Saturday 29 November 2014

146. Dear Santa..^...$...#...?...!...>...>



Like the sublime intangible myth you are, I am like that perpetual child who continues to seek confirmation his undaunted efforts on earth are not merely for 'naughty or nice.'

Santa, can you please help me find more substance effect to the efforts of so many well-meaning citizens, all of whom seek truth and fairness in their sojourn towards justice.

Please Santa, share a Hot Rum-Toddy with those who are beyond the law, yet considered the Pillars of our Society. Discuss with them badly required improvements to both rules and process. Remind them of their Oaths of Office, and the privileged role they are dedicated to uphold. Suggest to those no longer capable of impartiality, they find less challenging work, or perchance take early retirement. (J)

Santa, you are the closest thing we humans have to a God on Earth. I feel I can trust in you! Please do what you can.

Little Johnny Doe.  

If matters couldn't get more ridiculous, let's write to 'SANTA.' We just know, he will listen; or is he a SHE? Then again, should he/she write back, GOD forbid, who pays for this scam? Would it be BIG BROTHER himself? or is that SISTER? >>> 'Snow Bells Ring, Are You Listening?' 

Master deceit will empty your hearts and pockets.... once again.

But HAIL? Do I detect a tiny glimmer on the horizon called 'HOPE?' Is Rudolph's Red Nose smelling a hint of change? Are the combined forces of the undaunted creating enough dust to stir an irritating cough within the breathing apparatus of the insatiable psychopathic few - the comptrollers of our collective destiny?  

Only TIME will tell. Oh yes, 'TIME,' that elusive dimension that effects us all.

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