoric argument, apply them as written. Are we not living in the 21st Century? 

And NO-ONE is above the law; EVERYone must be held ACCOUNTABLE! The honourable, me Lordship judge, without a Robe, is a common citizen, like any of us.      



Section Twelve of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Section 12 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, as part of theConstitution of Canada, is a legal rights section that protects an individual's freedom from cruel and unusual punishments in Canada

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

238. Brazen Monopoly, DYSFUNCTIONAL, or BOTH?

VIEWS@ 15634

brazen |ˈbrāzənadjectivebold and without shame: he went about his illegal business with a brazen assurance | 

monopoly |məˈnäpəlē
noun (pl. monopolies) - a company or group having exclusive control over a commodity or service:
dysfunctional |ˌdisˈfəNG(k)SH(ə)nl
adjectivenot operating normally or properly: An emotionally dysfunctional businessman |  deviating from the norms of social behavior in a way regarded as bad: "

TODAY, Tuesday, April 12th is 2 months, to the day, since my Summary 'TRIAL' in Victoria. If you read my transcript in Blog No: 235, you will note my claim was dismissed. There was NO discussing, referring, or viewing any of the particulars; a mere: "Mr. Steen, I've read through your materials. How long do you think you're going to require to put your position before the court?" 

It is MY understanding of a Summary Trial, that all of the 'positioning' by the Litigant is laid out in the 'Materials;' that there is little or no talking, or 'Argument ' necessary during the Trial, since all is made clear in the "Materials."     

As previously stated, I got the distinct feeling Judge Gaul had NOT read the 'Materials. And in his 'Reasons for Judgment, the Judge's 'Reasons' were primarily based on his erroneous interpretation, forwarded by Mr. Johnny van Camp, Counsel for the AG, I had not filed my papers properly. As you read through the transcript you'll become aware that the Judge has in fact the correct 'black' folder in his possession. A duplicate set was noted - "DELIVERED" to the AG's office. (sent February 4, and delivered Xpress Post the 5th)

Mr. Van Camp is working with a cancelled, NEVER SERVED,  November 13th, 2015, set of files, filed at the Registry but adjourned by myself. As he mentions, somehow through 'back doors gotten hold of... 

 So then what's going on here? Having deviated from set procedures, working through 'back doors,' we are dysfunctional, and the SRL is to blame!
I remind the reader how on February 11th, some ten minutes before I left home on Hornby, the Registry in Victoria called me to ask if I knew the name of the AG's representation Counsel for the trial.

YES! I replied bewildered; an earlier call that day had asked if I was attending the next day? 
To my knowledge I had informed the Registry, as one is ordered to, some 5 days before the trial, I would be attending. 

I am finding all of it excruciatingly sad! YES, my Lord; NO your HONOUR! BOW your Majesty....To me it's all kids play; a pretend world of deceit, under the guise of 'JUSTICE!'

Don't they have a conscience these men and women?  How can they live such demeaning existences? Such lies?

POWER INDEED CORRUPTS! I wonder how many of these 'professionals' could be classified as psychopaths...  According to the statistics, quite a few of them!

Shame on us all for allowing it to linger....


Monday, 11 April 2016

237. Request for a PUBLIC INQUIRY

VIEWS@ 15604


Dear Mr. Trudeau: 

Your mandate for change brought you in to office and as such - power
CHANGE, because the Canadian people were fed up with Kaiser Harper’s disgraceful heavy-handed, crony-based treatment of our precious, purported, Democracy.’ 

With your across the board staff of beautiful looking Ministers, you are now going to be held accountable to keep your word by all who voted you in to office. You can count on us to help you in every way to make these desperately necessary changes throughout our many wanting systems; most are in dire need of overhauling! 

It is my view that a Justice system lies at the very foundation of a well structured and honourably functioning Democracy. 

