Friday 17 October 2014

135. FEUDALCRACY anyone?

VIEWS@ 9948

"We Need to Bring the SRL Phenomenon into Legal Education – But First, We Have to Bring Working with Clients into the Law School Curriculum

by nsrlp "

So states the heading of the latest email Posting by the nsrlp. I happily subscribe to the ardent and noble fervour with which the nsrlp suggests proceeding to introduce fundamental changes to the legal system, i.e. at the grass root level - the law students themselves! Are you listening profs?

My personal endeavour is focused towards the fundamentals of the system. My experience with those in the 'biz' of law, leads me to compare the 'BOOK' (i.e. its Rules and Regulations) to what is actually being allowed in practice.  

The 'WHY' is easier understood, when you study the nitty gritty details of the rhetoric that envelops the text. The either/ or Rules instills confusion. It promotes debate and looses context through 'argument.' 

Argument may befit a marital conflict, as to which parent is the more nurturing, hands-on partner; it has NO PLACE during the litigation of a contract, especially one that sets out clearly defined objectives, with dates attached and the para statement that both parties, upon signing, are "herewith legally bound." 

SIX YEARS in to the nightmare of what should have been a simple Court case's outcome, is the type of utter MADNESS and DISGRACE of misappropriation that MUST BE STOPPED AT ANY COST! This is clearly NOT the students' responsibility; these required changes lie at the heart of the system, with its creators! We, the people, must demand they be improved, IMMEDIATELY! 

With the increase of Case Law, the unaccountability of our top officials, and case manipulation by expensive Counsel, the legal system is becoming a self-serving farce of justice! As one USA lawyer I spoke with stated: "The courts are not about Justice, Jan."  
If then the concept of Democracy is a proven Myth, since it appears this 'Demo' has gone 'Crazy,' let us revisit the Concept and change the word by re-naming it - Feudalcracy.  

We will at least know who we are serving! 

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