Thursday 17 July 2014


So what is REAL?

I have been reading a book by a local author, entitled: 'rapt in awe. It speaks of cosmic consciousness. How collectively we can join in the rapture of life and set out to make a positive difference. Poetically Lee White weaves his various ways from reality as we know it to the awe and mysteries of the unknown. I really like a lot of what he talks about.

"Any body of knowledge, field of inquiry, or way of seeing and saying is built upon presumptions. Such presumptions are perspectives with a frame of reference so that any ideology is constructed upon a foundation of beliefs. This foundational truth - that all knowledge is relative and that there is no absolute fixed frame of reference..." (LW)

Since then life is a self-imposed illusion, perceived by our inherent senses, everything is real. Both the good, Bad, and the Ugly. We do what  motivates us; each by our own resources bound, with limitations given, or set upon the self.

Proof of a species success lies in multiplying its numbers. With Necessity as the Mother of Invention, the industrial revolution led us to discover that the machine could enhance our 'useful' means to solidify and enhance our numbers, by letting automation do much of the manual work. 

So, like the fruit-fly in a finite jar, we continue to increase in numbers. And although we have yet to achieve the tipping point of capacity, indications we are close to reaching it are showing everywhere. 

Although my character strives towards the positive enhancing and harmonic, negative forces run supreme. To manifest positive action takes time, much energy, while never guaranteed. The so called 'negative' forces are blunt, quick, and efficient. Nature is not forgiving, in our eyes often not kind. Our species has learned to embellish upon it.

Since I do not believe in 'hope,' why do I bother with this? I guess It is my avatar of fantasy. The ability to comprehend beauty; the experiences felt when listening to mesmerizing music; to cry on reading a Dylan Thomas passage; to watch the vulnerable butterfly flutter by and realize its journey to a winter habitat thousand of kilometres away, like in the case of the Monarch. 

It is in the myriad impulse synapses of our emotions where lies this rapture that is 'awe.' 
While we can not move mountains, nor change the nature of our beast, while here, in the flesh, let those who are so motivated have their opportunity to express themselves. 

Thank you Lee White, Martin Steinson et all - for caring to make a difference. 


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