Tuesday 29 October 2013

50. Politics Leads - The Law Follows


With finger-pointing at the very office of Prime Minister Harper during the present political scandal concerning the deeply troubled Senate issues, it is no wonder lilliputians like myself easily fall by the wayside. Thanks, or blame, to Steve Jobs and Google to allow old farts like me their modicum of reflection on the state of this, our developed world.

'Politic' [Definition]
Adjective (of an action): seemingly sensible and judicious under the circumstances
Verb: engage in political activity: (politicking) often derogatory [related] 'sagacious' (adjective) - having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment; shrewd
'shrewd' (adjective) - having or showing sharp powers of judgment; astute (also: - mischievous; malicious)

The phrase "under the circumstances" will haunt me to my grave. My ordered transcript for the two most telling sessions contains my question to Master MacLeod during the definitive September 20, 2013, motion hearing: "Would you please explain the meaning of: "All questions are relevant under the circumstance." Master MacLeod's answer: "It's not the rule of the court to give you advice."

 I have plenty of indications where 'the court,' with its presiding officer, has indicated advice - freely. "You may appeal if you like, Mr. Steen; but I would advice you seek counsel."(The honourable Judge Justine Saunders).  Then again I have learned the hard way, it is the prerogative of the presiding 'ONE' in charge, to set the tone of the rules and regulations.
Call it politic, call it brute force, call it the idiosyncrasies of ingredients that arise from particular circumstances to combine by order to represent justice; just - ice Power!

If democracy does not allow a citizen to ask an officer the reason, or meaning of his actions; if the state's rules do not reflect the state's actions; then democracy speaks with a forked tongue.

Does  Mr. Harper, have to explain his actions? When the Master orders, citizen Steen may NOT question the 'circumstances.' Right, or wrong - abide, or else! 'That's Just the Way it Is!'

Led by politics, like a meek puppy, the Law follows. It's called: 'Democracy.'

So wake up, and smell the coffee already.

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