Tuesday 26 April 2016

240. Corruption > Here to Stay > Our nifty "ASSET STRIPPERS"....


Below, another article from my good friend in Portugal. Also just in from him, an additional 'titbit' about just one such 'Smart' Guys...(at very bottom)

25 April,  2016

The Editor ,
The Portugal News ,
Apartado 13 ,
8401-901 Lagoa ,

Dear Editor ,

Re:  The Panama Papers

In January, OXFAM assessed a staggering global amount of USD7.6 trillion as having been  invested by corporations and individuals in off-shore centres. This represented close to USD 200 billion in annual unpaid tax.  

In April, the Suddeutsche Zeitung, a German provincial newspaper said to be controlled by the Goldman Sachs group, released a first tranche of eleven million files which had been stolen from the database of Mossack Fonseca, the world´s fourth largest offshore law firm.   The result was almost hysterical consternation and denial by twelve national leaders and  thousands of politicians and business people whose identities and wealth suddenly became public knowledge.

But  these names represented only a  small proportion, perhaps only 10% by value, of those who have invested through other law firms and financial advisors. And indeed there is the huge amount of wealth which has been concealed by the 62 families or consortiums ( OXFAM claims  this is equivalent to that of the 3.5billion poorest people on the planet) some of whom actually own the off-shore domains !

How many of the Forbes list of billionaires are included ?   Where are the names of the attendees of Bilderberg.    And when shall we see published the names of royalty and the political and business elite dynasties?  Most likely never.

The content of the Papers is not so much about tax evasion or the laundering of  criminal money.  They represent a key depiction of the massive corruption of our flickering democracy and the  intrusive power of the behemoths of globalised free traders and their bankers.   Tax havens merely reflect a reality that the mega-rich can move their gains at will to another domain in order to escape the rules and laws of where they operate and  to the detriment of the social services required by the citizens of those  countries.     In order to do this part of those gains is being  used to buy political influence like never before thus making  the crocodile´s tears of finance ministers and central bankers a cynical charade.

President Juncker of the EU was rightly criticised before he took office for being named in LuxLeaks as the principal architect of Luxembourg´s policy of enabling (mainly American) international corporations to operate in Europe at ridiculously low rates of taxation.   But he is only one of many of our governing elite who can no longer merit the trust of the electorate. 

We need  a drastic cleansing of our democratic system!


"I read this today after sending the Panama Papers letter.     Green is a ruthless  asset stripper who has deliberately driven companies to the wall after milking them dry of anything which will make money.   In this case his greed extended to depriving the employees of British Home Stores of more than £500 million from their pension fund.  Most of his ill gotten gains have gone into the name of his wife who is resident in the tax haven of Monaco."



With this new age of split-second global-villaged High-Tech communication, in which a starving poster child in an unforgiving, fly-sucking, parched-dessert environment, can text-message us his plight, can the ridiculously insane TRUTH of the reality of the dichotomy of our species be conveyed anymore succinctly? What to do, or NOT to do? That IS the question.

Are we at the cross-roads of a new-age make-over of our species? Or do we merely continue living the 'Winner-Take-All' farce of our ill-equilibriumed existence?  

Although we are most all complicit, and each has finite energy, collectively now, with the added powers of lights and camera, we can more easily DEMAND ACTION - TO FORCE IN THE REQUIRED CHANGE.

If not  NOW, it will be TOO LATE..........and BYE-BYE SPECIES.........
and YES that will include ALL THE WINNERS-TAKE ALL!

"Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah!"   

BTW: I have given up thinking I will ever receive ANYTHING further from my Glorious and Oh so JUST Legal folk in Victoria...  




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