Wednesday 3 May 2017

282. "Every Nation Gets the Government it Deserves" *


What a fascinating concept ? The assumption, regardless our senses of direction or purpose, we are all subjects, if not slaves, to those we allow to RULE over us.

Think of it?... Seven BILLION of us, each living where we do, either starving, invaded, being killed, abused or appeased - all subservient to our all-powerful, mostly single-entity RULERS.  Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Gaddafi, Putin, Assad, ...'You'r fired.'.D. Trump! .. just to name a few of the 'outstanding' ones.

Fact is, historically, a certain dictatorship, regardless how nefarious, always kept the lid on any subversive elements. The few had everything, keeping the delegated masses well in their place, griping, but managed; there to support them.

It shows - by proof - that any attempts at democratic ruling has proven ill-defined and un-workable! 'Somebody' always takes advantage - to lead the pack > somewhere!  There's GOT to be a clear sense  of direction. (Our Mr. Trump is a Master at it.... DUH!) ....How much longer, I wonder?

Is this due to the ultimate essence of humanity as a herd creature? That there's always a single creature, leading us by the nose?
"Oh, I just noticed 'somebody' moving us that-a-way;  I guess we should go there too then eh?...

Oh for a benevolent dictator.... Too bad, because few have the savvy character for it.

Joseph de Maistre, the most visionary of France's early counterrevolutionaries, was one of the first to speak of this. A Catholic, he traced the French Revolution to the acrid solvents of the Reformation. With its celebration of "private interpretation" of the Scriptures, Protestantism paved the way for century upon century of regicide and revolt originating in the lower classes. It is from the shadow of a cloister that there emerges one of mankind's very greatest scourges. Luther appears; Calvin follows him. The Peasants' Revolt; the Thirty Years' War; the civil war in France...the murders of Henry II, Henry IV, Mary Stuart, and Charles I; and finally, in our day, from the same source, the French Revolution.

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