Wednesday 22 March 2017

277. Is TALK more than just CHEAP?


" No man is above the law!" " The law, according to the facts of a particular case."
"Anyone is going to get a fair deal with me." Supreme Court Judge Gorsuch, during his senate hearings...

noun: 'deal'an agreement entered into by two or more parties for their mutual benefit, especially in a business or political context:the band signed a major recording deal.• an attractive price on a commodity for a purchaser; a bargain: we've got great deals on the latest camcorders.• with adj. ] a particular form of treatment given or received:working mothers get a raw deal.a significant but unspecified amount of something: he lost a great deal of blood.


" No man is above the law!" Sure! Go tell ISIS! Hey guys! Just a minute there. WHAT do you think you are doing? EH? ..... I'm warning you! Better stop that right now, or else! We're gonna take these FACTS and you'll be sorry....

"The law, according to the facts" a case.... a 'particular' case...
So, OK......... its all just ........ 'WORDS'

Does anything mean anything anymore?  What are facts? When are facts 'FICTION?'  What is a 'LAW'? A 'Rule'? The MINISTRY OF JUSTICE? ......  RU bloomin kidding me?
It's the SYSTEM - The LEGAL SYSTEM of LEGALESE and gobbledygook WORDS! Spoken by pretenders in robes, up on a pulpit, mesmerizing you to DEATH and DESTRUCTION!

How about the Ministry of SILLY WALKS? (Member that one? Monty Python?)  So who wrote the Bible? The book of 'ID?'  Don't know about the book of 'ID?' Like. ID-iosyncracy'; ID-iom.  Just make it up and sell it with conviction. They'll buy it. Just make sure to wear the right gear, promote it in a suitable place, and adjust the voice according to the scripture, and presto! Take it to the bank.

Next chapter: No Accountability / No Credibility!  

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