Sunday 19 April 2015

184. The BIG Release (RU 4 IT, or AGIN IT?)


Well, to the day, April 14, 2008, EXACT-ly 7 years ago, I signed the fateful contract.  This past April 14th, I signed the all encompassing release, with its proviso I won't post any disparaging remarks about the clients, or else....:(>

"Hi Jan:

They have, I am told reluctantly, accepted the Release as attached. Please sign it and fax it to me as soon as possible. 

Ms. Alexander would like you to know, however, that should you publicize (i.e. on the internet) any disparaging remarks about her clients and/or their company, they could pursue a new legal action against you. That is, of course, correct, as is could, were it to happen, be a separate actionable wrong." 

As I replied, I have long outgrown the need to be 'disparaging.' Both my anger and bewilderment have gradually subsided.  After rigour mortis sets in, you come to a point when you need to pull away from the body subjective.  When all the parrying has been done; after the coffin has been lowered; dirt applied to cover the sins; all horror buried; there's need to stand back, assess, and ultimately understand the greater picture. If you don't, you'll go crazy.

The hardest fix is to come to the realization that all was a complete waste of time. The erroneous belief to have thought that such a grand and age-old institution is in fact a farce, a sham, a pretence of the highest order. That it has been, and continues to, lavish great damage upon the ordinary citizens, who are forced in to playing along; all under the guise of 'JUSTICE!' 

So you go for a walk; watch birds fly; observe eagles, desperate to catch the last fish. You re-assess your mankind, and face the fact he is not so pretty. You realize that lies are lived under the guise of 'Justice.' That Mr. Dress-Up is alive and shaping your existence, under your very nose!

Hey dude, I have no jurisdiction over what the other guy ordered you; he said that under the circumstances all questions are relevant. So stop asking questions; Stop being so nosy. Bloody well answer them, or we'll pulverize you!
These are the honourable pillars of our society - in costume, on their stage! De LAW is in dis HOUSE!  
Don't you GET IT? THAT's reality! 

This realization now gives me the shivers, and I find it utterly scary. 
Smart Meters, Monsanto, Bill C-51, ISIS is amongst us... invasion of our privacy?
WHAT privacy? WHAT democracy? Am I a terrorist for questioning?

Look inward and ask that question! DEAL with REALITY, or, be a pon, a slave; a slave to the ultimate pillars of your society. We are on a runaway train, and it is speeding down-hill exponentially. 
Are you for us? or agin us?


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