Friday 24 April 2015


VIEWS@ 12300

I will never stop admiring TIMING! The happenstance of ingredients, seemingly un-organized events, coalescing as if part of a larger concept.

Last night, listening to Rex Murphy on the CBC National, he spoke of the disappearance of 'Character' and 'Conscience.' I maintain our species is rapidly morphing. It is as if there is only so much 'Conscience' to go around.

It is, as if, with the exploding global population, man's emotions are becoming a luxury. Survival, which lies at the core of existence, is making its demands.
'Feelings,' as we so cherished, Human Feelings, we thought, set us apart from all other species (except of course the realization that a nursing, caring mother wildebeest, or such like, would show a certain concern for the protection of her offspring.)

But, ultimately, we, as humans, set ourselves apart from all other Nature. We had that something 'special,' the something, je ne sais quoi > 'Godly.'  

In the eighties we interpreted the 'ME' generation. Reconsider though, with today's 'Selfie,' those were still the cool days of 'ME.' But, in the West, we're still okay by expanding our Selves by bringing in a friend or two, or a celebrity, if we're lucky, and share in a 'Selfie' and High-Five. But be not fooled, the overall take is about ME! Me! The ME in the centre!

Looking outwards, Eastward, certain Selfies are covered, hooded, anonymous! They're on a rampage, up to no good, sowing mayhem wherever they can.

Looking inwards, right here, the stuff Rex Murphy speaks of, is full-face ME, the plain clothed 'Selfie.' The one smiling at you, embracing you at the party, while stabbing you, later, when the urge shows. When the party is over, I get my adrenalin kick from video wars; my blood and guts are virtual. Clothed in 'acceptance,' my guise is surreptitious, not in view > full-frontal. I smile by day, and kill at night.

So here's where I am going. They are the same, only the execution differs. And its commonality lies in the general drying up of the emotions.
Together with Character, and Conscience, Sympathy, Empathy, Sorrow, Pity, Sadness, Trust, Surprise, Joy, Shame, Love, Kindness, Friendship, Courage, Happiness, Wonder, Patience, Respect, Confusion, Hope, Awe, these are the more complex emotions that lead us to look outward and share the experience of life.

But! Only if we can afford them! When there is Fear, Anger, Disgust, and Envy it leads to the temperament of explosion with the need to destroy.

We are all hypocrites, to an extent. If we WANT Goodness, we must MAKE it, to BE it, from within.

"The Canadian armed forces are fighting to defend our democratic values." Are they really?
"Our Rules of Civil Procedure are there to serve our people's rights." Are they 'Civil'? Do we have 'Rights?' Are the Rules ruling? Are they in fact 'RULES?'
rule |ro͞olnounone of a set of explicit or understood regulations or principles governing conduct within a particular activity or sphere: the rules of the game were understood.• principle that operates within a particular sphere of knowledge, describing or prescribing what is possible or allowable: the rules of grammar.

Oh for the good old days of Trust, Honour, and a clear, affordable Conscience >:)
Bring on the clones...:((((>>>

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