Tuesday 12 May 2015

191. The 'PROTECTION' Racket > Smell their Coffee!


Through this amazing media tool, we are able to sojourn our thoughts with the click of a button. Wanna know something? Enter the phrase and GOD-gle willingly displays its biblical stored residue, regardless your position. This kind of 'equality' is both awesome and unheard of, until of late. Again, thanks to the allowers. (not a word > yet) Can we keep it this way? Or will the more powerful put a stop to it, when it is realized we have unleashed a beast; the beast called > the masses!  
Let's step back for a moment to assess our species more objectively. This will allow for a clearer understanding of why things work the way they do. Understanding that every living matter exists in its own conducive environment until supplies diminish for perpetuation, we must recognize that the more aware, anticipating possible shortage, will take measures to protect supplies. This is so, in all of Nature.
Mankind, superior only in its adaptability by cunning manipulation, for thousands of years has had its most fittest calculate, that, like a worker ant, by delegation to menial tasks, could control its sub-ordinates and fare better. This method of application continues insidiously, but can you blame them?
It is, after all, survival of the fittest! So, why complain about the most basic essence of life itself? Well, it is not that the throngs over the millennia have not complained; it's just that it has fallen on deaf ears:)> !  Here a bomb, there a bullet, hey, that's all there's to it. Eventually the naysayers accept, and drop out.
Take the club of Rome's early ideas of a 'Limit to Growth.'
"there is no other viable alternative to the future survival of mankind than a new global community under a single form of government."
All well and good all this, and the clear signs we are on a destined path towards self-destruction, this will not STOP what is in place > until mass destruction will deal with all of us. Until such time, the privileged will blindly perpetuate whatever is needed to maintain their status quo. That's just the nature of the beast. 
Can you you blame them? "NO," you'll answer, you just want 'some' of it too! 'Some' of their privileges, some of their money, some of their 'RIGHTS.' The 'rights' as they see them interpreted! And 'AYE' there's the rub! There's only SO much to go around, so it must be PROTECTED!
"A protection racket is a scheme where a person extorts money from a victim by suggesting that she needs “protection” from property damage or attacks. In exchange for money, the perpetrator promises to keep the victim safe, recover any stolen property, and collect reparations for damaged property. The person the victim needs protection from is usually the person running the scheme. If people refuse to pay up, they may experience harassment, property destruction, and other problems.
The origins of the protection racket are very old and this practice is particularly common in areas with high levels of organized crime. Usually, individual gangs or criminal groups stake out their own territory, expecting others to stay out of it. The engineer of the protection racket sends representatives around to a community to intimidate business owners, making it clear that they should pay for “protection” or suffer the consequences."
And so there are 'organized systems' in place everywhere. Well organized systems are run properly; they last, because they are proven. Controls are implemented clearly and upheld cleanly: Dress, posture, language, entree allowance, dues, all according to adhere to the rituals installed. Any trespassers will be duly reprimanded. To teach the lesson, not to meddle, or ask questions. DO as we tell you! And at times it will be severe!
They are most severe when the un-assumers imagine to interfere with its structure! That's where you and me, the lay-folk, come in. Our problem is that we foolishly misinterpret the objective. We take their text literally. We think their bible is our bible too. That their language is our language! Does it not state so?
WRONG! We are fooled, at all times! This process, "due process" it's called, in our case the 'legal' process, is all about being fooled. And It is in the process of being fooled that their gains are made, your monies taken, your misery accomplished. There can ever only be ONE winner, and it can not be YOU! or ME! For 'WE' are the fodder that feeds the machine, the pellets that burn their stove. They are the birds and we are their prey.
7 years in you say? And you haven't had enough? What kind of fool are you? 
All is Fair in Love and War. Since this is not Love, it must be War!   
   "Surely it is time for the law to be available to those it is meant to govern.”
(Quote from NSRLP)

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