I can report to you that after a seven-year SRL sojourn into this mine field of so-called ‘JUSTICE’, regardless all facts of proof used that justice states itself to rely on, I have been bandied about, spat out - and DISMISSED like so much useless, pesky fodder. Justice, and the Rules of Law were ne’er to be seen; rather I encountered conflict of interest, legalese manipulation, irregularities, as well as full-on collusion. All to the aid of maintaining an insiders brotherhood, rather than fairly acknowledging ‘Justice.’.    

My last SRL effort was on February 12/ 16, in Victoria, taking on the Minister of Justice of BC, in a Summary Trial, based on written materials. I held the Ministry responsible for an earlier erroneous dismissal order by one of their judges for ‘LACK OF JURISDICTION.’  It sent me to deal with the issues in Ontario, where I faired no better. 

Speaking to a high-profile US lawyer some months ago, he forwarded: “Jan, the courts are not about Justice!” His acknowledgment gave me the shivers. I now hold much of the disintegrating world responsible for living a life of hypocrisy and lies.  

As such I am approaching your office as a last resort, since I have come full circle now and can do no more. Instead, I can help you in the Mandate and instructions you set out in the letter to our new Minister of Justice, Madame Wilson-Raybould. You speak of being compliant with the Conflict of Interest Act; Open and Accountable Government; etc.

Instead of using the: ‘Justice and Attorney General of Canada’  (field/topic), I am suggesting usage of the broader Inquiry title ‘Democratic Reform’ your website indicates.

In summation, I implore the Inquiry look in to the validity of excessive Rules and Regulations, not the least of which would be a complete overhaul of The Rules of Civill Procedure, and a striving towards a federal uniformity of laws; rules equal to all our citizens!.

How can we exist in this 21st Century, where a Default Rule for filling in Ontario, is the ‘OR” Rule in BC?  There is much too much room for argument and hence ‘subjectivity,’  with absolutely NO accountability, except by the litigant of course.  

A number of others I am in regular contact with across this land are prepared to aid you by sharing any information of materials and experience we have gathered.

We all look forward to hearing your office’s detailed response.

Respectfully Yours,
Jan Steen



Friday, 1 April 2016



Dear Federal Minister of Justice, Madam Wilson-Raybould: 

Voting for change in the recent Federal election, Canadians successfully brought in a Liberal government in which you now fulfill a major role. Your Ministry lies at the foundation of a sound and Honourable Democracy. 

As an elder Canadian, forced to mostly represent myself, I continue to endure what now are some seven years of legal innuendo. An absolute nightmare, it controls most of my life. 

My last Court Appearance was on February 12th, in a Summary Trial against the BC Ministry of Justice in Victoria. 
Defence for the AG had been instructed to encourage the Court use a yet to be activated Rule. 

It appears precedent is in the throes of being implemented here. Suffice to say I was dismissed,
I forwarded your office the transcript of that day’s sessions some weeks ago. 

I continue to await Judge Geoffrey Gaul’s ‘Reasons for Judgment.’ We are now in to April….what’s delaying? 

Based on your mandate for change, to enhance fairness, equality, and actual Justice, I am appealing to your Ministry’s Office at this time. 

It is my view we need to re-write and tighten the Rules of Civil Procedure by making all Rules applicable to one Jurisdiction: i.e. CANADA, while making far less room for ‘Argument.' 
Additionally, we must move away from pomp and posture, and hold our officers ACCOUNTABLE - somehow! As our Country’s hired employees they are NOT above the law. 

I sincerely hope that in your four year tenure you are able to bring these desperately important changes about. If not, there will be further deterioration.

Respectfully Yours,

E. Jan Steen 


According to Ms. Mary Henein, lead Counsel for Jian Ghomeshi’s Defence, in his now dismissed sex abuse Trial, Canada “has one of the greatest legal systems in the world. “A system we should all be proud of, ” in which everyone has “an opportunity to be heard, and is guaranteed a fair trial.” 

