Friday 18 October 2013

47. The Blind Leading the Blind!

After watching Robin Williams being 'interviewed' by Craig Ferguson the other night, observing how their overt sexually expressive behaviour is 'allowed' on TV these days (big brother TV execs in need of audience, likely ignoring their religious norms), it makes me wonder what this Google blog allows me to say, before they censure my text.  

I was going to head this posting: 'I'm Pissing Up a Rope!' This, after enough critique by individuals who stated: "Jan, you've got to get off your high horse!" All around me, advice is to desist. I repeat, I've  come to this stage, I might as well take it to its - potential - last glimmer of hope. It's like buying a lottery ticket, I am aware of it. And I am pessimistic, since the judge will be from the same jurisdiction, family; hence less likely to overturn.

So, at 74+, embroiled in the rhetoric of the system, having lived most of my life outside the BOX, it looks like I am at long last confronting big brother head on! My appeal, left to a single Judge's interpretation, will either resurrect the case, allowing its fair due process to trial, or with a defense's further 'aid' put the kibosh on it. Yip, such is our 'demo-crazy.'

I once told Telus, who are all about 'the future is friendly': "I'm not interested in the future. I live in the PRESENT, so HELLO... how about some service NOW! :) >.  Many other 'hooks' will try to con you with their "It's FREE; try it now! Our representatives are standing by!" Guess there's no seats on the premises? OR, "Get up to $10,000 off the price of your new Cadillac!"...." But, sorry, in your case its going to be $5.00, since you don't have this, that and the other..."

All is a grand tease; a ploy to catch our vulnerability. So as a former positive living entity, I am saddened to acknowledge the species is rapidly falling by the wayside.

This too will pass...

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