Sunday 12 October 2014

134. Happy Thanks-Giving to CORRUPTiON


Based on watching CBC news, discussing global affairs, I feel a need to respond.

"We know what we can do!" Someone says. "The future of Canada is in great hands," a Commercial affirms!" Then again, "The perpetrators may be the Police!" another headline goes.

Then there's the recent debate about the state of our 'Legal System,' discussing a 'Society of Equals' with our Judges, in a search for a genuine dialogue between disparates? It has been going on for millennia, and I say: "Sorry, just smelling the coffee won't be enough."    

With globally festering, unattended wounds, our species is imploding at an alarming rate! Like lemmings, we are running amok. From that perspective, all is rhetorical gobbledegook!"

Let's face it, 'CORRUPTION' is just another way of saying 'Survival of the Fittest!' Like protects like. It has been, and always shall be, the only true reality. Democracy, though noble with its intentions, is an outmoded myth. Like the disappearance of the Myan culture and various Chinese Dynasties, the fall of a decadent Rome, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, we too will come to pass.

Let the Oceans rise and consume our run-away species. We are clearly proving NOT to deserve to be here. Rapt in Awe, it is every man for himself, and the devil take the hindmost. How more cliche can it be?

So folks! "Buy now, while supplies last; operators are standing by to take your money!"

PS: The above is coming from a generally highly positive person! Only a miracle can save us.
DUH :> !

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