Tuesday 1 July 2014

114. Happy Canada Day!


Survival of the fittest is playing out all around me. With 3 off-spring, my species' main purpose - to procreate - is long behind me. Their generation, more challenged than mine, is taking longer to interpret itself. 

While on the one hand we live far beyond our usage, some of us continue to wonder if we can still make a difference to the small imprint we leave behind. Most elders leave well enough alone. Retired, we hang on in our twilight, puttering through our quickly fading last years, often a burden to society. 

With the added incentive of financial backing, and general curiosity with this machine's 'Invention,' did I decide to have that last 'kick-at-the-can'. That concerted effort, with its dire outcome, has brought me to these present realities.   

Living on the cusp of Civilization in the middle of the Georgia Strait, on the "Jewel of all Gulf Islands," I am privy to all creatures that make this glorified Rock their home. I have seen the comings and goings, as well as the gradual disappearance of a variety of critters.

Climate change is effecting all of us. Swallows are diminishing, barely holding on. I feel fortunate to still have a pair of Violet greens that have been nesting in my created box for some 10 years now. My neighbours are less fortunate. Green Tree frogs that once were a plenty, have diminished to none around me now. On the other hand, Canada Geese who merely used us as a gateway on their seasonal travels before, are now here in droves all year. To the positive, their young feed our insatiable Eagles' hatchlings. 

So change is our greatest constant. 

Still, I constantly question my drive and my objectives. WHY am I doing this? WHO am I doing this for? WHO even cares? My most important critters, my now middle aged kids, have NO interest in what I'm doing. They have already long ago decided the system is skewed, and irreparable. Are they wiser than I? Am I truly naive? Is there really no hope in hell my efforts will ever make a difference?

If so, than what are all the other causes' fate? Are the hundreds of thousands, seeking a better world, just treading water, until they ultimately realize there IS no light at the end of the tunnel?

Today is CANADA DAY!  I wish the following ORGS all the positive energies I can muster. A well-deserved HAPPY CANADA DAY. Let us continue to accentuate the positive by eliminating the negative.  

Friends.ca (friends of Canadian Broadcasting) 

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