Saturday 27 December 2014

150. Farewell to the 2014 'Circumstances.'


The more a plot thickens, the more obtuse it becomes. Objectivity is hard come by when the original premise has disappeared. The argument surrounding a legal claim based on a non-compliant contract was gradually lost with Defence's concentration on their counterclaim based on defamation.

Defence motions to withdraw blog content and dismiss the 'Frivolous' claim were court allowable - 'in the circumstances.' Circumstances being the old nag Plaintiff from rural BC, challenging the hierarchy in the Capitol. Over time (starting a court's fifth year now) this original Plaintiff was re-positioned, when Defence became the 'Moving party', forcing this Plaintiff to become the Defendant, as in the the 'non-compliant' Respondent. And, 'BINGO,' after a final cornering, and collusion by his then 'Counsel,' the ultimate dismissal of his claim for recalcitrance for not answering any more questions. Has at long last this Defendant/Respondent, once-upon-a-time Claimant, been silenced?  Will he ever learn?

A number of us battling the all-powerful and staid system have come to realize we are not dealing with truth by fact; if we were, in an actual, democratic, court of law, the language determined in a concisely worded contract would have quickly spoken for itself long ago - either way. However, ploys created to circumvent contractual obligations by leading attention away from 'the issues at hand,' with freshly created alternate 'issues,' like the false scent planted by perpetrators during a hunting expedition created entirely different 'circumstances.' This is what is called 'smart business;' to lead away from actual issues by creating new ones, especially when the actual issues are to be avoided like the plague. 

I will likely find time to explain how my legal circumstances changed by quoting the endorsement texts of the Masters. It will allow indication how through the usage of Words and the oiling of Time, manipulations create new Truths during unfolding Circumstances....

NOTHING is EVER the same. Today's reality is yesterday's lie. Life unfolds.

PS: Just thought to add this: Whatever happens at the appeal date in January, since the Counterclaim was not re-initiated by a certain dead-line date, it is legally off the books. But then - who knows?
Circumstances change :(>

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