Thursday 5 January 2017

269. A New Year > A New Beginning?

2017! A new beginning of what will very likely be an earth-shattering and telling year for our so-called 'Democracies.' (Bring it on Donald! Sew your business seed!)

Having spent some 6 years actively interrogating our legal system and discovering it to be seriously corrupt without any legal accountability, based on an Appeal Judge supplying me with plenty of rhetoric as to why I was not entitled to an Appeal of my last claim's dismissal in which I held the Ministry of Justice responsible for a Justice's biased erring on a Rule. The Honourable Madam Justice Garson additionally included an 1870 Civil Service ruling of Judicial immunity, inherited through the common law of England (Yes folks, we all continue to be British subjects). "...judges have all the powers, rights, incidents, privileges and immunities ... that on March 29, 1870, were vested in the Chief Justice and the other Justices of the Court."  

There you have written proof that when push comes to shove, ultimately the Courts are ABOVE the Rule of Law. No wonder the 'FREE' Western world is being taken on by the turmoiled East.

It proves that most Democracies are corrupt at their core. Our so-called legal systems, titled 'Justice' Ministries, hypocritically reign over us while fully un-accountable for their actions.
On the surface there is a pretense of objectivity and fairness, purportedly based on the assessment of presented proof of fact, as it relates to a promised association with the Rules of Law.

However, in practice, especially when functioning as a Self-Representing Litigant, instead, the hierarchic establishment feels seriously threatened, making short shrift of the ever increasing numbers of SRL invaders by readily dismissing them, extracting them from any further nibbling at their sacred, well-protected domain.

BELOW is a BC Greens email I received a while back: 

"1) It is the purpose of the Party to advance the Party's Platform, Positions, Policy, Values and Basis of Unity, and to contribute to the welfare of Canada, Canadians and the community of life in Canada by:

Be it resolved that in Article 5, all references to the term “Principles” be replaced with the term “Values” and,
that Clause 5.2 be deleted.

Removal of Member who has Intentionally Damaged the Party

Bylaw 1.3 of the GPC Constitution: Resignation and Removal of Member be amended to add:

1.3.3 In accordance with 1.3.2 a member may be expelled, suspended, or otherwise disciplined for any conduct which (1) is contrary to the Members’ Code of Conduct, or (2) is contrary to this Constitution, or (3) is contrary to the principles and purpose of the Party, or (4) brings discredit to, or (5) intentionally damages the interests of the Party.
“I now lack confidence in Minister Polak to uphold the obligations outlined in her ministerial mandate letter. As such, I am calling for her to be replaced by a minister who will stand up for the people of B.C. and the water and environment that we all rely on.

As British Columbians who care about our communities, our only option has been to take matters into our own hands. It seems the only way to get the Ministry of Environment to do its job is by taking them to court.

Do you trust the government to look out for the safety of your community?
Andrew and I don’t, and we think something has to change at BC’s Ministry of Environment.

(Sonia Furstenau)

P.S. This is exactly why we don’t accept corporate donations at the BC Greens.When political parties owe their success to big money, they put corporations ahead of people."
 I say:
Our democracy is a living farce, rotten at its core! At the foundation of any political system functions its legal system. When it is dysfunctional (as I have now had a six year nightmare proving) NOTHING else falls in to place. Why should it? Everyone involved merely caters to the status quo, i.e. the 'Company Store.'  (If THEY can do it/ WE can do it)

If you, or we, want to make a scapegoat out of our Environment Minister (like Mr. Duffy, or Justice Camp)  NOTHING gets fixed! Our ROOT cause lies with our foundation (legal system) where, according to a Civil Rule created in 1870 in Ye Olde Engelande (yes we continue to all be Queen's subjects),  NO ONE IS ACCOUNTABLE FOR ANYTHING THEY DO IN THEIR DAILY DUTIES. .......Can you believe it? 

ERGO: If we really want 'change', THAT's where to start, in Ottawa, demanding/ insisting, on Major Reform in our so-called  'Justice' System. ....Until then, we are all living a LIE!   

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