Friday 4 November 2016



Been taking a break from the results of my personal legal nasties lately, observing, disbelieving, the abject lunacy with our neighbours down south, trying to let it all sink in. Just WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH US? Is the blatantly obvious global mayhem not enough of a sign to get our act together? Are we just going to sit back and allow ourselves to self-destruct?

Mulling these things over, I try to imagine if there is any potential light I could shed, or procedure I could follow, to possibly make a tiny bit of difference. Then I realize, fact is, the MACHINE of CORRUPTION and disparity is dug in so pervasively solid, nothing less than a revolution could even hope to allow mankind to begin with a clean slate.

I remember years ago speaking with a business man who was going to have his 'year-end' interpreted. The accountant had asked him: Do you want to show a profit, or a loss? What's most beneficial to you?

I now know the legal system, as well, has myriad rules they can pull out at convenience in any possible circumstance. for use at its beck and call. So when and where does law, as practiced, represent 'JUSTICE?' I discovered it doesn't. It's all in the game, applied as the occasion sees fit.

"Acting within the Rules of the Theatre" YIP! We're 'acting' and in the 'Theatre.' "The minutiae of civil procedure." "The rules of evidence must be followed." "the admission of expert evidence."  .... words, words, words. None of my 'evidence' was ever even discussed.

As an outsider,  I have come full circle. Pursuing anything further would be a pure waste of time.  I acknowledge Justice as practiced to be a farce. The Court and its employees are accountable! Then again, they are NOT accountable! A judge errs - daring blatantly - on purpose! In her daily duties that is her right! "My decision is FUNCTUS" (officio)Sorry, old fella SRL. Case closed.

Looking at the many prerequisites that surround, colour, and define our laws as 'democratic,' words like: fair, unbiased, proportional, law abiding, + many more, if those hired to represent these laws, are in fact, by law, un-accountable for their actions, then can I, as a judged and off-handedly dismissed litigant citizen not cry foul? Since by the very fact they have been put in charge to judge me on the basis of representing those written laws, they MUST be held accountable for their actions? 

And, if by law, they are accountable, as a Canadian Citizen am I not legally entitled to a fair and proper trial, at which the details of facts, precedents and arguments I presented are dutifully assessed and interpreted? (which never occurred) And until that takes place: 

Do I have to accept their quick, tricked, undefined, judgment of dismissal? 

All this is just more work and life-time spent with ZERO assurances to gain anything. 
Am I making sense?

I clearly do not expect an answer...:)>

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