There is “the burden of proof, beyond a reasonable doubt, and a presumption of innocence.” “Credibility and reliability lies with the accuser.”  

As indicated by Ms. Henein in the CBC News interview with Peter Mansbridge, the above are core factors on which a final judgment must be based. Theirs, an example of a ‘high-profile case’ and, as such, over-resourced, according to Ms. Henein. 

My indication is that 99.99%, the overwhelming majority of the bread n butter, run-of-the-mill-regular-citizen cases are under-resourced. 

As such, I’d like to present you with my under-resourced case. 
Allow me to set the scene: 

December 2007; two backers encourage me to create a website based on my Postal Code Classifieds concept. With an Online Timeline crucial for potential success, in February 2008, living in BC, I find the ‘right’ web-developer in Ottawa to create the complicated interactive website. 

Though all monies are paid from BC ($43,000), the site is never completed, either on time or per contract specifications. 

June 2010, as an SRL, I file a claim of ‘contractual non-compliance’ against the Ottawa developer in Courtenay BC’s small-claim’s court. I use the ‘OR’ rule for filing, based on all its indicated Rule allowances. 

Regardless my ‘OR’ Rule’s clearly applicable factors, on argument, Justice Madame Saunders decision to dismiss my claim for “lack of Jurisdiction” is 
functus! She has spoken and will not waver. I should have filed in Ontario.

However, on asking if I can do anything else, Judge Saunders allows me to appeal, which I then create, file, serve and pay for. Appeals are made in the Supreme Court of BC.

Please note: The default rule for filing in Ontario states: “To file in the Jurisdiction the claim originates.” Had I filed in Ontario, the Judge would have wondered, more accurately, why I did not file in British Columbia?

However, without going in to detail here, having shown a number of serious legal Defence anomalies, it is made clear to me in a Defence Application to a Judge, I could, apparently by law, not have filed an appeal, since “one may appeal after a Trial, not a Hearing.” Since ours had been a ’Hearing,’ I had no right of Appeal. This was the legalese reasoning, which was later verbalized by Judge Dardi, after I managed to adjourn a set Trial date based on sound reasoning.

After reading various texts interchanging both Trial and Hearing - as if they were synonymous - none of it made sense. Regardless, with months away from a new Trial date, I realized my efforts in BC were going to be wasted. I abandoned my case. After all I had already been advised  by Judge Dardi, she could very well not hear my case, and as such it all seemed pointlesss. 

I erroneously surmised Ontario would be less manipulative and more ‘civilized,’ hence more JUST. As if possible, over some 5 year stretch, working mostly as an SRL, matters grew even worse. My ultimate fate became the same: DISMISSED!

So, coming full circle, still seeking JUSTICE, insisting someone in this glorious and “greatest legal system in the world” - based on all the proof of FACTs and argument I had gathered, SOMEONE surely could and needed to be held ACCOUNTABLE! 

So with my claim against the Minister of Justice of British Columbia, holding their office responsible for the mistakes of their Judges, on February 12, as an SRL, in a Summary Trial, I entered the halo chambers of the Supreme Court in Victoria. 

Suffice to say I was once more DISMISSED! It appears the Ministry, in an effort to keep the SRL likes of me out of ‘their’ court-rooms, intends to use 
me as a pesky precedent!  All was a mere “Abuse of Process.”

Speaking volumes of insider innuendo, I paid some $370 for the entire transcript. It is posted on my blog (The Lonely Road to Justice} 

Now April, I continue to await my ‘REASONS FOR JUDGMENT.’  
WHAT can possibly be going on here? I humbly, but insistently ask.

Whatever it is they interpret, I will again present it to our new Government with the hopes they will take measures.   

Without a reconfigured Justice System functioning as it is intended, there can be no honourable Democracy for the people/ by the people. After all, the Lords and Ladies running our courts are all citizens, beholden to their ethics, no matter WHAT can be achieved in a high-profile sex-abuse case! 
